What I Fear The Most

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I was awaken in my sleep from what I saw in my dream. I was breathing heavily as I wiped the sweat on my face feeling so anxious. I feel uneasy after that dream, it seemed so real that I couldn't help but to be in fear. I dreamed of them finding out what I did to Lisa. I already told myself that I would face any circumstances in case they find out about it. But I couldn't help but to still fear that day.

I get out of my bed deciding to went to Hoseok hyung. He's the only one I can talk to about this matter.
I stopped the moment I opened my my door when I saw Tae hyung passing by.

"Going somewhere?" I asked while he nodded as he continued his pace. I know Hoseok hyung told me to stop with this crazy thought about Tae hyung but he really is acting strange.

"To the hospital?" I tried guessing with my lips smiling widely. My smile soon faded when he shake his head as sign that I guessed it wrong.

"Then where are you going?" I asked getting more suspicious of him.

"To the company, after having a break for a week, I now need to get back on working." He answered smiling leaving me speechless. Right, it's not our off today.

I shake my head trying to forget the suspicions I had for hyung. After all, he looked better than before. He doesn't seemed to look bothered and worried all the time. And if there's someone who is supposed to be suspected, that would be me. I proceeded to where I want to head off, I still need to talk to Hoseok hyung.

I was slightly surprised when the door suddenly opens even before I could knock. He looked stressed as he stare at me with tired eyes while I hear the loud music from inside of their room.

"What do you want?" He asked weakly stepping out as he shut the door behind him.

"What's going on?" I asked him back as I feel like something is off in their room.

"Molla. Just ask your Jimin hyung why he's acting like that. The music is too loud I couldn't even sleep properly last night." He responded with a sleepy tone while yawning. I first remained quiet thinking of what should I ask first. If whether I should ask further about Jimin hyung or talk about him about the dream I had.

"Wae? You need something? You were about to knock earlier." He said breaking my silence as he walked towards our kitchen. I decided to follow him and just talk about the dream I had.

"Hyung, I had a dream last night." I stated making him stop and looked at me for a while but continued soon after.

"What dream?" He asked.

"Them finding out what I did." I weakly answered. He turned his head to me as he sighed lightly.

"It was just a dream. And even if it wasn't, I already told you, I'll be at your side. Okay?" He reminded me as he tap my shoulder.

"Don't be scared. No friendship will be ruined, I'll make sure of that." He added smiling like assuring me that everything will be fine. His words helped me to feel a little better. Though the fear will still be here, I feel relieved that I atleast had one person who understands me.

"Aren't you going to the building?" He asked when he noticed I was just standing there while he was already having his coffee.

"I will later. How about Jimin hyung? He didn't come out of his room since last night, he didn't even eat dinner. Is he sick?" I asked as I remember about Jimin hyung.

"I really don't know, but it looks like he's not okay. He always had his back face on me, he didn't get up on bed, his face is under his pillow and he's been playing the music too loud, I'm starting to get sick of it." He complained yet I could see that he's more worried.

In My Idol's Soul | Blackbangtan - TaeLice {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now