The One

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After that night, I couldn't stop thinking about it. I couldn't even sleep. When I woke up I realized it was my best friends, Caroline, birthday. As soon as I walked into her home she pulled me into her room and told me to answer her question truthfully. She asked me if Stefan and me were ''dating.'' I had to answer correctly so I said yes. She kept on ranting about how she knew this day would come. How we were epic together. I thought she was somewhat right but still little crazy. How can she think we are epic if we only just kissed once? We had fun at her party. While we were eating the cake, she said that I should call Stefan. So he obviously came but strangely pulled me into the bathroom. He said that he wanted to talk about the other night. ''Oh boy, what if he says it was nothing'' I thought to myself. He asked me a question. ''Look,what happened last night can be forgotten  or can live on. It's really your choice. But before you make your choice Elena, I need to tell you that ever since we kissed, I feel happy. I already know that I love you. Call me crazy but, I feel like this is fate.'' What he said amazed me. I know that this was fate so, I'm not going to deny it. I told him in a happy/serious way. ''You want to know my answer? Well this is my answer.'' I leaned in and we kissed. For some reason every time our lips touch, I feel powerful and great for a moment. We both pulled back. He seemed overjoyed when he said the words I was waiting for someone to say. ''I love you.'' He said those three words more passionate than anything I've ever heard. Right then and there I knew he was the one, the only one.

          Stefan and I went back to the diner room and Caroline was the only one there. I guess our talk was a lot longer than I thought it did. He took me home again, but this time he came in. We went up into my room and talked and talked and well, talked. We were talking for what seemed like 10 minutes but really 5 and a half hours. We both fell asleep. Him on the window bed and me on my own bed. When he dozed off I gazed at him for a while. He is the one and only one for me. It may be too soon but, I love him. He is the ONE.

Authors note-
Should I continue this???

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