When you're ready

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Struggling to keep her emotions in check, Hope goes for a run in the woods. She hasn't shifted since she's been back, dealing with gods who wanna kill you really puts a damper on time management.

She knows the squad forgives her for what she did without her humanity, but it doesn't mean she forgives herself. She killed Lizzie for Christ sake, yes she had vamp blood in her system, but that's not the point. It's too much for her to deal with, so she runs and runs until the sun comes up.

Heading back to her room, she bumps into someone she hasn't expected to see in the halls of the Salvatore Boarding school anymore.


Turning at the sound of her name, Jo smiles at Hope who clearly just came back from a run. She was probably out there all night Josie thinks to herself.

'Hey Hope'

'Uh not that I'm not happy to see you, but what're your doing here Jo? I thought you were still in Belgium.'

'I decided to come back, after talking with my mom and Lizzie, I realized how much I missed it here. This place is my home. I missed the super squad, parties at the old mill, I even missed Lizzie's sarcasm. I missed you Hope.'

Hope just stands there dumbfounded until she snaps out of it and rushes to give Josie a hug.

'We'll I'm glad you're back, it hasn't been the same without you.'

'It's good to see you too Hope, but I can tell you just came back from a run so what's up? I know you only run all night if something is really bothering you.'

'Umm let's go back to my room, I'd rather not have this conversation in the middle of the hallway.'

'Oh right, yeah let's go.'

Once they get to Hope's room Josie sits on the bed watching Hope pace back and forth, a nervous habit of hers.

'Come on Hope, you know you can tell me anything.'

'It's just I had another nightmare. They've been happening a lot since I've turned my humanity back on. This time it was about you, and the fight we had in the gym. Except in the dream, I didn't stop myself once dark Josie went away and you came back. I killed your Jo, and you stayed dead. It was awful, it was like I could see what I was doing but I couldn't stop myself. I tore out your heart and I did so with no qualms about it. I woke up after that panting for air struggling to remember what was real and what wasn't. I decided to go for a run after that to clear my head. It's always been easier for me to think in my wolf form.'

'Wow Hope that sounds terrible but I'm here okay, I'm here and I'm alive. You didn't kill me, my heart is still right where it belongs and it's still beating.'

Knowing that Hope might need more reassurance, Josie grabs her hand and places it against her chest.

'You feel that, I'm alive, okay Hope, you didn't hurt me. You never could, even without your humanity.'

Hope keeps her hand on Josie's heart for a few minutes, listening to the steady rhythm. Josie let's her because she knows Hope needs this. To know that she didn't hurt her.

'I'm here and I'm not going anywhere Hope. You're stuck with me so get used to it.'

'Jo I-I have so much I want to, no need to tell you but I just don't know how. So much has happened between us and I'm afraid that it's too late. That I've lost you. I know you're here and that you still care, but I know it's not how you used to, it can't be, not after everything I did. And I'm still struggling so much with post no-humanity that it'd feel wrong to try right now. I'm rambling but what I'm trying to say is that I love you Jo. I know it might seem sudden to you but it's not, I just haven't known how to tell you. But I'm in love with you Jo, I just don't want to ask you to wait. It wouldn't be fair. Not to mention you have finch to think about. God I'm sorry Jo, just forget I said anything.'

'Yeah, that's not going to happen Hope. I've been waiting to hear those words since I was twelve years old so sorry but I won't be forgetting anything. I wouldn't be able to even if I wanted to. But I get it and I'll wait. I know you don't think you have the right to ask me but you're not because I'm doing so willingly. I've been waiting for six years, I think I can wait a little while longer. And as for finch, that ended the moment I got on that bus, I came back for you Hope. I know what I said earlier and it's true, but you were my deciding factor in coming back. If it's okay with you, I'd like to play you a song I wrote while I was away. I think it sums up my thoughts on our situation pretty well.'

Hope is too stunned to speak so she resorts to nodding her head, not trusting her vocal chords to actual make a full sentence.

Josie smiles and grabs Hope's guitar from the corner of her room.

(All copyright for this song belong to Shawn Mendes)

Maybe I had too many drinks but that's just what I needed. I hope that you don't think that what I'm saying sounds conceited...

Don't know why I tried cause ain't nobody like you. Familiar disappointment every single time I do. Every single night my arms are not around you, my mind's still wrapped around you...

Baby anytime you're ready I'm waiting. Even ten years from now if you haven't found somebody I promise I'll be around...

What if my mom is right, when she says that you're the one. No I can't even argue, I won't even fight her on it...

And if I have to I'll wait forever, say the words and I'll change my plans. Yeah you know that we fit together. I know your heart like the back of my hand...

Tell me when you're ready, I'm waitin' , I'm waitin'.

'Hope I've known that you're it for me since we were kids, nothing is going to change that. So you take all the time you need and when you're ready, you know where to find me. Like I told you, I'm not going anywhere.'

Hope is just staring at Josie with tears freely falling down her face. The song was quite possibly the most beautiful thing she's ever heard.

'I-I Uh that, thank you Jo. It really means so much to me that you're willing to wait for me. No one's ever stayed for me before. I promise when I've worked out all my stuff you'll be the first to know.'

Josie just nods her head and gives Hope a hug.

In the afterlife

'Look Klaus, our little girl is finally gonna get her epic love.'

'Well done Littlest Wolf, well done.' Klaus says while smiling at Hayley.

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