the trap is Strung

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B.E.N.: This is all seeming very familiar. I-I can't remember why.

JIM: B.E.N., come on. We're getting out of here, and we're not leaving empty-handed. [Jim and B.E.N. start to head for a pirate ship parked amongst the treasure.]

B.E.N.: But--but, Jimmy! Jimmy!

SILVER: [He kneels among some treasure] A lifetime of searching. And at long last...l can touch it.

[B.E.N. and Jim make it to the ship and climb aboard.]

B.E.N.: Do you know what's strange? l can't tell you how frustrating this is, Jimmy, 'cause there's something just--it's nagging at the back of my mind. Aah! [B.E.N. falls onto the ship's deck and startles at the skeletal figure in the chair.]

JIM: Captain Flint?

B.E.N.: ln the flesh! Well, s-sort of, except for skin, organs, or anything that--that--that resembles flesh...that's not there. And yet it's so odd. you know? [Jim notices something the skeletal Captain Flint is clutching in his fist.]

B.E.N.: I remember there was something horrible Flint didn't want anyone else to know but I-I just can't remember what it was. [Jim pulls the piece from Flint's grasp.]

B.E.N.: Oh, a mind is a terrible thing to lose! [Jim sees that the piece is a similar shape to B.E.N.'s missing piece.]

JIM: B.E.N., l think I just found your mind. Hold still.

B.E.N.: Aah! Jimmy, your hands are very, very cold. [B.E.N. seems to reboot as he gains his memories back, and his eyes go from green to blue] Whoa! Hello. You know, uh, Jimmy, l was just thinking...l was just think--It's all flooding back! All my memories! Right up until Flint pulled my memory circuits so I could never tell anybody about his BOOBY TRAP!

[A sudden crash sounds above them.]

B.E.N.: Speaking of which...

[Up above, parts of the planet start to explode. Silver Grimm and the other pirates notice the commotion.]


B.E.N.: Flint wanted to make sure that nobody could ever steal his treasure, so he rigged this whole planet to blow higher than a Kalepsian kite!

[One of the jets previously keeping the treasure steady falls and slams into the core, making much of the treasure fall through the cracks. The pirates start running away.]

B.E.N.: Run, Jimmy! Run for your life!

JIM: You go back and help the captain and Doc! lf I'm not there in 5 minutes, leave without me. [Jim starts to work on getting the ship running.]

B.E.N.: l am not leaving my buddy Jimmy! [Jim glares at him]...unless he looks at me like that. Bye, Jim!

[More treasure starts to fall as the jets do more damage and create more cracks for it to fall. Silver tries to grab some.]

SILVER: No! No! Oh, no! Oh, no! No!

MR. TURNBUCKLE & PIGORS: Aah! Aah! Aah! [They fall down into one of the ravines.]

SILVER: [Noticing the other pirates running away] Come back here, ya blighters! [Silver hears a rumbling and then notices the pirate ship that Jim has gotten working.]

GRIMM:there sliver I'd we can get on that ship we can get out of this death trap

SILVER:That you are right lad

[Back on the longboat with Amelia, Delbert, and Meltdown. They hear a faint rumbling.]

DELBERT: All my life, I dreamed of an adventure like this. [Sighs] I'm just sorry l couldn't have been...more helpful to you.

AMELIA: Oh, don't be daft. You've been very helpful. Truly.

DELBERT: l feel like such a useless weakling [Delbert manages to get his wrists out of their binds.] ...with abnormally thin wrists. Excuse me, brutish pirate.

MELTDOWN: [Belches]

DELBERT: Yes, you. I have a question. ls it that your body is too massive for your teeny-tiny head, or is it that your head is too teeny-tiny for your big, fat body?!


DELBERT: Yes, I'm sure you will, but before you do, l have one more question. [Delbert grabs Meltdown's pistol and points it at him] Is this yours?


[Jump to the treasure chamber where Jim has gotten the ship working and is taking off.]

JIM: Yes! Morph, we are so out of here!

MORPH: [Cackling excitedly.]

SILVER: [While climbing aboard] Ah. Jimbo! Aren't you the seventh wonder of the universe?

JIM: Get back!

GRIMM: l like you, lad, but l've come too far to let you stand between me and my treasure my birth right

JIM:what are you saying?

SLIVER:Oh you haven't figured it out yet this is the last Descendant of the great pirate captain Flint Allow me to Introduce Grimm von Flint the son of captain Flint himself

Grimm:Hello and now goodby-

[A jet suddenly hits the side of the ship, ripping a hole in it and throwing Jim Grimm and Silver off the side. Silver and Grimm manages to catch himself but Jim ends up hanging onto a wall.]


SILVER: [He pulls the ship away from the jet] Oh, no, you don't!

GRIMM:Don't let it get destroyed sliver

MORPH: [Chattering]

SILVER: What? [He notices Jim hanging on to the wall.] Jimbo. Reach for me now!

[Both Jim and Silver reach for one another but it's too far.]

SILVER: Reach!

JIM: l--l can't! Aah! [He looses his grip and slips further down the wall.]

GRIMM:He's a goner sliver Focus on the ship

[Silver looks between the treasure in the ship and Jim, unsure of what to do.]

SILVER: Wha...I...[Sights] Oh, blast me for a fool! [He lets go of the ship and catches Jim just as he falls.]

GRIMM:damn you sliver damn you (also let go of the ship to help sliver save jim)

JIM: Aah! [The both groan as they swing back up on the platform.]

[They both watch as the jet destroys the ship and the remaining treasure, then race to escape and jump through the portal.]

(To be continued)

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