Chapter 3

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Something was troubling the captain. Perhaps not troubling but he was definitely curious about something. Curiosity has an effect on people. Normal people are blind to it but you, you were so familiar with feeling it yourself, when someone was curious about something it's like there was something dancing around them figuratively killing cats. "What's up captain?" you asked.

"Nothing, I just came to see if you were okay, with the camera's breaking and everything." Steve almost stuttered as the words came out. You were both now walking through the centre and towards your room: you did only have 24 minutes 21 seconds until the meeting after all.

"I broke the cameras you know." you stated proudly.

"How do you do it?" Steve finally questioned, "I looked up some of your previous cases and you just know things, impossible tiny details that only you could ever notice. How?"

"Well obviously it can't be as impossible as you think." you responded. To be honest, you didn't know how you knew things half the time. Knowing things was just second nature to you. Like a sixth sense. "I don't really know how to explain it, like right now I can tell that you are curious about my brilliant mind but anyone would assume that of someone who asks questions, you were drinking coffee this morning and spilt it on the counter, you have a lack of things to do so have been snooping around the facility, you have attempted to get drunk, even though you can't, twice in the past week Monday and Yesterday I believe, you have been mourning (my guess is James Buchanam Barnes) and have recently developed a crush. I can assume the last three are related. Am I correct? If so let me continue."

"Y-yes" Steve answered "How?"

Oh this was the fun bit, the part where people are either amazed or tell you to piss off.

"The coffee: I was in the kitchen this morning and noticed the counter had been wiped 3 hours before I got there, harshly too and only in one place, indicating a spillage, the helicarrier would have jerked slightly when my plane landed on it at 7:43 this morning backing up my idea. The spillage would have left a splash just above the pelvis that people wouldn't notice unless they were looking for it. A coffee splash back is evident on your suit congratulations. So that explains the coffee. The boredom: we look at your laces. It's shoes again! I bloody love shoes! They are tied directly in the centre and tightly too, people who had something planned wouldn't put too much effort into tying laces unless they had some sort of OCD, you don't though, your left sleeve is slightly twisted and the lace's proportions are uneven like a drunk mans would be but you can't get drunk yet you have consumed a considerable amount of alcohol evident by the smell. The snooping comes from the dust and the markings on your fingers, won't go into that now though. Bucky Barnes as you call him, now why mourn him now? My guess is that you were closer than friends but you know the 1940's got in the way, you had a loving attachment and have developed a crush on someone else and feel guilty. Who? I don't know but will find out at the meeting later. This is my room, thank you for walking me back, now you can be amazed or tell me to piss off either way I'm used to it."

"That was amazing." The American spoke in shock.

"Why thank you again, if you ever need a mystery solving, you know where to come. I'll see you at the meeting," you thanked the captain, you always appreciated people who respected the fact you were the cleverest person in the room.

"See you y/n!" Steve said still in shock and he left you to your room.

Your room was a comfortable size. There was a small double bed in one of the corners with a dull grey duvet, a desk and chair opposite the door, an oak-wood freestanding wardrobe at the bottom of the bed, a small plane-like window above the side of the bed and an ensuite with a toilet and shower.

Y/n Holmes (Loki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now