i see Greatness in you

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[Later, Silver approaches Jim on the deck.]

SILVER: lt weren't your fault, you know? [Sighs] Why, half the crew would be spinning in that black abyss--

JIM: Look, don't you get it?! l screwed up! I mean for two seconds, l thought that maybe l could do something right, but--Aagh! I just--[Sighs] Just forget it. Forget it.

SILVER: Now, you listen to me, James Hawkins. You got the makings of greatness in ya, but you gotta take the helm and chart your own course. Stick to it, no matter the squalls, and when the time comes you get the chance to really test the cut of your sails and show what you're made of...well, I hope I'm there...catching some of the light coming off ya that day.

JIM: [Sniffles] [He approaches Silver and hugs him, then sobs softly into his chest.]

SILVER: [At first taken aback but then hugs Jim] There, there. Lad, it's all right, Jimbo. It's all right. [He pushes Jim away] Now, Jim, l, um...l best be getting about my watch...and you best be getting some shut-eye. [Jim goes below deck]

SILVER: (melancholy) Getting in too deep here, Morphy. Next thing ya know, they'll be saying l've gone soft. [Silver walks away but we see Mr. Scroop in the shadows who had been watching.]

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