Chapter Seven: Discovery

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Thanks for the patience enjoy the update and I hope you have a great day :)

"Doctor!!" I yell again, but no one comes in and I growl frustratedly. I'm about to yell again when Titus grabs my arm, "Sis don't no one can see this." He says and I look over at Roxy confused. My eyes go wide as I hear her bones snapping and reshaping and she shifts into a panther. Panther?! I thought she was human; wait why didn't she tell me she wasn't human? I'm interrupted from my thoughts when I see Roxy's eyes snap open and I feel my beast purring with happiness. She's awake my princess is awake!! I smile wide, but it soon leaves my face when her eyes dart around fearfully and she tries to make a run for the door. I use my vampire speed to get in front of her and stop her from leaving. She growls loud at me and I notice that she has two different colored eyes. One is green the other is blue and they both glow and she is a few inches taller than me in this form. Her eyes seem to focus on me and she stops growling tears filling her eyes. My heart breaks seeing this and I want to hug her so badly, but I don't want to scare her. She takes in her form and whines confused. Wait did she not know she wasn't human? That would explain it since most people who are were animals their genes remain dormant until they turn sixteen and she is sixteen. The stress of recent events must have triggered her first shift. But something seems different she doesn't seem like a normal were-panther and those two different colored eyes suggest she's a halfbreed of were-panther and something else. She shakes her head and collapses on the floor. She must be exhausted she just woke up and is still healing and had her first shift. I run to her kneeling beside her watching her worried as she shifts back. She groans sitting up as she rubs her eyes yawning. She's so cute I missed her so much. I wish I could hold her and kiss her, but I can't right now she doesn't know I love her romantically. She looks around and locks eyes with me as I hear her hold her breath. I hear my beast growling mate and I smile warmly at her. My smile turns into a smirk as I hear her growl mate under her breath. Her first transformation must have awakened her were-animal genes and her beast recognizes me as her mate. I'm so happy right now, but just because I'm her mate doesn't mean she's going to accept me as her partner. "Hey, glad you're awake," I say trying to keep my emotions in check. I look at her shocked when she tackles me to the ground hugging me. I wrap my arms around her tightly as she puts her face into my shoulder sobbing. "I'm scared..." She whimpers into my shoulder hugging me tighter. I hate seeing her like this I want to make her feel better, but I don't know how to. She looks at me, "Please don't hate me I'm sorry I didn't tell you I didn't know how you'd react. I didn't want to scare you off." She whispers. "Wait if you knew what you were why did you look confused earlier?" I ask and she sighs, "Because I was confused why I woke up in a hospital room as a panther. I know I'm a halfbreed. My mom is a werewolf and my dad was a werepanther." I state and I smile, "I don't hate you and I'm not going to run for you not being human. I'm not human either." She looks at me when I say this, but it's Titus who responds to her unasked question. "We're vampires."

Titus sits down near us as he says this and she snaps her head towards him eyes going wide. "Titus?..." She almost whispers and he smiles nodding. "I guess you do remember me." He chuckles when she hugs him and I miss her warmth instantly. She moves back to sit in my arms as Titus continues, "wait you said was?" She nods sadly, "There was an incident.." We both look at her waiting for her to continue. "You see.." She takes a deep breath before continuing and I squeeze her hand gently comforting her. "My whole family lives in the middle of the woods away from humans. Or we used to. There were hundreds of us. My cousins, siblings, aunts and uncles, grandmas and grandpas everyone. I have thirty siblings including my big sister you guys know. That sounds like a lot, but it's normal for shifters. Since we rarely accept non-family into our packs we reproduce a lot to keep the pack large. One day we were having a cookout to celebrate selection day. That's where one day our mother, the moon, chooses who will be the next alpha of the pack. She chooses by glowing brighter than usual and whoever she chooses as the next alpha is marked by a tattoo that covers their entire back. It's very painful when it appears on you and the pain lasts for a few hours. It is always on a full moon and this time I was chosen as the next alpha. I was terrified, but the next day we always celebrate before the intensive training begins the following day. We were celebrating when suddenly gravity got ten times stronger and shoved us to the ground. We struggled to get up and only the strongest of us were able to fight it and stand. We heard cackling and witches, about twenty of them, flew out of the trees throwing balls of magic burning blues, oranges, reds, greens, and purples, and the air filled with screams. I watched as one by one my family members burst into flames burning alive. My nose overflowed with the stench of burning flesh and fur as my family shifted to try to fight them. I felt my tattoo glow, giving me extra strength. That's one thing the tattoo does when an alphas pack or future pack is in danger. I howled loud shifting into a wolf and the spell causing most of us to be unable to stand was broken. By this time almost half my family had been burned alive. We fought hard killing the witches one by one. When all of them were killed those of us howled with glee, but it was cut short as we looked around and noticed the only ones left were me, my siblings, and my mom. It's hard to believe that only twenty witches killed hundreds of us, but they are powerful and fly where we can't reach them. They don't use brooms to fly like in the movies though they float. That's why they are our enemies because they are so powerful and have been killing shifters for centuries now. Mom started freaking out when she couldn't find our father. We looked around the ground covered with the ashes of our loved ones. The ashes were up to our knees and we heard groaning. Mother ran and pulled the groaning person from the ashes revealing it to be our father. He had burns all over his entire left side blood oozing from the burns as he coughed up blood. We all cried around him as he spoke with his last breath to us. "I love my family, take care of each other...I'm sorry...I failed..." When he died we heard a weak cackle and our head snapped toward the sound. A witch was lying against a tree already half dead. We snarled and ran to her my mom being the first one to reach her. She grabbed her by her throat and hoisted her up. "Why have you done this?!" she screamed. "We were looking for your new alpha and her halfbreed sister. We want to experiment on them. But especially you're new alpha there's something different about her we can sense it. We don't care as much about her sister. Just the new alpha." She smirked looking me in the eyes. I felt so much guilt slam into my chest almost shattering my beasts with despair. My family was all burned alive except my siblings and mother because they wanted me. Because I'm different." She spoke and paused tears filling her eyes as they flowed down her cheeks. My heart hurt so bad my beast whimpered in pain at seeing my mate talk about her past. My beast hated seeing my mate in so much pain and finding out she has been through so much. That we could have lost her that day. I hugged her close to my chest without thinking. "I'm so sorry...I didn't mean to do that it was instinct..." I speak worriedly as I start to let her go. She quickly grabs my arms stopping me, "no you're fine..being in your arms oddly makes me feel ten times better. Must be the mate bond. You don't have to let go." She says blushing, but I think nothing of it assuming it must be her tears making her blush. I hug her again and she continues, "You see while all my siblings had the same parents me and my big sister you know, Tiffany, were the only ones born halfbreeds. Everyone else was either born a werewolf or werepanther. But theirs is something special about me. "We will get her sooner or later. It's only a matter of time. In the meantime, we shrunk the number of bodyguards, so it'll be easier to take her. And it was so fun killing off two-thirds of your pack. Have fun new alpha." She smirked and my mom snarled snapping her neck. Weeks passed and my mother kept getting worse as her beast started to die unable to handle the pain of losing her mate. She grew violent attacking any of us who tried to approach her. She refused to each except bare minimum to stay barely alive. She grew to hate me and Tiffany more than the rest as weeks went by. She loathed me most since I was the main reason they came and started killing us off. One day she snapped and got drunk on wolf liquor. It's the only thing that can make us drunk, human alcohol doesn't affect us. She started beating with a wipe, putting out cigarettes on my skin, throwing bottles at me. She got tired of hurting me and started choking me. "You're a monster! A mistake! I wish I'd never had you you freak! I wish you would've died in my womb, you disgusting creature. They are dead because of you! You killed my mate! My family!" She screeched in my face. I started crying because as the weeks passed I blamed myself more and more and I started thinking she was right. Maybe I shouldn't have been born. They'd still be alive if I had died and she had had a miscarriage with me. I closed my eyes accepting death with happiness. If I die my siblings will no longer be in danger. I heard a snarl and her hands were no longer on my throat. I fell to the ground on my knees and gasped for air as I looked through blurry eyes trying to see. My eyes adjusted and I saw all my siblings in the room surrounding me protectively. Tiffany had thrown her off me and was punching her in the face repeatedly. She smiled satisfied when she saw blood covering her face and walked back to me helping me up. She turned to our mother holding me against her protectively. "I know you lost your mate and we are all grieving the same as you. You have no right to speak to your daughter and future alpha that way. She didn't choose to be born a halfbreed and sure as hell didn't choose to be special. It wasn't her fault she was born this way and isn't her fault they came and attacked us trying to get me and her. I don't care how much pain you're in it doesn't justify trying to kill your daughter and or alpha. You know if she dies so does our pack since the moon only chooses one alpha each generation. By trying to kill her you tried to kill us and the pack our family and YOUR MATE died protected. You have betrayed your mate and our pack. You are no longer our alpha and are no longer a part of this pack. All in favor of banishment raise your hand." Tiffany said and we all raised our hands, but as alpha now my decision is the final choice. I hesitated knowing if I banish her it can't be undone. If that happens she needs to find a new pack within a month or she'll die which usually is the case since shifters rarely accept new members into their past. Especially since to be accepted the alpha has to look into your past, which is an ability given to all alphas with the tattoo on selection day. They see everything including the reason why you got banished and judge you harshly based on what they saw. Nine times out of ten they don't accept you since, in most cases, you got banished for a good reason. If you happen to imprint on one of the pack members you are automatically accepted. Other cases are if they have a vision of you imprinting on a future member or you being important to the pack in the future. Other than that you aren't accepted because each time they take in a new member it endangers the pack because they don't trust you yet and all your baggage is accepted into the pack with you. Your enemies are now their enemies. I raised my hand because, by attacking me, she has betrayed the pack and alpha and deserves this. I'm sorry she lost her mate, but she brought this on herself. Her pack bond to us was broken as soon as I raised my hand and we all felt it. She snarled vowing vengeance as she ran off. That same day I became alpha and had to take over. We found out months later she had found a new pack and one of the lower members imprinted on her, so she was accepted back in despite what she did. She became less violent at having a new pack and mate, but still plotted vengeance on us especially me. We listened and I felt sadness for my mate having to go through that and god knows what else. Anger at her mother for saying that and trying to kill MY mate. Anger at myself for not being there to help her. "Wait was that when we went away for months on a trip? I remember coming back and you were different and kept to yourself. You always looked sad, but I didn't want to pry. Is this also the reason you didn't talk about all your siblings and family? Why you didn't invite anyone over?" I asked understanding things better now. She nodded her only response. "Wait what does the alpha tattoo look like?" Titus asked and she stood up, "it's easier to show you." She said as she lifted and took off her shirt showing two wolves covering her entire back. The wolves faced each other in a still battle one bowing in submission as they both snarled at each other the full moon shining behind them. Below the moon were trees and a thin stripe of fog blew across the moon. The tattoo was very detailed and was a great show of dominance that any alpha would need to have. My beast snarled in anger when I saw Titus looking at her body. I know he doesn't see her that way and I logically know he wouldn't be checking her out. But my beast doesn't like anyone else seeing her amazing body. I checked her out for a second a part of me feeling guilty for doing so since she wasn't mine yet. I pulled her down to me gently a low growl coming from my throat as I pulled her against my hiding her chest against mine. She blushed putting her shirt back on and I let go letting her turn around. "I was surprised when I found out she had found a new mate. It's rare when someone has two mates, but I had a dream one night and saw it with my own eyes. One of my siblings went and confirmed my dream was correct. I still don't know how exactly I'm special I've been trying to figure that out myself. No one I ask seems to know and I can't ask a witch since we are enemies and they are after me. They seem to be one of the only ones that know why exactly I am special. It's frustrating and I have to figure out how to get my pack back to its original numbers so we survive. I also was thrown into alpha position with no training and I have no idea what to do. After the incident, my mother refused to train me and stayed in her bedroom all the time. My pack can't keep going like this and fighting off witches. If we do my whole pack will be completely killed off. I can't let that happen." She says and starts panicking her heart rate speeding up and her breathing getting faster. Titus and I share a look instantly agreeing on the same thing. "We will help you out so you're not alone. I won't let anyone hurt you. You have us now." I whisper to her rubbing her arms trying to soothe her worries and Titus hums an agreement. "Trust us." Titus says and she nods smiling at us lovingly, but it's too late and she passes out from all the stress.

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