Chapter 3: losing hope

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Waking up I feel weak and my eyes feel heavy. I wipe my eyelids with the back of hand and look around the room. A hospital? Why am I here? I look at the bed and see Roxy lying there in bad condition and fear fills me. Then everything that has happened the past two days comes rushing back. Oh yea...thats right..I forgot.. Sighing I stand and go to the restroom. I know I need to eat soon.. I dont want to risk hurting Roxy because Im so hungry. However, feeding would require leaving the hospital and getting far away from her. I refuse to leave her side while shes like this. What am I going to do? I cant go much longer without hunting or my animal instincts will take over and I will end up injuring or possibly killing someone. I will prevent that from happening again. Once Ive cleaned up and washed my hands I go back and sit down in the chair.

I look at her and the wind blows through the open window gently blowing her hair around. Pain fills me, not only from worrying about her and missing her, but from hunger. My stomach tightens painfully, like a balloon about to explode from being squeezed. My mouth feels very dry like a desert. I swallow hoping my mouth wont feel as dry, but the dryness comes back. I sigh as if it will lift the heavy weight off my shoulders and chest. I pop my neck hearing a loud pop echo through the room. I look around the still empty room with only me and her in it. That reminds me. Its weird that no one has come to visit her. What about family or other friends? Its been two days and the accident is all over the news. Surely her other loved ones know shes in here, so why havent they visited? Are they too scared of what they may see or do they possibly not believe this is true? Either way its strange no one other than me has come to visit and check on her. I would have expected her parents or whoever takes care of her to have been here as soon as they found out and to still be here, like me, but they arent. I decided to go ask the doctor about any loved ones or friends asking about her or calling. To see if anyone besides me actually has checked up on her. I stand up slowly not wanting to leave her and walk out shutting the door behind me. I look at the plain white walls and doctors equipment as I look for the doctor.

The smell of doctors medicines and equipment invaded my nose. I wrinkle my nose up as the nasty smell overwhelms me. God I hate doctors offices and hospitals. I see the doctor and take a deep breath preparing myself to ask him. Excuse me sir. May I ask you a question? I ask nervously and the doctor slowly turns around looking at me with questioning eyes. He looks at me and understanding fills his eyes then pity. Yes. what is your question? He asks in a soft tone. I hate how he is looking at me with sympathy. I hate people feeling pity for me. I was wondering.. I pause trying to find the right words for my question. If..anyone has called or came and asked about Roxy? I look at him seriously as I ask my question. He sighs and rubs the back of his neck awkwardly. That cant be a good sign. No no one has called or came and asked about her so far, but it has only been two days. Sometimes it takes some families a few days to be able to get off work to come see their child or friend. It can also take a few days for families and friends to gather up the courage to come and see their loved one. Especially when they are in a condition like Roxys. Her condition is one loved ones and friends struggle to come see when its someone they love who is in the condition. If anyone calls or comes and asks we will be sure to let you know. I highly doubt you will be the only one to come visit or check on her and her condition. Just give it some time. In the meantime you might want to go get something to eat or drink. I know from experience people tend to not eat or drink in situations like yours. "

I nod because I know arguing with him wont do any good. So instead I lie. I will. Thank you doctor. I say and walk back to her room. I have a feeling Im going to be spending a lot of time over the next few days to weeks in that room. Which means I will eventually have to figure out the feeding situation, so I dont injure her more from hunger. Suddenly my phone vibrates, but I leave it in my pocket not caring who it is. My phone vibrates again and a low rumble comes from my chest. I pull out my phone and it is lit up. I see that I have two new texts from an unknown number. Scrolling up and entering my password I open up the texts. How is sleeping beauty? Why havent you kissed her and woken her up yet? I know this person is talking about Roxy because she is in a coma. Who is this person and why do they care? I lay my chin on the palm of my opposite hand as I look at these texts pondering if I should respond or not. My phone growls again with another text. Arent you her secret prince? The prince always kisses the princess and she comes back and lives happily ever after. Dont you want your happy ending? Okay this person must be insane. A kiss wont wake her up from a coma. I think to myself. Or are you the one asleep and she is the prince? okay what? Clearly she is asleep, she's laying in a hospital bed and Im sitting here wide awake. At this point Im too curious to not respond. What r u talking about? I mean are you the one asleep? Or is she asleep? Im obviously awake, I'm texting u. Thats not what I mean. She may be in a coma, but her heart is awake. Yours is asleep. what r u talking about? She is being herself. She is awake. While you hide your true self. You are asleep. Terror and anxiety fill me. This person must know my secret.. Thats the only thing that could be meant by that statement. How do they know? What is their goal? I turn my phone off and before it goes black another text appears in my notifications. Its time for the prince to wake up.

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