The First Day

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I wake up feeling good for the first time in a long time. I feel good and I'm just going to go with it. Everyone has been worried about how I am and I am going to say "Thanks, I'm fine." I got up and got ready for school...quicker then usual. Aunt Jenna says "Bye" as I leave the house. When I get to school I see him glancing at me. All I can think about are his super cute hazel/ green eyes. I attempt to approach him but suddenly realize the time. "Oh my god, I need to go to history class!" I race to room 203. When I finally reach the classroom I realize that he is there, right behind me. I stare at him, until he stares back at me and I turn around smiling. After history, school went on. As I walk home, he is still in my mind. It's as if he is ironed into my mind. I enter the house, I check up into Jeremy's room and see something that I knew would come one day. There lies crushed pieces of drugs. He'd been dealing ever since our parents died. As I settle into my room I realize that I must've said "Thanks, I'm fine." at least 32 times. It's time for dinner and I'm already tired. I eat dinner and then go back up into my room. I see something strange, though it's a blur I can make it out to be a crow. "How strange," I think to myself. When I hop into bed I'm for once excited for the next day. I will be wide awake because I know that I will see him again.

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