Chapter four: Sleeping Beauty

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Artemesias pov-

I woke up and my body felt stiff and weak. I stretched feeling my muscles loosen up. I feel a tightness in my stomach like someone who is hungry. Only I knew this was different for me. I ignore it and look at Roxy seeing how she is doing. I groan knowing I need to turn on my phone and check to see anything new. I know that I most likely have another text from that weird person who texted me last night. Are they going to tell everyone my secret? They will need proof or no one will believe them. They will just think that person is crazy. But do they have any proof? If so what proof? Ive been very careful not to let people see my secret. Ive been told since I was little to hide who I am and not let anyone find out. That if anyone found out it would be very bad not just for me, but everyone like me. I take out my phone and turn it on watching the symbol appear on screen and make it bright. I set it on my lap and look at Roxy again as I slowly reach and grab her hand holding it in mine. Her hand felt a little colder than usual. Not ice cold, just a little less warm. Her hand felt so fragile limp and weak in mine. I was scared of breaking it. She looks so much more breakable now in this bed. I sigh and look down at my phone when I hear it go off repeatedly. I unlocked my phone opening up the messages. There were five texts from the creep that texted me last night. You getting hungry princess? Why dont you go eat? I was paranoid now. How does this person know Im hungry? Are they watching me? I sniff the air and dont smell any new people besides the doctors and nurses that have been in here. I read the next text fearfully. You ready to wake up sleeping beauty? I know Im ready for you to wake up. A low growl escapes my throat as rage fills me. They cant tell my secret. My life would be over and I would never see my loved ones or Roxy again. They will not ruin what I have worked so hard to build. Is someone scared? Not ready to wake up without your prince doing it? Too bad princess its time for your slumber to end and your prince to know the real you that you hide. I took a deep breath even though I didnt need to and let it out slowly as I calmed myself the best I could and kept reading. Aw is someone sad about their mate being in a coma? Its ironic youre showing affection now that she is not awake and able to speak or anything. What about when shes awake? Why dont you show it then? Are you afraid? I held back my emotions holding Roxys hand the whole time. I read the last text and my heart dropped. How would your mate feel if she found out your secret? That you had been hiding it the whole time? Surely shed hate you, so tell me princess. Was it worth hiding it? Well see when she finds out. Wakey wakey sleeping beauty. I sighed deeply, putting my phone down and rubbing my eyes pinching the bridge of my nose. After a moment I decided I needed food, but wasnt going to leave Roxys side. I picked up my phone and scrolled through my contacts finding his number and sent him a text. Hey, I need food, but cant leave where Im at. Can you help? Two seconds later my phone dinged with a reply from him. Sure thing sis. Where are you at? Im at the Bloodingale emergency hospital. Room 906. I havent eaten in a while, so can you bring plenty for a meal and some for the next few days just in case? No problem sis. Ill be there in a few and please take it easy on yourself. I know youre blaming yourself, but its not your fault. Its that stupid drunk drivers fault for driving while drunk. Dont be too hard on yourself, okay? And you can always talk to me and vent to me. I know how hard things have been for you with no being able to tell her your secret or your feelings for her. I know its hurting you bad to not be with your mate romantically, but it will work out eventually just give it time. Thank you Titus. Youre the best big brother ever. youre welcome sis. And Im just trying to take care of you. Youre my only sibling, so I have to make sure youre okay and healthy. I smiled at that text. Titus is my big brother. Hes like me and is 23 years old and in college. He always takes care of me and is there for me whenever I need something or someone to vent to. Hes amazing and I couldnt have survived half of the stuff I have without him. About 30 minutes later I hear a knock on my door. I smile knowing its him. Come in. I say low knowing he can hear me. The door opens and Im met with his bright blue eyes that look like the sky. His hair was shaved on both sides. The hair on the top of his head pushed forward and was thick and dark blue. The shaved parts of his head were bright scarlet red. He smiled at me and walked over with a briefcase and a big lunch box. I could hear blood sloshing around in the lunch box, but I wondered what was in the briefcase. He handed me the lunch box and as I took it he spoke. Theres enough blood in there for two weeks, hopefully you wont need it all, but just in case. I nodded and looked at the briefcase after saying thanks. Whats in that? I pointed to the briefcase. He lifted it and stared at it. This? Oh just some stuff for you he sat it down at my feet and gave me a big bear hug. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders hugging him back. He was taller than me by half a foot, so I was on my tippy toes trying to hug him. Thanks for everything big brother. It means a lot. What would I do without you? I laughed and he chuckled. Probably be lost. You are so distracted you havent moved from that spot. If I wasnt here who would be taking care of you right now? I shrugged. Probably no one since the rest of my family that loved me are gone or missing and our parents went rogue and turned evil and tried to kill us when I was five. Titus at the time was ten. The only ones left are our aunt and uncle. Speaking of which I found it very weird that no one has come to visit Roxy yet. Why arent her parents here? I remember asking her when we were little if I could meet her parents, but she went quiet and changed the subject. I hummed to myself as Titus let me go. Oh also when you have a moment I have some news for you. Not right now though because youre already going through enough right now. He patted my shoulder and looked down at Roxy. shes grown so much. I doubt she remembers me, but I remember her. He sighed deeply and I looked into his eyes. There was pain, worry, love, stress, and adoration in his eyes as he looked at her. Youve met her before? Besides the times she came over to our house when we were little? I asked as I shifted to look at him. He turned to me, Yes. I helped her a lot when she was very little and took care of her at times since there were a lot of siblings at her house and they basically neglected her at times. Shes like a little sister to me. And now that we know shes your mate that means eventually it will be official that shes my sister. Wait a lot of siblings? I only knew about her older sister. He obviously knows some stuff that I dont, but now is not the time to pry. Next thing I knew the door was flung open and I instantly knew Roxy was now in even more danger. Me and Titus went to stand protectively around her...then it happened..

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