saying goodbye

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[Jim makes his way down to the hanger to find Silver untying the longboat.]

SILVER: Morphy, we gotta make tracks.

MORPH: l know.

JIM: You never quit. do you?

SILVER: Ah, Jimbo! Ha ha! l was merely checking to make sure our last longboat was safe and secure. [He ties a loose knot.]

JIM: Mmm. Well...[he fixes the knot] that should hold it.

SILVER: Heh heh heh. l taught you too well. lf you don't mind, we'd just as soon avoid prison. Little Morphy here, he's a free spirit. Being in a cage, it'd break his heart. [Morph squeaks]

[Jim smiles, pulls the lever to open the hatch below the longboat, and then unties his knot.]

SILVER: Ohh! What say you ship out with us, lad? You and me, Hawkins and Silver, full of ourselves and no ties to anyone!

JIM: You know, when I got on this boat, l would've taken you up on that offer in a second...but, uh, l met this old cyborg, and he taught me that l could chart my own course. That's what I'm gonna do.

SILVER: And what do you see, off that bow of yours?

JIM: A future.

SILVER: [Chuckles] Why...look at ya, glowing like a solar fire. You're something special, Jim. [Getting choked up] You're gonna rattle the stars, you are.

[Jim and Silver embrace, tears in both their eyes.]

SILVER: [Clears throat] Got a bit of grease in this cyborg eye of mine. [Sniffles]

MORPH: [Sobbing and turning into a pool of tears]

JIM: Oh, hey, Morph. l'll see ya around, OK?

MORPH: See ya around.

SILVER: Morphy, I got a job for ya. l need you to keep an eye on this here pup. Will ya do me that little favor?

MORPH: Aye-aye, Captain.

[Morph says goodbye, and Silver climbs into the longboat as it starts to lower out of the ship.]

JIM:Isn't Grimm coming with you?

SLIVER:Nah I think he done running..
That and he let me escape while he goes to prison

JIM:Makes sense

SILVER: Oh, and one more thing. [Chuckles] This is for your dear rebuild that inn of hers. [He tosses Jim up a handful of gold and jewels.]

JIM: Stay out of trouble, ya old scalawag.

SILVER: [Laughs] Why, Jimbo, lad...when have I ever done otherwise? [Laughing]

[Silver heads off on his longboat, and then we see Jim and the rest of the group arriving back at the Montresor Space Port. Sarah is there waiting for Jim, and when they see each other they hug.]


MORPH: [Giggles as he meets Sarah.]

[Jump to Sarah and everyone else at the grand opening of the newly rebuilt Benbow Inn. Everyone enjoys food and drink, and we see Delbert and Amelia with their babies and one baby with four eyes, Everyone gasps as the robot police officers come to the door, but they bring Jim in with them, wearing a new suit. Jim, Sarah, and everyone else begin dancing, and as Jim looks out the window to the stars above, he catches a glimpse of a familiar looking cloud smiling down at him.]

["Always Know Where you Are" by John Rzeznik starts playing and the credits roll.]

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