the Mutiny begins

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[Jump to the next morning when Jim and the rest of the crew are sleeping down below the deck. Jim is awoken by Mr. Snuff snoring above him.]

JIM: Uh--oh! Oh! Ugh! [He goes to put hit boots on but one of them jumps away.]

JIM: [Sighs] Morph? Morph, knock it off. It's too early for this. [Morph kicks him.] Ow! Hey, Morph!

MORPH: Pbbbt! [Laughs]

JIM: Hey, come back here!

MORPH: Come back here!

JIM: Gotcha, Morph! [Sighs]

MORPH: [Spits water on Jim.]

JIM: That's it, you little squid.

MORPH: You little squid. You little squid. Squid. Squid. Squid. Squid.

JIM: Ungh! Unh! Ha! Busted! [Jim finds Morph hiding in a barrel of purps and jumps into the barrel with him. Then, the galley starts to fill with all the crew members and Silver.]

BIRD BRAIN MARY: Look. what we're saying is we're sick of all this waiting.

HANDS: So, there's only three of them left.

MELTDOWN: We are wanting to move!

SILVER: We don't move 'till we got the treasure in hand.

MR. SCROOP: I say we kill 'em all now.

SILVER: l say what's to say! Disobey my orders again, like that stunt you pulled with Mr. Arrow, and so help me, you'll be joining him! [Silver throws Mr. Scroop against the barrel of purps.]

MR. SCROOP: Strong talk, but I know otherwise.

SILVER: You got something to say, Scroop? [ Mr. Scroop reaches in for a purp and Jim gives one to him.]

MR. SCROOP: It's that boy. Methinks you have a soft spot for him. [Mr. Scroop punctures the purp with his claw.]

CREW MATES: [Murmur in agreement.]

SILVER: Now, mark me, the lot of ya. l care about one thing, and one thing only! Flint's trove. You think l'd risk it all for the sake of some nose-wiping little whelp?

MR. SCROOP: What was it now? "Oh. you got the makings of greatness in ya."

SILVER: Shut your yap! l cozied up to that kid to keep him off our scent. But I ain't gone soft.

ONUS: [From up on deck] Land ho! Ha ha ha!

[Jim is heartbroken upon hearing the truth]

ONUS: There it is! Feast eyes and click heels if you got 'em.

[Silver and the other crew mates look at Treasure Planet off in the distance. Silver goes to use his eyeglass but doesn't have it on his belt.]

SILVER: Where the devil's me glass?

[Silver makes his way back down below to find Jim leaving.]

SILVER: Jimbo. Playing games, are we?

JIM: [angrily] Yeah. Yeah, we're playing games.

SILVER: Oh, I see. Well, I was never much good at games. Always hated to lose. [He takes out his pistol and cocks it behind his back.]

JIM: Hmm. Me, too! [He stabs Silver in his mechanical leg and runs upstairs to warn the others.]

SILVER: YAAHHHHH! Right-o...Ohh blast it all [Blows whistle] Change in plan, lads! We move now!

CREW MEMBERS: [Cheering]

SILVER: Strike our colors, Mr. Onus.

ONUS: With pleasure, Captain.

[Hands roars and breaks the door into the armory to give them all weapons. Meanwhile, Amelia, Delbert, and Jim are in Amelia's stateroom planning to escape.]

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