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Eventually, they both made it back to Uenoyama's house safely, and luckily, his parents werent home.

Uenoyama took off both their shoes and sat Mafuyu down on the couch for a moment before getting stuff to sterilize his wounds. He grabbed peroxide, cotton balls, and bandaids.

"Mafuyu, honey?" He reached out to softly touch his arm so he could shake him awake again. But the moment their skin made contact, he watched Sato scurry backwards and flinched. Mafuyu even put his arms up in front of him as defense.

Uenoyama couldnt stand to see him so terrified.

"Its okay... It's just me." He spoke in a quiet and comforting tone of voice as he slowly grabbed his hand. He realized that it would be bad to make any sudden movements around his lover at the moment. "I just need to clean the cuts, okay? Then we can wash your hair, and we can get into bed." Well... Mafuyu would be sleeping in the bed. But Uenoyama would take the couch. He didnt really know if Mafuyu was comfortable sleeping next to him, because they only just started dating, and he knew that now wasnt really the time to be testing the waters.

Mafuyu slowly lowered his arms, holding them out for Uenoyama to clean. He sighed and nodded, looking away. Because of what he'd just gone through, he was still slightly scared to talk. He felt as if he would be punished if he talked even though he knew Uenoyama would never do that to him.

When Uenoyama started cleaning Mafuyu's cuts, he bit his lip from the pain. It was searing got stinging sensation from the peroxide. Even so, he let Uenoyama clean every single one of them. Even the ones on his stomach and back.

Sato was so tired. His body was still in a bit of shock after all the pain he endured. "Let's skip the hairwash..." they could easily do it in the morning. "I just want to go to bed.."

Uenoyama shook his head. "Your hair is covered in blood... we cant just leave it there." He softly took his hand and ran his thumb over his knuckles. "It'll be quick. Then we can sleep."

Carefully, he helped Mafuyu up and brought him to the bathroom sink. He grabbed some shampoo and conditioner before thoroughly washing his hair. Throughout the hairwash, he heard Mafuyu let out little yelps here and there because of the pain where his head was hit. There was no way this was from one little fall. From the looks of it, all the scratches came from human fingernails. And the bruises were in the most unusual of places. Not to mention his head was nearly cracked right open.... there was clearly something going on. The real question was, why was Mafuyu trying to hide it??

Soon enough, they were done washing Sato's hair and Ritsuka finally brought him to bed. "Here you go. All nice and cozy." He tucked Mafuyu in and made sure he was comfortable. He even grabbed an extra blanket and some more pillows.

"Come lay with me.." Mafuyu asked quietly, hiding his face in the blankets. Uenoyama made him feel safe, and he needed some sort of security to rely on. "Please?" He knew it was his first time staying the night at his boyfriend's house, and he knew they'd never cuddled before, but he was desperate to feel protected. He wanted to feel wanted.

"U-uhm.." Uenoyama turned bright red. "Well... I guess I can.." he chuckled slightly and tried to appear calm. Mentally, he told himself to keep it cool, but really he was panicking. They'd never even laid next to each other before, so this was a big step in the relationship. Or at least, he thought it was. Slowly, he climbed into bed and got under the covers, laying there awkwardly and trying not to make eye contact.

Mafuyu smiled slightly when he felt Ritsuka next to him. He thought it was cute how flustered he seemed. Silently, he scooted a bit closer and wrapped his arms around him, basking in the warmth and comfort. "Thanks..." he mumbled, nuzzling into him.

Uenoyama's face was the brightest shade of pink imaginable. Mafuyu was so cute like that, all cuddled up beside him. "G-goodnight..." he croaked out, hesitantly hugging him back and getting himself into a more comfortable position. By the time he was done moving around, he was spooning Mafuyu with arms and legs around him. It made Sato feel secure enough to slowly drift off to sleep, and Ritsuka fell asleep not long after.

A/N: I thought I'd be generous and give you a break from the angst. I know I've been doing mostly daily updates lately but please dont expect that consistently! This is something I write in my free time only when I feel like it, and it would get too stressful if it started feeling like an obligation.


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