Jimmys sadness

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Authors note.
Hi I'm back my dear readers sorry I took so long yesterday there was a thunderstorm so I couldn't update my chapter because there was no internet this chapter might be short or long I don't know but I'll write untill my hands fall off or at least pass out just kidding 🤣 anyway let's start this story
It has been two weeks since Yuri's anger issues he doesn't know how to manage he's anger he usually gets angry at he's servants and he's own aunt but everytime Jimmys there Yuri doesn't dare show he's anger at Jimmy mainly because he's jealous of sky and doesn't want Jimmy to go out with him and because he doesn't want Jimmy to worry about him for the past two weeks everything has been smooth Yuri and Jimmy was finally back at Mori Mori academy Yuri wanted Jimmy to come with him to all he's classes but Jimmy refused Yuri Yuri was confused on why? But remembered that Jimmy didn't like to attract to much attention to himself and Yuri also thought of the consciousness if Jimmy joined him on all he's classes at Mori Mori academy it's possible that boys from other classes or clubs might kidnapped Jimmy or try to rape him or have SEX with him Yuri didn't want that to happen because Jimmy was only he's and he's alone Yuri agreed on Jimmy not wanting to join he's classes Jimmy thanks yuri Jimmy was about to leave but Jimmy gave Yuri a kiss on the cheek making Yuri blush through he's darksunglasses Jimmy headed to he's class and Yuri decided to go to the photography club.
Yuri pov.
I said goodbye to Jimmy I love Jimmy so much I was heading to the photography club and opened the door happily I saw Akemi shikanai yacchan tono kashima itome everyone was there accept Tamura bitch who was by the way still in the torture chamber oh my fuck Yuri where have you been?! Akemi said to me I've been with Jimmy oh my fuck Yuri why the hell didn't you tell us Akemi said to me that's none of your business Akemi ugh whatever you and your stalker has been acting strange akemi said whatever now what did I miss? Umm Yuri senpai huh what's wrong tono umm where's Tamura kun? Yeah where is he Yuri Akemi said oh that I told him to take a day off from school hmmm are you sure yes Akemi hmm okay okay let's get down to business shall we yacchan buds in yeah know let's look for virginity. Itome said
Time skip;
Jimmy pov
I was in class sitting alone as usual all of my classmates looked at me with discussed eyes I just pretend not to notice them and turned my head to the teacher paying attention to he's lessons I was writing down some notes for an assignment that the teacher gave us but then one of the boys came up to me and purposely spilled water on my notes oops sorry it was just an accident Its o-okay i-i d-dont m-mind I gave the boy a smile and started to write down again the boy who spilled water on my notes left I knew he was pist at me but I'm pretty much use to it okay class the teacher called have you guys already finished everything that I've written on the board? Sir yes yes sir umm e-ecused m-me t-teacher i-i haven't f-finish y-yet Toru Fujisaki I'm sorry but my class Is over you should have payed attention to my class or at least write some notes i-i d-did t-teacher b-but- that's enough Toru Fujisaki I don't want to hear it you've been nothing but trouble b-but- teacher Toru hurt me h-huh it's that boy who spilled water on my notes you did what Toru Fujisaki how dare you Hurt your classmate b-but I didn't d-do anything. That's enough your nothing but trouble detention o-okay I went out of the class everyone laughing at me with joy my heart broke just hearing them laugh at me I wanted to break down in tears but I tried my best to hide it I went to the principals office holding back my tears I went in the principals office completely ignoring the principal and sat down on the chair and grab my books and started to read oh Toru sorry I didn't notice you there oh h-hey Mr principal what's happened why are you in detention? I-i it's n-nothing Toru Fujisaki y- yes Mr principal? Tell me what happened? I-i I can't I'm s-sorry Mr principal *sigh* fine I guess I can't force you but whatever you did you will have to get two weeks of detention I-i understood Mr principal.
Time skip at the club.
Yuri and the yaribu club members were having sex to some random strangers Yuri the sex machine kept on having sex but felt strangely uncomfortable he felt like he was betraying someone and that someone was Jimmy he's one and only while he was having sex all he could think of was he's dear Jimmy the one person he holds most dear to him Yuri immediately push the stranger away and put on he's clothes underwear pants and left the club without saying anything meanwhile all the club members were left incomplete shock to see Yuri the sex machine not wanting to have sex.
Yuri pov.
I push the stranger away from me and put on my clothes and underwear pants while I was having sex with that guy in yaribu my heart felt guilty of doing this I felt like I was betraying someone I hold most dear and that someone was Jimmy I know Jimmy accepts me for who I am in side and outside every part of me he accepted even if I kept on having sex with guys in yaribu he still loved me and I love him but then I saw Jimmy was exiting the principals office I got a little corious so I followed him until we both reach the rooftop I saw Jimmy fell to the ground breaking down into tears I immediately went up to him Jimmy what's wrong? H-huh y-yuri k-kun what are y-you doing here? I saw you come out of the principals office did something happen? H- huh i-i it's nothing y-yuri k-kun r-really what do you mean it's nothing Jimmy I literally saw you breakdown into tears h-huh o-oh t-that I g-got s-something in my eyes that's why I was c-crying Yuri was furious and grab Jimmys hand and dragged him to he's dorm agg y-yuri k-kun w-where are we g-going? Yuri was finally at he's dorm and thrown Jimmy on the bed and pinned against the wall y-yuri k-kun y-your s-scaring m-me l-let m-me g-go please not until you tell me what happened today why were you in the principals office? What happened Jimmy tell me now!! Y-yuri k-kun i-i I'm s-scared s-stop p-please I'm b-beging you Y-yuri k-kun Yuri saw how Jimmys face change to shock scared and was literally crying Yuri felt guilty and heart broken Yuri immediately apologize to Jimmy Jimmy I'm sorry please don't cry I didn't mean to do that to you please just tell me what happened I'm so worried about you Jimmy that's the point y-yuri k-kun y-you always worry a-about me and I'm always a-a burden t-to you I don't know why y-you choose m-me to b-be with you Y-yuri k-kun I'm nothing but trouble and I stalk you doesn't that even bother you? Y-yuri k-kun answer me b-becouse I'm tired on always being a burden to you! Why d-do y-you always care for me what's the point? Answer me y-yuri k-kun please!! Yuri was shock and heart broken to hear these hurtful words come out of Jimmys mouth Jimmy listed to me you are never a burden to me I love you why do you love me y-yuri k-kun? Becouse you are sweet kind b-but I'm y-your stalker doesn't that bother you? No no I love when you stalk me and I don't ever want that to change Jimmy immediately hugged Yuri crying sobbing like hell and kept on saying sorry y-yuri k-kun I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm a freak no no you are not a freak you are mine and only mine I choose you becouse I loved you and because I'm lucky that I've met someone like you Y-yuri k-kun Jimmy don't cry please tell me what happened? I-i it's okay Jimmy I'm always here for you please tell me w-well while I was in c-class t-taking n-notes and one of my classmates spilled water all over m-my n- notes and then my teacher scolded me and my classmate hurt himself by creating a scar on he's right eye and saying I was the one who did it that's w-why I was sent to detention. WHAT how dare- y-yuri k-kun i-i can't take it anymore I wanna d-die i- I c-cant d-do this anymore what's the point y-yuri k-kun shh shh don't worry Jimmy I'll protect you from now on I swear I love you so much Jimmy I can't live without you I love you Jimmy i-i love y-you too y-yuri k-kun
Authors note
Hey there my dear readers I hope you guys like it I'm sorry this took so long 👑👑🙏🙏

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