She needs blood, lot's of it! (MayaKuro)

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(Published November 6, 2019)

Maya's POV

We were always together when I was in complete control of myself. When I wake up, she's there, always.

I think we were both dropped off at the same time and the same location. Rather we just existed and appeared to the exact same location at the same time. How did a miracle like this happen? Well, I am thankful such a miracle happened in the first place. If it didn't I probably wouldn't be as happy as I am now.

We live in a place, an old mansion with a lot of rooms and was still in a good condition. I never really was the one to explore outside and just liked to stay indoors.

I wonder why this place was abandoned in the first place. Why do I care? All that matters is that we have a place to stay.

How did she get her bed? That coffin? Did she go out and take one or made one?

I don't want to think anymore. My head hurts. I just need to check on her. She's sick.

"..M..aya.." She called from her coffin. I quickly responded as I ran to her and held her hand.

"I need...blood. A...healthy one..." She murmured as she tightened her hold on my hand.

"....Is my blood okay? I don't want to go out and get some random humans. You might get something else again. This is what happened the last time we did that..." I pondered for a short while thinking of the cause of her being sick in the first place.

"..I..don't..know.." She mumbled as her eyes were slowly closing.

"Let's try this. I'll feed you my blood. I've never been sick my whole life." I took a nearby broken glass and slit my wrist. Then I hovered my wrist near her open mouth and my blood dripped into her mouth. "How does it taste?"

"It's exceptionally good. Why haven't I tasted your blood before?" She asked as she sat up. I'm surprised she quickly recovered from just a few drops of my blood.

"You've never asked. If you did, I would have gladly done so." I shrugged as I moved away my bleeding wrist and covered it with my other hand.

"Hey hey hey, why did you take away your hand? I want more..." She complained and was gripping my not wounded hand. "You just said you'd give me if I just asked..." She grumbled which was pretty new because she never really showed this side of her yet.

"I'm just playing with you, here." I gladly presented my bleeding wrist right to her face which she quickly took hold of and drank.

She was enjoying drinking my blood, I heard a lot of gulps. Her grip tightening by the minute. I got dizzy for a moment and later realized the reason.

"W-wait, y-you're drinking too fast! I might lose a lot of blood at this rate and collapse!" I resisted her hold on my arm and she softened her grip at hearing the last word.

"S-sorry... I didn't mean to be that forceful. It was just really good, I couldn't stop myself.

"Let me just cover this up. I'll be back." I stood and walked away from her room in haste. I was worried I would be too late to stitch up this cut.

I need to finish stitching this up quickly. Now, where are the stitches.

I kept on looking for sometime. Then I felt a presence behind me. So, I turned around to meet the presence and I found Claudine scratching her head and handing me what I was looking for.

"T-Thanks..." I didn't expect her to give me what I was looking for. "Wait for a moment and I'll be back to your room later."

"No, I'll just stay here." She firmly said and sat on the floor in front of me.

"O-okay." I quickly switched my attention back to my bleeding wrist and took out a needle and a thread.

Ah, this would hurt. Let's just do this quickly and let my body do the rest.

I cut the thread with my teeth as I finished up. I felt her staring and I had second thoughts to look to her direction and see her face.

"Why are you staring? That's embarrassing..." I asked as I looked the other way and held my arm.

"So you did notice..." She stayed quiet which brought me to steal a glance. Instead I was met with a mischievous grin and her appearing beside me. "I wanted to show you my gratitude for a taste of such exquisite blood."

"You kept on saying my blood is delicious, so blood does have a taste?" I asked which brought her to behave and calm down.

"They do. I usually always get blood from humans who have somehow lost their way and was near the mansion. Their blood tasted normal, there was nothing special to its taste and just treated it as it was normal for it to taste like that." She explained quite well which surprised me. "So back to paying you back to returning me to my best of health."

"W-what are going to do?" I asked as I was both curious and scared of what she's going to do.

"I'm going to do anything bad. I'll just do what you want me to do." She shrugged her shoulder as if it should have been obvious.



"Then I want a kiss, Claudine." I made a sly grin as I made that request which brought about a flustered Dracula and transformed herself into a bat.

"S-simple enough..." She coughed as she reverted back to her human form.

"What if I want... more?" I continued the teasing as her face flushed full on red at the thought.

"...I'd do it..." She gulped.

"It's fine if you don't do much, I'll just do this." I pecked a quick kiss on her lips and moved away. Then she stopped me, held my uninjured wrist and pulled me back to her, making me embrace her.

"If you do that, I might not be able to hold myself back." She tightened her grip on my wrist and looked at me with such passionate eyes.

"It's better if you do, just let me have a turn. I want to feel you too." I continued the flirting as I ran a finger on her chest.

"Don't worry, that was the plan from the start." She said before pulling me into a long kiss.

It was a passionate day. The best day of my life if I suppose.


That was Shun-chan!

I'm here with another MayaKuro.

I hope you like it.

Then I'm off to writing other stuffs.

As always,

Thanks for dropping by!

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