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^Found this beautiful piece while scrolling Pinterest and it reminded me of how I though YN might have looked while she's all glowey, although obviously not a child like this and obviously how you look cause she's you and all that :)

*(Y/N)'s POV*

"Ah," Pitch sighs, taking up a place on the log next to me. "You should have come tonight, (Y/N). It was wonderful."

"Yeah?" I ask, poking at the snowy ground between my feet. "Had fun terrorising villagers?"

"Well yes," he frowns. "I thought you would have enjoyed it."

"Mmm." I toss the stick aside, getting up and moving over to my small pile of possessions. I grab a small bag, tipping out some of the dried leaves inside and taking up a piece of paper. I role it into a joint, light the end, and take a drag of the pungent herb inside.

Here's the thing about Pitch. It was great at first, when he found me. I was alone, I'd been alone for about 5 years, and then he was there. He showed me how to embrace the other side of myself, the side that wasn't just Cupid. But gradually it was less "Eris and the Boogeyman" and more "the Boogeyman". Nobody noticed the chaos and strife I created, it just became a by-product of Pitch's fear.

Pitch watches me from across the small clearing, his expression unreadable.

"Want some?" I ask, holding it out.

"God no," he says, "you know I hate that stuff."

I shrug. "I was just asking."

He's silent for a moment, then says, "Are you going to tell me what's on your mind?"

"What do you mean?" I sit down again, blowing out a stream of smoke into the cold night air.

He laughs. "You've been avoiding me, (Y/N). I can tell, you're nervous about something. You try to cover it up with that infernal herb, but that won't work. So what is it?"

"I don't know what you mean."

"Yes you do. You never come out with me anymore, why is that?" He tilts his head to the side, studying me carefully.

I take a deep breath, placing my blunt to the side. "Maybe I'm sick of bringing hate and darkness wherever I go. Maybe I want a change."

"What do you mean? How can you be sick of it? The power I—we hold, how can you want anything but that?"

"That's just the thing," I sigh. "It's not my power, is it? It's all yours, always you they run from. You don't hear people screaming "run, it's Eris!" do you? Nobody even knows I exist."

"I know you exist."

"I don't want to do this anymore, Pitch. I'm tired of being Eris, I want to go back to..." I stand, turning away and picking up my cloak from the ground. I pull it on, shoving my things haphazardly into my pockets.

"Back to Cupid? You were weak, (Y/N), I made you strong. What's love compared with the chaos you bring, the destruction! You can't leave, (Y/N), what about me? What about all... this?" he gestures to the distant village, where I can still hear indistinct chatter and see the fires burning outside. As if those feeble lights would ever keep Pitch at bay.

"I don't need you to be strong, and I don't want to be strong if it means I'm just going around wrecking things. You'll find someone else," I say tightly, "but I'm sure you can manage fine without me. Chaos, strife, hatred... they're all things you'll be able to create on your own."

"(Y/N), listen to me—" he starts, getting up to follow me.

"No, Pitch. I'm leaving, and you'll be wise not to follow me. I've had enough." I pull my cloak more firmly around myself, darting into the trees and towards the village.

"You'll come back!" I hear him yell after me. "You need me, (Y/N)! You're powerless without me, you'll fade away until nothing is left of you and then you'll come running back!"

I hurry on, my breath clouding the air. I can already feel his cloying darkness wearing off, and with a start I realise that I'm physically lighter. I don't so much as walk, but flit between trees like I used to, before I met him. I breathe deeply, calming the butterflies in my stomach as I grow closer to the lights.

By the time I reach the village, I don't even need my cloak. I cast it off, grabbing the few possessions I really need in my hand. I can always find more weed somewhere, I don't really need food, and I'll be fine without any of the other things for a while. I only need my bow, and my arrows.

I hold up the weapons, watching the dull black surfaces as they slowly fade to kind of dark silver. They'll be back to how they used to be soon, when they brought love and happiness instead of chaos and hate.

I move through the village silently, everyone around me completely unaware of my presence here. The people around are mostly adults, but I spot a few children holding tight to their parents' hands. A couple walk past, their arms tightly wrapped around each other. So much love, such new infatuation with each other I can practically taste it.

Something freezing cold passes over me, and for a moment I think it's Pitch, then I realise it's just a child. They run on, completely oblivious to the fact that they ran directly through me.

"Hello?" the shout catches me off guard. "Ma'am, hello? Can you hear me?"

I dart around the corner, following the voice to a boy. He's standing in the middle of the street, his image flickering as people pass right through him.

"Someone answer me!" he calls, "Hello?" He looks around frantically, then freezes, staring at me. "H-hello? Ma'am?" he waves hesitantly, approaching me. His bright blue eyes are wide, almost scared, under a fringe of palest silver hair. He doesn't look any older than about 16.

"Hi," I say as he gets nearer. "Who are you?"

"You... you can see me? You can hear me?" he reaches out a hand, gasping when I take it.

"I can touch you too," I smile. "I'm (Y/N)."

"I'm... Jack. I'm Jack Frost."

"It's nice to meet you, Jack Frost." 

A Heart of Ice (Jack Frost x Cupid!Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now