Six Months

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A/N: Sorry I haven't posted in so long!!! Please don't hate me!😁😁😁

Stefan's POV

We've been through a whole damn lot for 17 year old vampires. Crazy love, vampires, originals, and now cancer. She has six months and I'm determined to make it the best. I love her. I really do.

"Stefan?" I hear Elena say. I fell into a light sleep after the news. She seems fine, but very tired.

"Elena... are you okay?" I say concerned. Does she know about what happened? I stared at her beautiful brown eyes.

"Stefan, I heard the news. I was conscious the whole time. I know that I have stage 5 Thyroid cancer and I have six months till I pass. And you know what?"

"What?" I said smiling because she seems normal again. Rambling on as always. I don't find it annoying, I find it adorable.

"I'm fine with it. I had an amazing life with you. We met and we talked. We made memories that will last a lifetime. I think that I have served my time in this world. Who knows? Maybe this is the world telling me that it is my time to go. And if so, I agree with it." she states finally. I think she's been up for a while. She seems fine, but Meredith warned me about something. She said that she would be normal the first month or so, then it'll really start feeling like cancer.

Meredith allowed me to take her home since she seemed fine. So, I took her home, my home. I carried her bridal style up the stairs and gently put her down in the bed. She got tired very quickly. After I thought she was some what asleep, I started singing. It's kind of embarrassing.

"Little do you know, I know you're hurting while I'm sound asleep.

Little do you know all my mistakes are slowly drowning me.

Little do you know I'm trying to make it better piece by piece." as I was going to continue, Elena suddenly did it for me in her beautiful voice.

"Little do you know I, love you till the sun dies..." she turned around and right when she did, I put my lips against hers. She kissed right back. Oh how I missed her soft lips.

" I love you, Stefan Salvatore." she whispered and fell sound asleep.

A/N: Do you like or nah?? Please tell me in the comment section! So, so, so sorry I was VERY LATE on publishing this! Very short SORRY! Btw, if you want to hear the actual song I wrote it in the comment section!
Love you all❤


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