🤔Yuri's anger issue 🤔/ Yuri's jealous🤔/ feeling 😳

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Authors note.
Hey there my dear readers I got this suggestion from WeEbMmMmMmMmMmMmMmH.  and I also add some things I hope you like it 😉 let's start this story.
Two weeks had past ever since Yuri's aunt came and Jimmy was trying to leave lately Yuri has been having a bit of an anger issue he's been angry for no reason sky just dropped a pencil and Yuri screamed at sky sky was literally confused but ignored it then Hinata was 2 minutes late cooking dinner Yuri was furious at her Hinata was scared and shock at Yuri's actions but didn't bother to ask because she didn't want to make Yuri even pist ass he already is it was lunch time at Yuri's mansion Yuri just returned home from he's company as the CEO and was extra pist HINATA!!! Yuri called in rage yes Yuri Sama what's wrong? Hinata said completely confused on what she did wrong what the hell have you been doing all day? Yuri said angry what do you mean Yuri Sama? I've been cleaning the mansion? Hinata said scared and confused hmm clean clean is this what you call clean there's still some dust on the floor! Yuri shouted at Hinata Hinata immediately apologies i-i I'm s-sorry Yuri sama- oh shut up Yuri said. Hinata immediately shut her self up before things can get any worse. Yuri  went upstairs pist as shit.
Jimmy pov.
Yuri kun came upstairs mad at something or someone y-yuri k-kun what's wrong? Huh it's nothing Jimmy! There's clearly something wrong but what? Y-yuri k-kun please t-tell m-me wh-what happened I'm worried? I said it's nothing get out!! Jimmy was shock because Yuri yelled at him for no reason o-okay y-yuri k-kun I'll g-get out! Jimmy obeyed Yuri and got out of he's room Yuri immediately realized what he did to Jimmy and tried to stop him but Jimmy just left Yuri felt guilty that he yelled at Jimmy for no reason why did Yuri kun yell at me all I did was ask him what was wrong did I do something wrong? That made him mad. Is it my fault? I think it's best for me to give Yuri kun some space I don't want him to get mad at anyone anymore that means I have to stop laying next to him in bed and stop having dinner with him even if I don't want too but I have to do it.
Yuri pov.
Ugh what's wrong with me why did I get mad at my servants for no reason and why did I yell at Jimmy all he ask what was wrong with me? And what did I say I get out! What the hell Yuri Ayato what's wrong with you? Why would you yell at Jimmy like that he never even did anything wrong? Yuri took out he's phone and called he's aunt hello Yuri what's wrong? Aunt Hannah can you come over? Huh why? Please aunt I need to tell you something okay Yuri I'm on my way bye what the hells wrong with me?
Time skip in the living room.
Sky pov.
What's wrong with Jimmy Sama why is he crying Jimmy Sama what's wrong with you did something happen? H-huh oh h-hey sky k-kun there's nothing wrong why? Jimmy Sama I saw you crying please tell me what's wrong? It's j-just y-yuri k-kun y-yelled at me for no reason! Did I-i d-do something wrong? No-no of course not Jimmy Sama you never did anything wrong. And your not the only one that Yuri Sama yelled at today h-huh what d-do y-you m-mean sky k-kun? He actually yelled at us for no reason but we chose to understand. R-really yes Jimmy Sama now how about me and you go out for a walk. H-huh are y-you s-sure yes Jimmy Sama now come on o-okay l-lets go.
Sky and Jimmy decided to go on a walk and Jimmy at first didn't want to leave Yuri but he remembered that Yuri was stressed and Jimmy also wanted to give him some alone time so he agreed and told Hinata that he was going out with sky for a bit Hinata noded and said to be careful Jimmy and sky noded and said goodbye to Hinata meanwhile Yuri's aunt came to the mansion and immediately went upstairs to Yuri
Yuri pov.
I saw aunt Hannah came in Yuri I'm here what happened? Aunt Hannah what's wrong with me? Huh what do you mean Yuri? I mean I yelled at my servants for no reason and before I yelled at Jimmy for only asking me what was wrong with me and my answer was get out! HUH!! Yuri you idiot why would you yell at Toru like that? I don't know *sigh* hmm maybe your just stress because you've been doing company work 24/7 with no sleep? Maybe that's why? Huh aunt I mean I have been doing company work with no sleep maybe your right. Thanks aunt Hannah anytime Yuri now I think you own someone an apology? Okay aunt Hannah. Yuri and Yuri's aunt went downstairs hoping to find Jimmy but Jimmy wasn't downstairs Hinata where's Jimmy? Oh hey Yuri Sama Mrs gaku Sama Jimmy Sama went out with sky for a walk what?! Why didn't you tell me? What time will they be back? They didn't say.
Yuri was angry that Jimmy didn't tell him that he was going out Yuri's aunt noticed Yuri's sudden change Yuri dear calm down Yuri's aunt said Yuri just ignored it and went upstairs pist
Time skip in the evening
Jimmy pov.
Sky k-kun yes Jimmy Sama umm c-can w-we m-maybe s-stop at the bakery huh please sky! Okay Jimmy Sama let's go wow so many bread h-huh w-whats w-wrong sky k-kun? Huh it's nothing Jimmy Sama oh c-come on first it was y-yuri k-kun now you tell me please it's just that I've never seen a bakery before! WHAT!! R-really!! Yes we'll do you want anything sky k-kun? No I can't possibly go on pick I'll buy it for you! Huh there's no need Jimmy Sama umm excuse me one chocolate filled b-bread thank you here sky k-kun try it p-please but Jimmy Sama? G-go on t-try it okay Jimmy Sama wow delicious s-see I told you so sky k-kun oh umm excuse me four hot cheese buns please thank you umm Jimmy Sama who's that for? H-huh it's f-for y-yuri k-kun he's been stressed lately so I-I decided to buy him some food sweet sky thought suddenly
Sky pov
Jimmy Sama is so sweet- wait what I'm I saying he's inlove with Yuri Sama but I can't seem to take my eyes off him sky k-kun what's wrong? Huh it's nothing it's just maybe we should get Yuri Sama a cute sweater? Y-yeah t-thats a good Idea sky k-kun yeah come on Jimmy Sama let's go yeah c-come on ugh what the hell wrong with me why is my heart beating like this and why is it everytime I see Jimmy Sama sad I my heart aches what wrong with me? Sky thought to himself meanwhile sky and Jimmy arrived at the sweater shop Jimmy immediately saw a cute pink sweater perfect for Yuri he immediately tried to grab it but then Jimmy accidentally tripped over sky saw and immediately catch Jimmy sky's heart was beating like crazy he could understand these feelings  Jimmy Sama looks so cute why is my heart beating like crazy I only catch him and yet what's wrong with me? Umm sky k-kun a-arigato *bum"bum*bum* sky saw Jimmy's smile and he couldn't help but blush umm sky k-kun are y-you alright? H-huh yes of course Jimmy Sama let's go it's getting late. Oh okay let m- me j-just pay this okay Jimmy payed for the sweater and went back home to Yuri
Meanwhile at the mansion.
Yuri pov
What the hell what's taking that bastard sky so long how's Jimmy I swear if sky dares to do it with my Jimmy I will kill him! Yuri dear calm down calm down calm down you want me to calm down! How can I calm down when Jimmy is with sky bitch!! Wait a minute Yuri are you jealous? H- huh no way I would never get jealous. Oh really? Yes! Yeah whatever you say dear Yuri! I said I'm not jealous aunt Hannah!! Okay okay sorry!
Time skip at the mansion
Jimmy and sky finally returned at the Mansion Jimmy was about to open the gate but before he could sky grab Jimmys hand huh sky k-kun wha-whats wrong? Jimmy said to sky thank you Jimmy sky said huh f-for wh-what s-sky k-kun? Jimmy said confused for buying me the bread sky said embarrassed y-your w-welcome sky k-kun Jimmy said smiling okay Jimmy Sama let's go in shall we sky said to Jimmy y-yeah I h-hope y-yuri k-kun will like these Jimmy thought to himself but when Jimmy and sky entered the mansion Yuri was worried sick
Yuri pov.
I saw Jimmy and bitch sky together oh I was mad but I was also worried about Jimmy I immediately rush over to Jimmy and hugged him y-yuri k-kun wh-whats wrong? I was so worried about you Jimmy why did you leave without telling me? B-becouse y-you were m-mad so I decided to g-give y-you s-some alone t-time I'm sorry Jimmy I didn't mean to yell at you it's just I was so stress I hadn't had enough sleep during these past few days I'm really sorry oh no t-this is m-my f-fault what no-no never umm excuse me Yuri dear i-i s-sorry aunt H-hannah I didn't notice you t-there it's alright Toru I'm just glad you're safe t-thank you your welcome Toru and I'm glad that you're home because Yuri dear here has been- aunt Hannah wh-what happened y-yuri k-kun? Huh it's nothing don't worry come on Jimmy let's go in my room o-okay y-yuri k-kun b-bye aunt Hannah bye Toru
Well well looks like Yuri has been quiet jealous huh what was that Mrs gaku huh nothing now I must go bye.
In Yuri's room.
Jimmy pov.
Y-yuri k-kun are y-you alright? Jimmy why did you leave without telling me? I-i just wanted you t-to g-get some alone t-time don't ever do that again I was scared that I lost you please Jimmy never leave me again Yuri said while hugging Jimmy crying I'm s-sorry Y-yuri k-kun but I went out and got y-you something huh what is it Jimmy? Jimmy gave Yuri a bag Yuri immediately opened it and saw four pieces of hot cheese buns and a cute pink sweater huh is this for me? Y-yes d-do y-you l-like it? Yuri grab Jimmy and push him on the bed h-huh wh-whats w-wrong y-yuri k-kun? I don't want anything all I want is you Jimmy that's more then enough. R-really yes so don't ever scare me again okay Y-yuri k-kun I'm s-sorry it's alright Jimmy I love you i-i l-love y-you too y-yuri k-kun Yuri layed on top of Jimmy and hugged him and they both cuddled through the night
Authors note.
AHH finally I hope you guys like it and I'm sorry for the late update its just it's my grandfather's birthday today he just turned 61years old today ✨✨✨💝💝 I love you all so very much ✨✨💝💝

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