Ashley gets fired

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Authors note.
Hey there my dear readers I'm sorry that I haven't been updating recently it's because my dog has gone missing and I felt worried and sad but now thank goodness I finally found my dog I'm so happy and I would love like to give a special thanks to WeEbMmMmMmMmMmMm &lmghost 174 for being here for me thank you it really means a lot to me ✨✨🙂🙂🙂 now let's start the story 🙂
Yuri was super mad at all he's servants for beating up he's Jimmy no amount of sorry can make Yuri calm down or even make him forgive them all for what they did to Jimmy y-yuri s-sama please s-stop Yuki said in grave pain stop stop you want me to stop aww but I'm having fun playing ahaha b- but y- yuri s- Sama it h- hurts Damian said huh it hurts aww I don't give a shit if you're all in fucking pain this is your punishment for hurting my Jimmy y- Yuri s-sama p-please s-stop liebe beged for mercy but Yuri was furious shut the fuck up liebe you fucking piece of shit!! Yuri said furious I gave you an fucking order to never I mean never touch or hurt Jimmy and to treat him better but you all disobeyed me! Yuri said angry while giving them all a death glare through he's darksunglasses!! All the servants froze in fear y-yuri s- Sama it wasn't us who did it it was Hinata she forced us into hurting j- Jimmy Sama Ashley said lying that's not true yuri heard a familiar voice they all looked up it was none other than Jimmy.
A few hours before it happened
Jimmy was still in Yuri's room crying because of what happened before w-why d-do t-they h- hate m- me maybe because I'm to wierd and I'm a stalker and I'm not right for Yuri kun at least that's what Jimmy thought while crying but then Jimmy heard screaming Jimmy immediately got out of Yuri's bed and was headed downstairs but he immediately stops to hear the conversation he made sure not to be notice by anyone y-yuri s-sama s-stop Jimmy heard Yuki said in grave pain aww you want me to stop playing ahaha Jimmy heard Yuri say in anger b-but y-yuri s-sama it h- hurts Jimmy heard Damian say In pain huh it hurts aww I don't give a shit that you're all in fucking pain this is your punishment for hurting my Jimmy Jimmy heard Yuri said in anger y-yuri s-sama p- please s-stop Jimmy heard liebe beged for mercy shut the fuck up liebe you fucking piece of shit! Jimmy was shock to Hear that from Yuri I gave you an fucking order to never I mean never touch or hurt Jimmy and to treat him better but you all disobeyed me! That was the most shocking moment for Jimmy he never thought that Yuri would love him this much that he's willing to beat he's most trusted servants Jimmy's heart was beating fast he felt so happy but also felt bad at the same time Jimmy was feeling Very guilty because he felt like it was all he's fault that all of this happened he didn't want to see all the servants get hurt but then- y- yuri s-sama it wasn't us who did it it was Hinata she forced us into hurting j- Jimmy s-sama Jimmy heard this that made he's whole body boil with anger he immediately went down and said that's not true! Jimmy said everyone was clearly shock to hear Jimmy's voice that they all looked at him in complete shock.
Yuri pov
That's not true! I heard a familiar voice coming from the stairs I looked up and saw Jimmy y- Yuri k-kun s-sorry f-for the interruption my Jimmy said to me it's okay Jimmy how long were you listening? I ask i-i w-was l-listening t- to the whole thing a minute ago. Oh shit! Yuri thought I'm sorry Jimmy that you had to hear that and see that I said to Jimmy it's a-alright- y-yuri k- kun meanwhile Ashley was clearly jealous and all of the servants were in shock because Yuri mood change to anger into concern and care. Yuri Sama why aren't you mad at him for listening to this? Bitch Ashley said oh I was angry I was about to slap her when Jimmy went up to Ashley and slapped her hard what the hell! Ashley said shock I saw Jimmy boiling with anger I was about to calm him down but- y- Yuri k-kun I'm sorry b- but c-can- i-i handle her p-please my Jimmy said to me are you sure I ask him yes he said okay I agreed how dare you try to get Hinata punish my Jimmy said to bitch Ashley while slapping her listed here you bitch if you dare get Hinata punish I will hunt you until you die to death all my servants looked scared and shock I was shock and scared of my Jimmy I never knew he would get this mad Jimmy was boiling with anger that he was about to slap Ashley again but Yuri immediately hugged Jimmy from behind making him calm down s-sorry Y-yuri k-kun I didn't m-mean t-to h- hurt her v- but- shh I know I know I cut my Jimmy off I love you Jimmy i-i l-love y-you too y-yuri k-kun meanwhile all the servants were in complete shock and froze they couldn't even say a word to Yuri and jimmys sudden change Jimmy why don't you rest a bit I said to my Jimmy I will handle her o-okay y-yuri k-kun Jimmy went to the sofa and to sit down Yuri eyes shines with tenderness through he's darksunglasses he loves Jimmy he would never let anyone hurt him especially he's survants now Ashley my dear your fucking fired get out of my mansion before I make you I said in her bitchy face y-yuri s-sama please don't fire Me please Ashley beged me is it because of that ugly stalker boy she said In my face how dare you I gave her a hard punch on her face AHH she screamed but I couldn't give a shit don't you ever say that about my Jimmy b-but Yuri sama- i-i like you!! Ashley said in my face ahaha I just laugh I don't I hate you I would never fall for a bitch like you now get out of my face you bitch Yuri kick Ashley in the pussy making her scream ahh Jimmy heard this and immediately got up from the sofa to stop Yuri from going any further y- Yuri k-kun s-stop please I saw my Jimmy crying I immediately stop and went up to my Jimmy wiping he's tears away Jimmy don't cry I said to him b- but d-dont h- hurt t-them please my Jimmy beged me I immediately agreed and stop o- okay Jimmy I'll stop but don't cry I said concern r-really yes really I would do anything for you Jimmy I love you I l- love y-you t-too y-yuri k-kun all the servants were droling in shock Yuri went up to all the servants and said your all lucky that my Jimmy is here if not I would have killed you all now if you try to hurt Jimmy again I'll kill you with no mercy got it y- yes Yuri Sama.
Authors note.
Hey there my dear readers and followers I've missed you I hope you guys like it it might be short but I'll be posting the next chapter soon I love you all ❤️❤️✨✨

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