Chapter two: The struggle

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Artemesia's pov-

I sit in a chair by Roxy's hospital bed looking at her. I am anxious just looking at her. Why wont the doctor hurry up and come in here and tell me her condition? Though I'm not sure Ill like what the doctor has to say. I look her over and she doesn't look so good. My heart squeezes painfully at the sight of her like this. Why did this have to happen? This morning while waiting for them to clean and close her wound I looked at the news. One story said, drunk driver slams tractor-trailer into a school bus. I growled thinking about it. Apparently some delivery guy driving a tractor-trailer was drunk on the job and had slammed his vehicle into our bus. If it weren't for him she wouldn't be here right now in this condition. If he had just stayed sober she would be awake and doing something in class right now. Today is Thursday and she would have been making plans with friends for the weekend if that guy hadn't crashed into our bus.

"Hello, I am Roxy's doctor. Are you a family member or friend?" I heard a deep authoritative voice say. I looked at the doctor anxious about what he was about to tell me. "I am a very close friend of hers. I care deeply for her. Doctor, is she going to be alright?" I say, my voice quivering. He looks at the papers on his clipboard and sighs as if preparing for something, which wasn't helping my anxiety, but I waited patiently for him to speak. After what felt like an eternity he finally spoke. "We have good news and bad news." He said calmly and my heart squeezed tight as if preparing to shatter. "Yes?" was all I said as calmly as I could. "The good news is she is stable for the moment and we have closed her wounds. She doesn't have internal bleeding or any injuries to her organs. Which is a good thing." He said looking at me. "And the bad news?" I say terrified of what his next words will be. "She is in a coma I am afraid. We are doing everything we can to keep her stable and healthy and help wake her up soon. Since she doesn't have any injuries to her organs she has a pretty good chance of waking up. She has a concussion, but we are doing what we can to help with that. Don't worry we are doing everything in our power to help her completely heal and wake up." I listen, but every word after coma was like listening to a song. The words didn't process in my brain, even if I heard them, it was like it went in one ear and out the other. She's in a coma? This cant be happening...

I reached for her hand then stopped. She probably wouldn't want me to hold her hand. I just want her to wake up. I remember the whole accident. The part where she passed out and everything after keeps playing through my mind over and over again. Right after she passed out I was crying more and terrified now that she had fallen asleep. The bus driver was unconscious and some other students were injured. Some of my fellow seniors that were awake and not hurt started walking down the aisle checking on all the students and checking injuries. They seemed to keep note of how many were seriously injured and had small injuries. They came to my seat and took one look at Roxy then went pale and became very worried. They tried to wake her up and when it failed they started cleaning her injuries and trying to stop the bleeding.

After they did the best they could to stop the bleeding one senior pulled out his phone and called 911. He sounded very serious and told the cops the street and everything of where they were at. He said how many students were on board, how many were unconscious or awake, how many seriously injured, how many with small injuries and how many unharmed as well as the drivers condition and what happened. I didn't really hear what he was saying. I was too focused on Roxy and worrying if she would be okay. I never let her go, even when the cops came and tried to load her into an ambulance, I stayed holding her. I walked into the ambulance and kept holding onto her the entire time and didn't let go until we were at the hospital and she was put on a bed with wheels. Even then I held her hand and walked beside the bed as they rolled it into a room to do emergency surgery.

I haven't left her side at all except to use the bathroom and that's it. I haven't eaten or slept. Even if I wanted to I couldn't eat or sleep right now. Not with her in this condition. "Do you know when she may wake up? Like a range of days?" I ask and look at him again. If I knew a range it would help my worry. Even though I doubt he knows when she might or will wake up. "Its hard to say. We have had people in similar conditions as hers and they woke up at different times. It all depends on her and how strong she and her body fights against her injuries. Its hard to say. I'm sorry we cant give you a range of days, but I can say she has a high probability of surviving and waking up." He says trying to reassure me and calm me some. I'm thankful for what he said, but it doesn't help much. I'm still crazy stressed about her. I really like her and don''t lose her...I don't know how I'd handle that or if I even could. We started talking in the 7th grade, but I've been watching her since 5th grade. Not in a creepy way, just observing her as I observe many people to see how they interact, and take note in my mind.

I've had a crush on her since I first started learning about who she is by observing her. She's so nice and caring. When you first see her she seems to keep to herself and not talk to anyone. Like shes a loner, but really she likes talking to people and interacting shes just too shy to speak up. I know from experience that once you get to know her she is weird and funny, easygoing and caring. Shes artistic and creative, protective of her friends and people she loves. Theres a lot more to her than what you think when you first look at her. Once you look past the mask she puts on theres an amazing person behind the mask.

I look at her and smile remembering why I fell for her. I hope she wakes up soon. I miss her so much and just want to hear her voice. Hear her say, hey. Or Im okay. I want to see her smile again. I sigh and lay my hand beside hers too scared to hold her hand. The doctor says he will come back later to check on her and turns off the lights closing the door behind him as he leaves. A few minutes later a dark soothing orange light cuts on above us and I lay my arms on her bed beside her arm and lay my head on her arm. I think about what we used to talk about, how we used to laugh over the stupidest things and do the weirdest things when we got together and hung out together. I smiled remembering the times I've spent with her over the years and relaxed, but still stressed about her and when she would wake up. She is strong and a fighter I know she will wake up. I close my eyes and keep thinking about her as sleep claims me and I fall asleep.

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