meeting Yuri's aunt 😌/ Jimmy tries to leave 😰

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Authors note.
This audio is so cute everytime I listened to this it reminds me of Jimmy's eyes was shining I think it was episode 1-2 of ybc anyways Jimmys eyes looks so cute and I made this special chapter for Imghost 174 and I also got an idea from Imghost 174 I hope you like it ✨let's start this story
Yuri and Jimmy was sleeping in Yuris room but then sky opened the door panic that made Yuri and Jimmy jump with shock faces Yuri Sama there- oh my god! Sky said shock what is it you bastard what the hell are you doing in my room!! Yuri said furious h-huh w-whats w-wrong what happened? Jimmy said shock and confused of the situation I'm sorry Jimmy for waking you up yuri said to Jimmy concern it's alright Y-yuri k-kun Jimmy said to Yuri no it's not okay Jimmy Yuri said concern I'm okay Y-yuri k-kun let's just get dressed okay Jimmy said to Yuri while touching he's face alright Jimmy let's go get dressed Yuri said to Jimmy umm Yuri Sama sorry to ruin your fu- oh shut up you piece of shit you completely disturbed Jimmy's sleep Yuri said pist off at sky for barging in without knocking sky was scared and immediately took he's leave without saying another word y-yuri k-kun y-you didn't have to y-yell at s-sky k-kun Jimmy said to yuri concern I'm sorry Jimmy it's just that I don't like other people barging in and disturbing your sleep Yuri said to Jimmy with puppy eyes it's alright y-yuri k-kun I'm okay y- you d-dont h-have t- to keep worrying about me now l-lets get dressed okay Y-yuri k-kun Jimmy said to yuri okay Jimmy Yuri said Yuri and Jimmy got out of bed and began to get dressed Yuri and Jimmy headed in the bathroom together took a shower and brush there teeths and began to get dressed and went downstairs but when they got downstairs Yuri!! Yuri immediately recognise that voice oh no! It can't be could it it was Yuri's aunt y-yuri k-kun who is this Jimmy ask confused
Yuri pov.
Y-yuri k-kun who is this? Jimmy ask me confused oh my dear Yuri long time no see Jimmy this is my aunt Hannah gaku o- oh n-nice t-to m-meet y-you Mrs g-gaku oh who's this little cutie? I'm Toru Fujisaki b-but y-you c-can call m-me Jimmy Mrs gaku oh my dear you don't have to be so formal you can just call me Mrs Hannah o-okay Mrs H-hannah c-can I p-please be excused y-yuri k-kun of course Jimmy t-thank you b-bye oh Yuri you never told me about that boy? Hey aunt Hannah he's not just some boy he has a name- oh right it's Jimmy yes I never seen you like this? Like what? I mean defending someone aunt! I mean Jimmy so tell me about him okay aunt Hannah well where should I start? Hmm when did you two meet? H-huh oh come on tell your aunt well Jimmy actually stalks me at school and taking my stuff and going under my bed WHAT!!! aunt Hannah calm down! How can I calm down he's a cree- what did you say aunt i-i Yuri's aunt was shock to see Yuri's aura change listed to me bitch Hannah if you dare hurt Jimmy I'll kill you!!! Yuris aunt was scared yuri c-calm down I didn't mean to upset you it's just - it's just what Hannah Yuri I'm your aunt I don't give a shit now what was that that boy that your with is a creep he stalks you go under your bed and taking your stuff how dare you you bitch Yuri was angry and was about to slap he's own aunt but then-y-yuri k-kun Jimmy what are you doing here y- Yuri k-kun p-please d-dont hurt your aunt t-this is m-my f-fault i-i think i- should l-leave Jimmy immediately ran upstairs crying Jimmy wait now look what you've done aunt but Yuri maybe this is for the best I mean I can help you find a better man I don't want a better man I want Jimmy he's the only one I love him and now because of you he's going to leave Yuri ran upstairs after Jimmy Yuri's aunt was shock to see Yuri acting this way Yuri wait a minute were both not finished talking ugh sky dear what's wrong with Yuri why is he acting this way he never acts this way before why now I- I becouse Yuri Sama loves Jimmy Sama so much he's willing to sacrifice everything for him but why that boy? I don't know all the details Mrs gaku but Jimmy Sama is really sweet caring loving Jimmy Sama always takes extra good care of Yuri Sama and never I mean never leaving he's side Jimmy Sama loves Yuri Sama so very much oh my god what have I done i must apologize right away before it's to late Yuri's aunt felt guilty of what she did to Jimmy she immediately went upstairs to apologise.
Meanwhile in Yuri's room.
Yuri pov
I ran after Jimmy in my room I saw him getting he's things Jimmy please don't leave me please y-yuri k-kun I'm s-sorry b-but I-i j-just d-dont want to s-see p-people c-close to y-you get h- hurt b-becouse of m-me Jimmy said all this while crying no no it's not your fault Jimmy I should have told you please please don't leave me here alone!! Yuri said while crying Jimmy felt guilty and heartbroken while hearing these words out of Yuri he didn't want to leave Yuri but he just didn't want to see Yuri like this I'm sorry y-yuri k-kun but I have to leave Jimmy no!! Don't leave me please Yuri was crying meanwhile Yuri's aunt heard everything she couldn't believe it Yuri was actually crying beging she never seen Yuri like this she felt so guilty on what she said to Yuri about Jimmy earlier Jimmy was about to open the door when no Toru your not going anywhere h- huh b-but I thought I'm sorry Toru for saying all those bad thing about you I should have got to know you first I'm sorry I hope you can forgive me i-i of course Mrs H-hannah no call me aunt Hannah instead r-really yes your part of this family and I hope we can get to know each other better of course aunt Hannah Jimmy was so happy that he hugged Yuri's aunt Yuri's aunt hugged back Jimmy immediately went to Yuri and got on the floor with tears in he's eyes he hugged Yuri tight j-jimmy t-those that mean your not going to - hmp Jimmy cut Yuri off by kissing him yes y-yuri k-kun I'm s-staying really Yuri was so happy that he hugged Jimmy even tighter and started kissing he's soft lips they both were in tears Yuri's aunt heart was melting with happyness becouse she had never seen Yuri this happy before
Authors note.
Okay my dear readers this chapter might be short but I hope you like it 😌💝

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