Once Upon a Time

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[Music playing as we see a grand majestic ship flying through space.]

NARRATOR: On the clearest of nights, when the winds of the Etherium were calm and peaceful, [Creaking] the great merchant ships with their cargoes of Arcturian sura crystals felt safe and secure. Little did they suspect, that they were pursued by ...

[a smaller, more sinister ship flies after its prey]

NARRATOR: ...Pirates. And the most feared of all these pirates was the notorious Captain Nathaniel Flint.


[The pirate ship fires cannons at the bigger ship and the two crews fight]

PASSENGERS: [All gasping]


[We see a young Jim as he's watching this play out in his storybook.]

NARRATOR: Like a Candarian zap-wing overtaking its prey--[Door creaks]

SARAH: James Pleiades Hawkins! l thought you were asleep an hour ago.

JIM: Mom, I was just getting to the best part. Please?

SARAH: Oh, can those eyes get any bigger? Scootch over.

NARRATOR: Like a Candarian zap-wing overtaking its prey, Flint and his band of renegades swooped in out of nowhere.

PIRATES: [Jingling]


NARRATOR: And then, gathering up their spoils, vanished without a trace.


NARRATOR: Flint's secret trove was never found, but stories have persisted that it remains hidden, somewhere at the farthest reaches of the galaxy, stowed with riches beyond imagination, the loot of a thousand worlds.

JlM AND NARRATOR: Treasure Planet.

SARAH: OK. Blow your nose.

JIM: How do you think Captain Flint did it, Mom? How'd he swoop in out of nowhere and vanish without a trace?

SARAH: l have no idea. Come here, you, you li--I'm gonna get--oh! [Pffft]

JIM: [Giggling]

SARAH: OK, now it's time for this little spacer to go to sleep.

JIM: You think somebody'll ever find Treasure Planet?

SARAH: Sweetheart, I think it's more...like a legend.

JIM: I know it's real.

SARAH: You win, It's real.

JIM: Nighty-night, Mom.

SARAH: Nighty-night, sweetheart. l love you.

JIM: Love you, too. [Rustling as Jim takes out his book again.]

NARRATOR: There are nights when the winds of the Etherium so inviting in their promise of flight and freedom made one's spirit soar!

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