a plan to steal the map

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[B.E.N., Jim, Grimm Amelia, Delbert, and Morph all gather there in the evening.]

B.E.N.: Uh. pardon the mess. people. You'd think in a hundred years...l would've dusted a little more often [chuckles] but, you know, when you're batchin' it...you tend to, uh, let things go.

[Grimm carries in Amelia who is now bandaged up and has her left arm in a sling.]

B.E.N.: Aw, isn't that sweet? l find old-fashioned romance so touching, don't you? How about drinks for the happy couple? (Holds up a cups filled with .... Liquids)

Grimm: Oh, uh, ooh. Uh, no. Thank you, we don't drink...and, uh, we're not a couple. [Amelia smirks at him.]

DELBERT:Ahem. Look at these markings. They're identical to the ones on the map. l suspect these are the hieroglyphic remnants of an ancient culture.

AMELIA: Mr Hawkins, M drewkiss stop anyone who tries to approach. Ohh!

DELBERT: Yes, yes. Now listen to me, stop giving orders for a few milliseconds, and lie still.

AMELIA: Very forceful, Doctor. Go on. Say something else. [Delbert smiles at her.]

GRIMM:Oh joy she going Becoming delusional

B.E.N.: Hey. look! There's some more of your buddies!! Hey, fellas!!! We're over here, fellas!!!

[Outside, a group of pirates start firing at B.E.N. and the building.]

B.E.N.: Oh! Uhh! Ooh! Ohh! [Jim pulls him inside.]

SILVER: Stop wastin' your fire! [The pirates stop] Hello. up there! Jimbo? lf it's all right with the captain, l'd like a short word with ya. No tricks, just a little palaver.

AMELIA: Come to bargain for the map, doubtless. Pestilential...Ugh!

DELBERT: Captain.

JIM: That means...that he thinks we still have it.

GRIMM:we can uses this To all advantage go I cover you

[Jim meets with Silver outside the building. Silver is now walking with a cane.]

SILVER: Ah, Morphy! I wondered where you lit off to. [Silver sits down and groans as he rubs his mechanical leg.] Ooh. Oh, this poor old leg's downright snarky since that game attack we had in the galley. [Chuckles] Ahh...Whatever you heard back there, at least the part concerning you, I didn't mean a word of it. If that bloodthirsty lot had thought l'd gone soft...they'd have gutted us both. Listen to me. lf we play our cards right, we can both walk away from this rich as kings.

JIM: Yeah?

SILVER: Ha ha ha. You get me that map, and uh...an even portion of the treasure is yours. [Silver chuckles and holds out his mechanical hand for a handshake.]

JIM: [He smirks for a second then shakes his head.] Boy. You are really something...All that talk of greatness, light coming off my sails, what a joke.

SILVER: Now, just see here, Jimbo--

JIM: l mean, at least you taught me one thing. Stick to it, right? Well, that's just what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna make sure that you never see one drabloon of my treasure!

SILVER: That treasure is owed me, by thunder!

JIM: Well, try to find it without my map, by thunder!

SILVER: Oh, you still don't know how to pick your fights, do you, boy? Now, mark me. Either I get that map by dawn tomorrow, or so help me, l'll use the ship's cannons to BLAST YOU ALL TO KINGDOM COME!! [He starts to march away.] Morph, hop to it. NOW!!! [Morph trembles behind Jim] Oh, blast it!

[Jim and Morph start walking back to the building, and Silver looks back remorsefully. Cut to that night when they're all hunkered down inside.]

AMELIA: Gentlemen, we must stay together and...and...ohh

DELBERT: And what? What?! We must stay together and what?!

GRIMM:Captain say with us

AMELIA:mr drewkiss, you have wonderful eyes.

DELBERT: She's lost her mind!


JIM: Well, you gotta help her.

DELBERT: Dang it, Jim! I'm an astronomer, not a doctor! l mean, I am a doctor, but I'm not that kind of doctor. I have a doctorate. It's not the same thing. You can't help people with a doctorate. You just sit there, and you're useless!

GRIMM:that I'm sure that Ben doesn't have and medical supplies with him

JIM: It's OK, Doc. It's all right.

B.E.N.: Yeah, Doc! Jimmy knows exactly how to get out of this. It's just Jimmy has this knowledge of things. Jim, any thoughts at all?

JIM: [Looking down at the pirate in the distance.] Without the map, we're dead. lf we try to leave, we're dead. lf we stay here--

MORPH: We're dead! We're dead! We're dead! We're dead!

B.E.N.: Well, I think that Jimmy could use a little quiet time. Heh. So l'll just slip out the back door.

JIM: Back door?

B.E.N.: Oh, yeah. l get this delightful breeze through here, which I think is important because ventilation among friends--

JIM: Whoa What is all this stuff? [At the back of the room is a hole which leads to the center of the planet]

B.E.N.: You mean the miles and miles of machinery that run through the entire course of the inside of this planet? Not a clue.

JIM: Hey, Doc! Doc! I think l found a way out of here!

DELBERT: No, no. Jim, wait. The captain ordered us to stay--

GRIMM:go get em kid I stand guard not get that map

JIM:copy that l'll be back. [He and Morph jump down into the hole.]

B.E.N.: Cannonball! [B.E.N. jumps down as well.]


GRIMM:he'll be fine ... I think

[Cut to Jim, B.E.N., and Morph popping out near the pirates camp as they are all sleeping.]

B.E.N.: So, what's the plan?

JIM: Shh. B.E.N., quiet. [Whispering] OK, here it is. We sneak back to the Legacy, disable the laser cannons, and bring back the map.

B.E.N.: [Muffled] That's a good plan. l like that plan. The only thing is, I'm wondering, how do we get there?

JIM: On that. [He looks at the pirate's longboat sitting near the camp.]

(To be continued)

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