Chapter Six: Death's Door

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I hope you like the new update. Leave a vote if you like it and comment what you think. Thanks for being patient. Have a great day/night/evening/ day and if you're day isn't going good I hope it gets better or tomorrow is better. :) This chapter tells a little more about their past and species, so you have some more information and a little backstory to make things more interesting. Hope you like it. :)

I look down at her scared as her heart monitor speeds up even more and she starts shaking. No no no no no please no. NURSE!!! NURSE!!! HELP!!! I scream as terror fills me and I clutch my brother as a few nurses and doctors come running in talking very fast to each other. I can hear what they are saying as my fear takes over blocking everything out. I cant lose her. I wont survive that. Please I can't lose her too. She's one of the only people I have left plus shes my mate. The Universe cant do this to me not after everything its done to me. The only thing I can hear is her heart monitor going very fast and the sound of her body hitting the bed as she keeps shaking. I dont think Ill ever be able to forget these sounds. The only thing keeping me somewhat stable is my brothers arms that are wrapped very tightly around me. I suddenly hear the monitor stop and it feels like someone to a sledge hammer to my heart repeatedly. Suddenly I cant hear or see anything. Everything's so blurry and it feels like my whole world and life just stopped. This pain is so excruciating I cant take it. Please dont leave me princess please. I faintly hear a very slow beating, but ignore it feeling like Im drowning in my pain. I feel someone shaking me violently and growl coming back to reality. My brother is right in my face saying my name loudly and the heart monitor is now stable. I lean heavily against my brother burying my face into his shoulder as I grip his shirt crying hard., Usually vampires cant cry unless they experience extreme pain that most vampires cant survive from. Like in my case, the pain from losing my mate even for a few seconds, is really bad and can cause me to cry. Its rare when you see a vampire cry, but when you do you know they are in so much pain it could kill them. Losing your mate can cause you to cry because they are a part of you and your soulmate. Losing them breaks not only you, but your vampire in a way that can never be repaired and in most cases gets worse. Every vampire that loses their mate loses themselves as well and is not the same and they keep getting worse and worse until they find a way to end it because they cant handle the pain. Not even the strongest vampires can bare the pain. I realize that all the doctors and nurses are gone and its just me, my brother and Roxy again. How long was I out of it for? I ask looking at my brother. For about 5 minutes after they made sure she was okay and left. So about ten minutes total. He says as he rubs my shoulders soothingly and beds down getting a few blood bags and handing them to me. Drink these you need it. You havent had any in a few days plus you just went through something very painful, so you really need this. I just nod and gulp down 5 bags handing them to him when Im done where he puts it in his bag to dispose of later. I walk over and sit back in my seat taking Roxys hand in my no longer scared. I grip it between mine and pull it gently to my mouth gently kissing the top of her hand. Please come back to me. I need you. I whisper into her hand. I feel her hand twitch and look and her face the thought of her waking up filling me with happiness. Roxy? I whisper looking at her. Suddenly my brother is beside me looking at her as well. If she is waking up what do I say to her? What do I do? I dont want to overstep. After a minute nothing else happens and I slump back in my chair sadly. I guess it was just a muscle spasm or something. But when she wakes up what will I say? I know im overthinking this, but I cant help it. What do I say to her? I mumble to myself. Why not start with hey and go from there? Dont overthink this I know how you are especially when it comes to her. Just say hey and be there when she wakes up. That will make her a lot happier than you think. I know if I was in her situation Id be confused and terrified when I woke up and having someone I really trust and care about there would help a lot. My brother says answering me. I know I just cant help it. Youre right though thanks.: I give him a half smile and keep looking at her as I rub her cold hand. My temperature is different than what people would expect. In most fantasy books and other stuff vampires have cold skin and cant withstand the sun. We used to be like that centuries ago. We had cold skin, the sun made us temporarily lose our humanity and our beasts took over. If we stayed out there too long we became feral which is what we call vampires that are no longer human. We were easy to spot and figure out for those who knew about us. Those who knew about us got turned into a vampire to silence them. All vampires have the ability to control those weaker than them which helped in cases where humans who knew about us were turned. If they werent properly fed and trained they remained weaker and easier to control. One of the humans we turned went by the name Octavius knew about vampires and was determined to get the world to know. He tried many times to tell them without the vampire society knowing, but they laughed at him and called him insane. He tried to get proof by befriending a coven of vampires and getting them to trust him and tell them their secret. When they did he did his best to try and gather proof. It took him two years to get them to tell him their secret and then another three to gather the proof. He betrayed them and left running to the humans to tell them during a very big event. The counsel found out and sent out their best soldiers to kidnap and turn him. He sweared vengeance, so they controlled him and never trained him, keeping him fed enough to stay alive, but to have no strength to fight back. Once they were convinced her couldnt do anything they gave him a little more freedom which he used to train in secret. He became powerful and released the information to the most powerful section of the earth. He led them into a war against vampires where we almost went extinct. Most of us died, but we ended up defeating them and killed every human that knew not wanting to take chances again and replaced the most powerful country with vampires. Since then we have trained and experimented for centuries until we evolved to seem more human, so we arent found out again. Now our temperatures are hotter than humans and we can go out in the sun just not for long periods of time. It can still cause us to lose our humanity, but it takes a lot more time in the sun to do that now. We have built up our endurance over the centuries. Ill have to tell my mate what I am soon, but Im scared of how shell react. What if she doesnt feel the same way about me? Maybe I should hold off telling her for a bit longer. Telling her my secrets could risk ruining our friendship and I dont want to do that. My case is a bit different though. Vampires dont age once they are turned thats true, but they can have children together. It's just very rare and hard to make happen. In most cases the child ends up not being born, dying, or the female vampire doesnt get pregnant at all. I am one of the rare ones that was born from vampires. When you are born from vampires you are a vampire, but your vampire genes remain dormant until you reach a certain age. Once you reach that age they waken and you become a vampire. While they remain dormant you are basically human, but your blood doesnt appeal to vampires, so you are safe. Ive known Roxy since I was little, but she probably doesnt remember. My vampire genes awakened when I turned eighteen a few months ago. Most vampires born from vampire parents remain human until they turn eighteen. Im still getting used to my heightened senses and dont know the strength of my powers. Im going to have to try harder to get control of them, so I can hide them from Roxy and other humans. If not Im a danger to the vampiric race. Since vampires like me are so rare we arent trusted that much by turned vampires and we get watched hard. One mistake and they are willing to kill or cast us aside. The closest term to how we are treated in human language is discriminated against or racist. Let's take a small crime for vampires for instance. Like telling a human what we are. You have a turned vampire and a born vampire of the same rank and everything both tell a human what they are. The born vampire would be punished way more severely than a turned vampire would simply because we are rare and different. The thing that is different about turned vampires and born vampires is family. Turned vampires have covens which is where a few random vampires come together and make a pact to stick together and protect each other. Over time most covens become close and think of each other as family. Born vampires have clans. Clans are formed when born vampires or turned vampires and their born vampire children who know each other agree to become a clan. We are families and know each other well before forming a clan. Both clans and covens have names like The Slayers, or The Griffins. The Griffins is the name of my clan. Sometimes names are chosen by last names. Like my last name is Griffin and so is my brothers and everyone else in our clan, so we decided to go by The Griffins. Other times names are decided by how they act or what they do. Like The slayers, is a famous vampire coven that slays our enemies and keeps us safe, so they decided to go by The slayers. Using these names is a lot easier when you are talking about covens or clans instead of trying to describe you or name off everyone in the clan/ coven. Instead of saying their names you can just use their clan/coven name. I would be so happy to have my mate join my clan and become a griffin. A big smile appears on my face at the thought and I gently squeeze her hand. I dont know if thatll ever happen though. I sigh and get up grabbing another bag of blood drinking it and I hand it to Titus looking at him. Feel a little better? He asks, putting it in his bag. Not really, but it helps. I say as I fidget with my sleeve. What were you thinking about? You seemed deep in thought. I sit down and he moves to sit beside me putting his hand on my back soothingly. I was thinking about our history and how we got here and evolved. I was thinking about our clan and how I would love for Roxy to be a part of it and be a griffin, but I dont think thats going to happen. If I tell her what I am, shes going to hate me. I cant handle that. I would rather not tell her and remain her friend. I sigh and run my hands through my hair the very thought of remaining her friend and never telling her shattering my heart. This pain is so unbearable, but I cant tell her. Plus this way she will stay safe from this side of the world. You know that will kill you. No vampire can bear that for a long period of time. He says squeezing my shoulder. :then thats whatll happen. Ill do anything to keep her safe and keep her in my life. I speak to him with determination and look at him, so he knows Im serious. I wont let you die. This will work itself out and if it doesnt Ill knock some sense into destiny. He smiles at me and gets up to move his stuff against the wall then sits down beside me. What are you doing? I ask turning to face him. Moving my stuff since Im staying here with you? He states like its the most obvious thing in the world. You dont have to. I know, but I want to. Plus someone has to make sure you are taken care of as well since you wont do it yourself. He chuckles and glances at Roxy. Suddenly the heart monitor speeds up again. DOCTOR!!! Me and Titus yell at the same time. This is going to be a very long night.

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