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In each other's arms, the boys slept pretty soundly for the first few hours of the night. It was peaceful and comforting to feel that solid warmth of another human being right next to them. To Mafuyu, it felt like Uenoyama was watching over him and making sure no one could get him. It felt like a strong protection that no one could break.

Well, no one could break it except for his own intrusive thoughts.

His dreams were getting progressively more disturbing as the hours went by. It started with small things like seeing his father's face out of the corner of his eye, but it progressed into much more awful and gruesome nightmares. Horribly vivid nightmares of being beaten and screamed at. He started wiggling around in bed, suddenly feeling restricted. His brain had morphed the comfort he felt from his boyfriend's embrace into restraints from an abuser. How cruel. Not only did he have to face what he went through in real life, he now also had to relive it all in his dreams.

He started mumbling in his sleep. Phrases of fear and pleading. "N-no... stop..!" He squirmed some more to try and free himself from the grip he was in. "I-it hurts... dont hit me...!"

It was then that he woke himself up, instantly sitting straight up in bed. He clutched his chest and felt the rapid beats of his heart before realizing that his breathing felt restricted and his chest felt tight. He felt like he wanted to scream, but kept quiet and tried taking deeper breaths despite how difficult breathing seemed. All he could think about was the pain he was experiencing. Why did he feel like this? Why did it feel like the world was ending? A single tear rolled down his cheek and he rocked back and forth. He'd always had a habit of rocking when he was troubled. It was supposed to be soothing.

Mafuyu felt like throwing up. His stomach felt weak and his brain was clogged with only negative thoughts. Was he going crazy? Was this what it felt like to go insane? A few more tears rolled down his face and he found himself getting lost in the negativity. He just wanted this to end. He just wanted to feel better.

A few moments after Sato sat up, Uenoyama opened his eyes and slowly sat up as well, rubbing his eyes and looking at his lover.

"Is everything okay..?" He asked with a small yawn, wondering why Mafuyu was up so randomly. He'd been sleeping too deeply to hear the mumbles or feel the squirming, which was why he didnt let go beforehand.

Mafuyu didnt answer, turning to look at him with tears in his eyes. He had a pleading look on his face. A look that said he needed help. He pinched himself as hard as he could, trying to distract one pain with another. It obviously wasn't working, and he still had no idea why his chest hurt or why he was crying. He remembered the nightmare vividly, but he normally never felt this stressed about anything. Normally, he could get over things quickly. But now he felt trapped in his thoughts and in his pain.

Uenoyama saw the tears in his eyes and looked at him in shock for a moment. "H-hey, what's the matter..?" He asked, reaching to hold his hand and watching how he flinched. "Tell me what's going on... I want to help." He slowly moved to hug Mafuyu, making sure to be slow so he wouldnt flinch again.

Mafuyu let him hug him and sighed, squeezing his hand. "I dont know..." he lied, starting to feel really nauseous.

Then, suddenly...

He knew he was going to throw up. And so, he hurriedly got out of bed and ran to the bathroom, puking into the toilet with a few small coughs afterwards. He wasn't surprised when Uenoyama quickly followed him.

"I'll give you some antacids, okay?" Ritsuka cleaned off his face, had him brush his teeth, and brought him back to bed, opening his drawer in the nightstand to reveal a bottle of over the counter antacids. "These work really well. Whenever I have an upset stomach, I have one of these and it makes it feel better right away." He handed one of the chewable tablets to his boyfriend and watched him eat it before putting the bottle away and climbing back into bed.

Throwing up had made Mafuyu feel at least a little better, and the calm tone Uenoyama spoke to him in helped as well. "Thanks.." he muttered, chewing the small tablet. Then, he felt a hand on his back and realized that his lover was rubbing it.

"I dont know what's going on, but I'm always gonna help you no matter what, okay?" Uenoyama whispered. "Because I-... I..." he was so nervous to say the next word. "I love you.."

Sato smiled softly and kissed his cheek. "I love you too." He said softly, starting to breathe easier again. He was starting to feel better. Both in his stomach and in his mind. It was a bit unlike Uenoyama to show so much affection, but he definetly wasnt going to complain. Especially when the affection was the whole reason why he was feeling better in the first place.

Mafuyu leaned on Uenoyama's shoulder, scooting closer to him. Even though he was feeling a little better, he still wanted a distraction from it all. He still wanted to escape.

"Uenoyama-kun..." he whispered directly in his ear. "Can I... kiss you?"

Uenoyama turned red, shivering slightly with the whisper. "U-uhm..." They'd kissed a few times before, but never in such a romantic setting. It was different kissing backstage than it was on a bed in a dark room. Still, he nodded slowly, trying not to seem flustered. "Yeah... you can." His heart was beating out of control, and as Mafuyu got closer, he could feel his rapid heartbeat as well.

Mafuyu approached his lips with a passion in his eyes. He suddenly had a hunger only Uenoyama could satisfy. Once he got to his lips, he kissed him softly, wrapping his arms around his neck.

Uenoyama kissed back and pulled Mafuyu onto his lap. The feeling of kissing Mafuyu was always so rewarding. It always made his stomach turn to butterflies and it always felt so good. He'd kissed girls once or twice before he met Mafuyu, but those kisses were never this satisfying or pleasuring.

"Mm..." a little noise escaped Mafuyu, and he blushed, pressing himself closer to Uenoyama. Though, he used a bit too much force and ended up causing them both to fall into a laying position. Now Mafuyu was laying on top of his boyfriend, and that excited him a bit more than it should have.

They went on like that for quite a while, and Mafuyu, having had loads of experience from his previous relationship, was getting quite carried away.

"Mmn.. M-Mafuyu..." Uenoyama started to pull away, sitting himself back up against the headboard. "We should probably... Stop now.." he panted with heavy breaths between each word. It was really getting late, and Uenoyama didn't really know if he wanted things to go any farther than they already had yet. He didnt really want to stop, but he knew it was probably for the best. "Dont we have school in the morning..?" He asked, rubbing his neck where Mafuyu had bitten him just a moment ago. "Its like three in the morning..."

Mafuyu let Uenoyama pull away, but pecked his lips one last time before they fully separated. He agreed that now would probably be a good time to stop that way things didn't get even more carried away, but he really didnt want to. "Oh yeah... we do have school." He'd forgotten all about it.

Silently, he laid down under the covers, giving Uenoyama some room to come closer and cuddle with him. Once he got into a comfortable position, it didnt take him too long to fall back asleep peacefully, snoring a little.

A/n: ayo I'm back
This is the longest chapter yet! 1,300 words! (Not including the a/n)
Hope yall liked the cute moments to balance out the angst :)

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