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They drove to the station, Mafuyu huddled up in the back with a throw-up bag in case he had to cough more. This was all mostly a blur to him. His body was in shock, or as some may call it, survival mode. And it wasn't really too concerned with anything except for staying alive.

Eventually, they got there, and Naomi helped Mafuyu out of the car and into the small building. She then brought him into a little room with colorful wallpaper and children's toys, severely contrasting against the bleak beige that the rest of the rooms were. He assumed that this was the room that children were questioned in as they tried to get all the info of the situation they could.

"Hey, are you ready to talk yet?" Naomi said softly, sitting in a chair across from him.

Mafuyu hesitated, but slowly nodded. He was away from his father now, and he no longer has power over him.

But then he remembered the threats against his boyfriend. The whole reason wht he hadn't reported it.

"Wait-.. wait!" He yelled suddenly, eyes wide with sudden terror. "We need to get Ritsuka! He'll die..! Please, please!" He was freaking out now, just hoping to ensure his lover's safety.

"What? Who's Ritsuka?" Naomi asked puzzledly.

"He's my boyfriend and- and my dad said that that if anyone finds out about all this, he'll kill him!"

"Shh... please calm down. Your dad is in custody of the police by now. He wouldnt have had time to hurt anyone. I promise."

That gave Mafuyu great relief, and he instantly relaxed. "Thank god..."

Not long after, he was explaining his situation in great detail. Showing every wound and telling the story behind it. He also recounted his childhood, feeling so sad for his younger self. If only his mother had gotten away sooner... If only she found out sooner...

But that was in the past. He could overcome this now. He was mentally stronger and more aware, and he was ready to share his story.

Naomi interrupted Mafuyu once he got to the giant gash on his head. It was so much worse than she thought. He'd shown it to her before, but not the whole thing. "I'm sorry to interrupted, but we need a hospital. Your head is really bad... and still bleeding..."

Mafuyu hadn't even noticed the small stream of blood going down the side of his head from the wound being reopened. He already knew that he needed a hospital, having several broken ribs and a pretty bad concussion. But still, the thought of that scared him. What would they do to him?

Soon after, he was shipped off in an ambulance, told that his mother and Ritsuka would be meeting him once they got to their destination. He didnt care what else happened, he just knew that he hated needles. He was terrified of them. But he would deal with it for his own health's sake.

They got to the hospital and Mafuyu was given treatment. This included stitches, bandages, and even a blood transfusion. His arm ached and itched as blood was flowing up it through a needle in the fold of his arm. Luckily, they had also given him something as pain management, so he was mostly comfortable.

He decided to rest; maybe take a short nap. And when he awoke a while later, he saw his boyfriend at his bedside. He gave him a weak smile and reached for his hand. "I did it.." he muttered. "We won. We did it.."

And with those few short phrases, Uenoyama was teary eyed with joy. Finally, things could be normal. Finally, he and his lover had peace.

A/N: here it is, the long awaited finale of this story! I'm so happy to have it over with. I've been working on this for almost a year, which I find perplexing. Thank you so much for sticking around and being patient for the end! I know it may have been anticlimactic, however, I felt it was the best way to wrap up the story. Thanks to all of you who have supported my work on here from the beginning and thank you for reading my fanfic!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2022 ⏰

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