Secret love

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Shout out to @YourOaverageOa55hole for the inspiration to write this. If you guys are reading my full hosie or hizzie story then consider this a way to get you through until I update those again.

"Jo I'm tired of hiding. I LOVE YOU and I can't tell anyone. I can't hold your hand on the way to class or kiss you whenever I want. I want to tell the whole school, hell the whole world that I'm YOURS."

"I know Hope and I do too, but I'm scared. We'd be coming out to the entire school and people will definitely talk. I'm not as strong willed as you Hope. I can't just let what people say roll off my back, even if I want to."

"Jo you're the strongest person I know. And did you ever stop to consider that I was forced to have thick skin? When I was outed as a Mikaelson I didn't really have a choice. I was no longer the loner Hope Marshall. I was Hope Mikaelson, girl who lost both her parents and the daughter of the "greatest evil" Klaus Mikaelson. The whole supernatural world sees my family as monsters. So trust me, it's not always a luxury having thick skin. What people say about my family kills me inside but I can't react because I'll just be proving their point. That all Mikaelsons come with an unchecked temper and darkness inside them. I love you Jo, but I can't be your secret anymore."

With that said Hope walks out of Josie's room. Leaving her standing there with tears running down her cheeks.

A few minutes later, Caroline is walking down the hall when she hears Josie crying. Immediately her motherly instinct kicks in and she vamps to Josie's door.

"Sweetie what's wrong? I could her you crying down the hall."

"I-I really m-messed up mom" she chokes out.

"What do you mean?"

Josie takes a deep breath and wipes her tears. She then looks her mom in the eyes.

"With Hope, I blew it mom. Hope and I ar-were dating going on a year, but no one knew. We got into an argument because Hope wanted to tell people about us but I was I am scared. I'm scared of what people will say and that might've caused me to lose the love of my life." Josie says before bursting into tears again.

"Oh honey, you shouldn't care about what people say. I know it's hard, but unfortunately people are always going to have an opinion and sometimes you're not gonna like it. You can't let that stuff get to you. If you love Hope and she makes you happy then that's all that matters. Now wipe your tears and go get your girl back. We can't have history repeating itself with another Forbes girl missing out on a Mikaelson.

Josie chuckles a bit at her mom's statement but still does as she's told.

When she leaves her room she ends up finding Hope in the cafeteria sitting with Lizzie, Kaleb, MG and Rafael.

Josie gets on the small stage an taps the mic to make sure it's on.

"Umm excuse me. Hi can I have everyone's attention please." Everyone then turns their attention to Josie.

"Thanks, so for those who don't know. I'm Josie Saltzman and I recently might've lost someone really important to me because I was scared. I'm hoping I can fix that right now."

She says a small spell and the instrumental to 'secret love song' by little mix starts playing. Looking directly at Hope, she starts to sing.

(Play the song at the top)

"When you hold me in the street
And you kiss me on the dancefloor..."

Josie then gets off the stage and walks towards Hope.

"It's obvious you're meant for me
Every piece of you it just fits perfectly..."

Pointing the mic at Hope, Hope takes Josie's hand a starts singing.

"Why can't you hold me in the street?
Why can't I kiss you on the dancefloor?"

(I purposefully took Jason's part out)

{Hope and Josie singing together}
"Girl you know this, we got a love that is hopeless..."

{just Josie}

"And nobody knows
I'm in love with Hayley's baby
I don't wanna hide us away..."

"Can I hold you in the street?
Why can't I kiss you on the dancefloor?"

"Why can't I say that I'm in love?
I wanna shout it from the rooftops... Cause I'm yours."

By the end of the song both Hope and Josie have tears in their eyes.

"I don't want to hide us either Hope. I love you and I don't care what anyone thinks. The only person that matters is you. I'm not gonna let fear keep me from loving you, because you Hope Mikaelson are the best thing to ever happen to me. And fuck the people who hate on the Mikaelson name. I will gladly take it one day. Nothing would make me happier than to become Mrs. Josie Mikaelson. Please tell me you still want this."

"Of course I do Jo. Are you kidding me, after that performance there's no doubt in my mind that you want this, want us as much as I do. I was scared too Jo. I was afraid that the reason you didn't want to tell anyone was because I wasn't enough or that you didn't want us as much as I do. You're the love of my life Josette Olivia Saltzman so yes of course I still want this. And we're totally hyphenating when we get married."

"Proposing already Mikaelson? Don't you think that's a bit hasty." Says Lizzie. Of course she had to be the one to remind them that they weren't alone.

"Oh shut it Saltzman. You just had to go and ruin our moment."

"Well next time don't have your 'moments' in the middle of the cafeteria in front of everyone."

"If anyone else was to see this, they wouldn't think that they're best friends." Says Kaleb. MG and Raf nod in agreement.

"Why am I friends with you again?"

"Because I'm awesome and you're whipped for my sister so... by the way I totally called that."

"Liz what are you talking about." Josie says, rejoining the conversation.

"It was pretty obvious sis. You can't even look in Hope's direction without getting immediate heart eyes. Same goes for Hope. You're my twin and my best friend, did you really think I couldn't tell, get real."

"Lizzie shhh you're ruining their epic moment. Everyone loves an epic romantic moment. Sorry, continue guys." MG says in true MG fashion.

Lizzie rolls her eyes while Hope and Josie just chuckle a little.

"I'm all in Hope, Always and Forever?"

"Always and Forever Jo"

Hope then leans in and kissed Josie and the cafeteria bursts into applause.

From the other side Klaus and Hayley look at each other with proud looks on their face. They know their little girl will be okay because she's found her Always and Forever and has friends that will be there for her no matter what. She doesn't need them to watch over her anymore. She's finally truly happy, which means they can rest easy knowing that Hope is living up to her name.

The end

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