You Can't Leave Me

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A/N: Above is a video of an awesome guy playing Gravity as a Stelena tribute on the violin! ( update: had to delete video because the guy deleted it from youtube!)

Stefan's POV

She hasn't woken up yet. It's unusual because she wakes earlier than me. She must be tired.

I walk into the kitchen and start making Elena some bacon and eggs.

It's been a while now and she hasn't moved. I'm starting to worry about her...

"Elena." I say in a normal tone.
"Elena..." I slowly raise my voice.
"Elena!" I yell. She doesn't budge. I walk closer to her and place my ear on her chest to hear her heartbeat.

It's beating really abnormally slow! No! No! No! She can't leave! Not today! Not now!

I pick her up bridal style and speed as fast as possible to the emergency room and find Meredith.

"Meredith! Something is wrong! Today is the day! Fix her!" I yell as I lay Lena down on the hospital bed.

"Stefan! Calm down! I will do whatever I can." Meredith say in determination.

She wheels Elena out and brings her into a different room. She tells me to stay put.

It has been two hours since Meredith left with Elena and I'm sitting here impatiently waiting for Elena to come back.

Meredith wheels Elena in. She is still unconscious. Meredith attaches Lena's arm to a blood bag.

"Well! What's going to happen!" I say annoyed at the fact Meredith isn't saying anything.

I'm usually nicer to her, but the love of my life might be dead or alive so...

"We have to wait and see what happens Stefan. We did as much as we could. Now it's Elena's turn to try hard and fight. You wait here and stay with her." she says and leaves the room.

In Elena's Dream:

I'm in a forest. There are bunches of stones and trees around me. Something isn't right. How am I outside? Stefan wouldn't let me step a foot out unless he was right there beside me. I don't see him anywhere either. Things are strange.

I feel a tightening in my lungs and suddenly feel like I'm drowning over and over again...

Stefan's POV

It's been 5 hours since Meredith left Elena with me. It was all quiet in the room, all of a sudden, Elena starts to breathe. But something is wrong. The top half of her body is jumping up and down and the bed is shaking.

Every machine connected to her body starts to malfunction.

Then, the worst thing that could've ever happened, happened.

The monitor that was beeping, was now showing a straight line and was one long beep.

"No! Elena! No! No! No!" I start crying in frustration. Why me? Why her? Why now?

I hold her hand, tightly. Caressing her hand, I kneel to the ground and slowly pull out a small box. I slid the diamond ring on her left hand.

"I do. I know you would too." I say crying.

"I thought you wouldn't leave me..." I never stopped crying all I did was cry and stare at her beautiful face and whisper one thing, and one thing only.

"Don't Leave Me."

A/N: So... just wait till the next chapter. My next one will be my last. And just sayin, you're going to be in for one heck of a ride. My last chapter is going to be short... see you then 😏😏


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