the supernova and blackhole

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[Five minutes before Amelia and Grimm talk Both Jim and sliver grunting as the load the longboat back into the ship.]

JIM: Oh, ho ho! You having a little trouble there?

SILVER: Oh, get away from me. [Laughing] Oh, Jimbo. lf I could maneuver a skiff like that when I was your age, they'd be bowing in the streets when I walked by today.

MORPH: Bowing in the streets.

JIM: l don't know. They weren't exactly singing my praises when I left home.

SILVER: Heh. Whew.

JIM: But I'm gonna change all that.

SILVER: Are you now? How so?

JIM: Uh, I got some plans. Gonna make people see me a little different.

SILVER: Ooh. Sometimes, plans go astray.

JIM: Not this time.

SILVER: Hmm. [He pulls up his pant leg to work on his mechanical leg] Ooh...[Morph chatters and turns into a wrench] Oh, thank you, Morphy.

JIM: So, uh, how'd that happen anyway?

SILVER: You give up a few things, chasing a dream.

JIM: Was it worth it?

SILVER: Heh. [Sighs] I'm hoping it is, Jimbo. l most surely am.

[Suddenly the ship lurches and screams sound from up on the deck. Jim and Silver make their way up to the deck]

SILVER: What the devil?

DELBERT: Good heavens. The star's gone supernova!

GRIMM:Good God

AMELIA: Evasive action, Mr. Turnbuckle!

MR. TURNBUCKLE: Aye-aye, Captain.

MR. ARROW: All hands, fasten your lifelines! [Crew shouting]

AMELIA: Mr. Arrow, Mr drewkiss secure those sails!

GRIMM:Aye Aye Captain

MR. ARROW: Secure all sails! Reef them down men!

MELTDOWN: [He is shooting incoming chunks of rock] Yeah, baby! Ba-boom! Ha ha ha ha!

[Up high by the sails, Silver gets hit by a chunk of rock and starts to fall.]


JIM: SILVER!!! [Jim grabs Silver's lifeline and pulls him back up.]

SILVER: Whoa. Thanks, lad.

[A large chunk of rock is coming right at the ship, but it suddenly swings backwards toward the imploded star.]

ONUS: Captain, the star!

DELBERT: It's devolving into a...[Gasps]

GRIMM:a black Fucking hole!

MR. TURNBUCKLE: We're being pulled in! Ohh!

AMELIA: No, you don't, you--Blast these waves! They're so deucedly erratic!

DELBERT: No, Captain. They're not erratic at all. There'll be one more in precisely 47.2 seconds, followed by the biggest magilla of them all!

AMELIA: Of course! Brilliant, Doctor! We'll ride that last magilla out of here.

MR. ARROW: All sails secured, Captain!

AMELIA: Good man! Now, release them immediately!


MR. ARROW: Aye, Captain. You heard her, men. Unfurl those sails!


MORON: But we just finished--

OXY: Tying them down!

BIRD BRAIN MARY: Make up your blooming minds!


AMELIA: Mr. Hawkins, make sure all lifelines are secured good and tight!

JIM: Aye-aye, Captain. Lifelines secured, Captain!

AMELIA: Very good!

[A sudden wave hits the ship, causing Mr. Arrow to fall off.]

MR. ARROW: Gaah! Oof!

[Mr. Arrow starts to climb up the rope when he sees Mr Scroop standing at the top where his line is.]

MR ARROW: [Gasps]

[Mr. Scroop cuts the line causing Mr. Arrow to fall into the black hole.]


[But Grimm catches him and starts to bring him closer]

Grimm:don't worry Mr arrow I got ya

MR ARROW:thank you Mr drewkiss

GRIMM:don't thank me yet [Grimm grabs the part of the key for the safe that the map was in and rips it off Mr arrow neck as Mr arrow looks Shocked as Grimm Bandana Flys off showing Mr arrow who he truly was]


GRIMM:Sorry Mr arrow I did like ya [let go of the rope and Mr falls into the black hole] but not that much

DOPPLER: Captain, the last wave! Here it comes!

AMELIA: Hold on to your lifelines, gents! It's gonna be a bumpy ride!

[Jim and Silver huddle down as the ship sinks into the darkness of the hole. A mighty wave erupts out of the darkness, overfilling the Legacy’s sails with explosive energy. The ship powers out of the hole and Amelia manages to steer the ship to safety away.]

DELBERT: Captain! That--oh, my goodness. That was--that was absolutely--that was the most--

AMELIA: Oh, tish-tosh. Actually, Doctor, your astronomical advice was most helpful.

DELBERT: Well, uh, uh--thank you. Thank you very much. Well, I have a lot of help to offer anatomically--amanamonically--as-astronomically.

AMELIA: Well, I must congratulate you, Mr. Silver. lt seems your cabin boy did a bang-up job with those lifelines. [Both Silver and Jim chuckle] All hands accounted for, Mr. Arrow? Mr. Arrow?

GRIMM: [He steps forward holding Mr. Arrow's hat] I'm afraid Mr. Arrow has been lost. His lifeline Broke off I am sorry Captain

JIM: No, I checked them all. [At the lifelines there is no wooden stilts in Mr. Arrow's space as it was broken off] l--l did. I checked them all. They were secure. l swear.

GRIMM:Jim no blaming you We all knew the risk we will be taking on this voyage

AMELIA: Mr. Arrow was a...ahem, a fine spacer...finer than most of us could ever hope to be...but he knew the risks, as do we all. Resume your posts. We carry on.

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