Jimmy awake

154 4 85

Authors note.
Hooray I finally figured out what to put on this chapter (◠‿◕) I took me all afternoon just to decide but finally hooray🎉🎉 hahaha let's start this story 😉
Yuri was stabbing the doctor in the stomach over and over again making the doctor vomit blood finally Yuri had enough and decided to stop Yuri ask some of he's guard to stay and torture the bitch doctor till he dies the guards obeyed and stayed behind meanwhile Yuri got out of the torture chamber and into he's car on the way home to Jimmy.
Meanwhile in the mansion
The servants in the mansion felt guilty because they hurt Jimmy they wanted to go up into Yuri's room but they knew the second they step in Yuri's territory and anywhere near Jimmy they will all get killed the only person that is allowed to get in Yuri's room is Hinata because Jimmy trusts her the most and Hinata was the first one to ever talk to Jimmy Hinata was heading up to Yuri's room with a cool bucket of water when Hinata Chan when Damian called yes Damian what is it? Hinata ask well I was wondering if you would let me see Jimmy Sama? Damian ask Hinata with a sad look absolutely not Hinata said to Damian what why? Damian ask Hinata becouse Yuri Sama doesn't want any of you near Jimmy Sama and since when did you care? Hinata said angry i-i I just- oh shut up Hinata cut Damian off Hinata went to Yuri's room to check on Jimmy Hinata slowly approach Jimmy and dip the towel in the water and rinse the water out and put it on Jimmys forehead and Hinata got a thermometer to check on Jimmys temperature Jimmy's temperature was going down Hinata immediately contacted Yuri to tell him about the good news hello Hinata is something wrong with Jimmy? Yuri ask Hinata Yuri Sama you must come home immediately! Hinata said in a happy tone huh why? Yuri ask Hinata it's Jimmy Sama he's temperature has gone down!! Hinata said so excited WHAT!!! Really!! Yuri literally screamed through the phone. Yes really Hinata said happy I'm on my way home!! Yuri said and immediately hang up he's phone. Meanwhile Hinata was happy that Yuri was happy Yuri Sama is truly lucky to have you Jimmy sama that's what Hinata thought
Meanwhile at Yuri's car
Yuri .
Hooray finally Jimmy's temperature has gone down hooray!!! Yuri was so excited that he didn't even care that he was screaming inside he's car y-yuri Sama c- can y- you p- please stop screaming iruma said why don't you shut your crap Yuri said in a sudden change of mood yes sir understood iruma said scared speed it up will ya I wanna see my Jimmy asap that's an order Yuri said in a serious tone yes Yuri Sama right away iruma immediately obeyed Yuri's orders and speeds up
Time skip at Yuri's mansion.
Yuri finally arrived at he's mansion and immediately got in without even saying hello to he's servants and ran upstairs to Jimmy he immediately open the door and went to Jimmy Yuri Sama I will be taking my leave now is there anything you need? Hinata ask Yuri no thank you Hinata Yuri said oh okay Hinata said Hinata Yuri called yes Yuri Sama Hinata said thank you Yuri said to Hinata it's nothing Yuri Sama now I'll be taking my leave bye Yuri Sama Hinata said excited meanwhile back to Yuri and Jimmy Jimmy wake up I miss you please wake up Jimmy my days hasn't been the same ever since you were in a coma Yuri said almost tearing up but then hmmm ugh w- what h- happen? Yuri heard Jimmy's voice Jimmy was finally awake Jimmy your finally awake I've missed you so much don't ever leave me like that again Yuri said totally crying y- yuri k- kun I'm s-sorry for s-scaring y- you l- like t- that Jimmy said hugging Yuri back and crying it's alright Jimmy as long as your awake Yuri was so happy that he didn't want to release Jimmy at all ever since Jimmy's been in a coma Yuri hasn't eaten slept or even go to the company and everytime he sees Jimmy he's heart keeps on braking becouse all he ever saw of Jimmy is laying on he's bed lifeless fever so high it has been three days since Jimmy has been in a coma oh how Yuri hated it it was like hell for Yuri not being able to hug or kiss he's lover Yuri had to put up with hell he missed Jimmy so much and now finally finally Jimmy is awake and into Yuri's warm embrace
Authors note.
Ahhh yes yes yes hooray our baby Jimmy is finally awake hooray 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉✨✨✨✨✨✨ I'm so happy hooray 🎉🎉🎉✨✨🎉🎉 I hope you guys are happy just like I am hooray ✨✨✨🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

Fujiyuri Yuri X FujisakiTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon