Reconciliation (ShizuLala)

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(Published April 5, 2021)

No One's POV

Shizuha and Lalafin had always been close. Since they were kids. Lalafin has the most fun when she spends time with Shizuha. The same can be said the other way around. If we were to talk about roles, Lalafin would be the one initiating all the fun things whether it may be games or just simply interesting talk. That always draws out a big smile on Shizuha and had no reason to refuse when the idea was just too fun to imagine already.

But, it wasn't all fun and games. Shizuha is a fox and Lalafin a mouse. Shizuha would always take the brunt of an attack when an object is thrown to her companion. The only reason she could think was that she was spending time with her. She shakes her head to throw that thought away, but when they face this situation she cannot just ignore the thought anymore.

As much as she wanted to be with the cute little mouse, she had to decide against it. For her protection and... happiness. Remembering the tears running down the mouse's cheeks always hurts her chest, that she has to grasp it and bite her lip hoping to lessen the pain.

'It's for Lalafin's sake.'

She always comforts herself with those words. She mumbles it to herself like a spell and somehow it works to relieve herself of the pain.

Shizuha is once again on the rooftop of their school, looking up at the clear blue sky with little passing clumps of cloud. A school with her. Another possibility of being with her, that brought back just a small percentage of that smile she used to make when they were kids. Just seeing her smile was enough for the mature fox, but she wanted more.

So when that joint class with the mice came again and that activity the teacher gave them. She thought this might be the chance to become closer with Lalafin again. She tried.

"I'm glad we get to partner for today's activity, Lalafin." Shizuha looks at the shorter girl with expectant eyes and a light sway of her tail.

"...Me too." That was the only answer she got and Shizuha had a dejected look as her tail slowly dropped.

Knowing that the mouse was not so willing to talk to her, she decided to just quickly write down what she needed to write and memories of long ago played in her mind. Even if she wanted to reminisce of the past, their current relationship needs repairing.

So when she finished and put down her paper, face down, she grab hold of the shorter girl's hand. To her surprise, Lalafin interlaced their fingers. Shizuha looks at the pink haired mouse with wide eyes when she noticed a light blush on her cheeks.

This made her all the more confused with all the weird signals. First she got quickly shot down in starting a conversation, then she suddenly holds her hand back. Her head is in shambles.

"Let's talk later after class." Lalafin whispered just so that the fox beside her would be the only one to hear. The other girls in class seems to be also focused to their partner at the moment so no one caught to their after school rendezvous.

Hearing that statement of invitation made her heart soar that she had to actively stop her tail from wagging.

As soon as they were dismissed from the class, they went to the quiet rooftop that Shizuha frequents. Of course Lalafin knew.

The papers they wrote their first impressions with were abandoned in their pockets. The both of them already knew what they first thought of each other as they already had that conversation long ago. It resulted with a burst of laughter from the two of them from how absurd how they thought of the other at first.

But back to the situation at hand...

Shizuha was brought by the hand to the rooftop. When they arrived, Lalafin acted to let go of Shizuha's hand but the fox continued to grasp on the hand like it was her last chance to properly mend their relationship.

"When you left..." Lalafin started, giving up on getting her hand back, persists on having her back face Shizuha. "It got worse. The bullying. Since you left me alone, they thought it would not be good to pass up the opportunity."

"I'm sorry."

"I just need to hear the reason, Shizuha!" Finally the mouse got to be free from the fox hold by using as much force as she could.

"Lalafin..." Both her tail and ears droop, trying to pluck out the reason from inside her. She takes a large breath in, "It's because..."

Lalafin's ears are up at attention.

"I thought you would not be hurt by them anymore if I stopped spending time with you. It was the only reason I can think of since you're perfect in all the other ways. I thought that if I was out of the picture you would be free from their harassment." Shizuha drops to the ground, clutching her head down.

"What do you mean?" She says in a shivering voice. Lalafin also drops to the floor, inching closer to the fox. Stopping her hands from going to comfort the other girl. Her mind confused.

Shizuha raises her head and reaches to pull the mouse's face closer by putting her hands on her cheeks. She then whispers.

"I love you. Can't we be together like how we were in the past again?" Shizuha tears up.

Lalafin's initial reaction would be a deep blush and hides herself in a corner, contemplating all the different scenarios that would happen should her answer be any different. But at the moment, she's been kept in place by the fox's soft hands on her plump cheeks.

Nonetheless, she needs to have an answer by this moment. It doesn't matter. She had the answer in her heart already.

"I'd love that..." She says lowly, still enough for the fox to hear. Lalafin can't seem to make a direct eye contact with the fox when her eyes clearly brightens up at her answer. She suddenly feels herself in the middle of a warm embrace which she clearly missed.

Enjoying the warmth, Lalafin reciprocates the hug. Lalafin giggles when Shizuha shifts closer to her when she put her hands on the fox's back.


Heya, it's Shun-chan!

Happy birthday, Lalafin!

Now I can go read the bond stories of the birthday Lalafin card.

I need to come up with a name for this au already, plus this is also happens at the same time with Koharu's bday fic.

As always,

Thanks for dropping by!

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