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The next few days were all the same. A mixture of stress, nerves, and little comforting kisses. They went by in a flash, and now Mafuyu had to face the reality of his worries.

Today was the day. The day he has to see his father again.

That being said, it was two in the afternoon on Saturday when Sato got ready to go. He would only have to do this once, he thought to himself. He would tell his mother what happened and she could call the police again.

"Bye, Uenoyama-kun.." Mafuyu whispered, giving his boyfriend a tight hug and a peck on the cheek before starting to head out the door. "...Take care of me, when I get back..." he would certainly need it. "Help me clean the cuts, too, please..." he sighed and waved goodbye before making his way down the street to where his dad was staying.

Nerves bubbled up in his chest, body too stiff to walk as briskly as he would have liked. But soon, he arrived at his destination...

Mr Sato's temporary living arrangements.

The outside of the house looked dirty and unkempt, and there were dead plants and weeds in the small front yard. It didnt look welcoming, and if anything it looked like a place people should avoid.

Mafuyu slowly kept up to the door, knocking twice. "E-excuse me..?" He asked, cautiously holding his hands in front of him out of instinct. "Is Sato-san here..?" It was strange to ask that, seeing as all his underclassmen at school and in his neighborhood called him the exact same thing.

"It's his... son."

With that, the door slowly creaked open, and he saw a middle aged man with ginger hair that was buzzed, shaved quite close to the head.

It was the same shade ginger as Mafuyu's.

Actually, him and Mafuyu looked almost exactly the same. Their faces were identical except for the eyes. Mafuyu always had his mother's eyes. And Mafuyu had significantly less muscle.

They gazed at eachother wide eyed, and Mafuyu fought the urge to flinch. He was on high alert, and there was no way he was letting his guard down.

Flashbacks played through his head from when he was little; flashbacks of the intense beatings. It was whenever he spoke, specifically. So he learned to always stay silent.

After a few moments of fearful stares from both sides, the man, Akio, cleared his throat and spoke.

"Hello, Mafuyu-kun." He said, his voice deep and intimidating. It was obvious he wasnt trying to be threatening, but Mafuyu was still scared, backing up a step. He simply nodded, worried that if he spoke he'd be punished like before.

"You can talk." His father said, figuring he knew why the boy looked so apprehensive. "Come in." He opened the door wider and walked inside.

Inside the house was slightly cleaner than the outside, but not by much. There were a few empty glasses and bottles on the side table in the living room, and from the doorway he could see a pile of dirty dishes in the kitchen sink.

Now knowing he was able to speak, Mafuyu stepped inside the house and took off his shoes. He was quiet, and he bowed his head, making himself seem completely passive. It was better if he didnt try to look tough, and he knew that. He knew his dad went easier on him when he looked helpless.

"We have a lot to talk about." Akio said, sitting down on a sofa and gesturing for Mafuyu to sit next to him. He looked calm, but not friendly.

Reluctantly, Mafuyu sat down next to him, still keeping a good distance. "Yeah.." he mutter, gulping. He was shaking slightly, but tried not to let it show, fidgeting with his fingers.

"How've you been?" Akio asked, looking over at his son intently. "Its been... around eleven years..." he sighed and looked away.

Sato shrugged, unsure of how much he should tell. He didn't want to talk much even if he knew he had permission. "I've been okay.." His life had been just fine. He had a loving boyfriend, and a caring mother, but something told him this was going to turn his whole life upside down. "Its been a really long time... I was surprised you wanted to see me..." he had been perfectly willing to just throw it all away and never think about his father again. Now, he was sure he could never do that.

"Why were you surprised?" Akio shot back, suddenly sounding colder. "You're the one who snitched on me. You told that friend of yours." The friend that had then told his mother, who then told child protective services. "You probably still talk to him. You always seemed perky when you came home from being with him." Perkiness had been rare in Mafuyu as a child, given his situation.

Sato's eyes widened slightly as he noticed the change in demeanor. He knew he needed to be careful, and looked off to the side, shaking his head. "He's dead." Was all he said, feeling his heart ache at the memory.

Akio raised an eyebrow, seeming a bit smug. "What was it? Car crash? Or disease?" It was satisfying to him to see what he believed was karma in action. The boy got him in jail, and now he was dead.

"Suicide." Mafuyu uttered, sounding a bit choked up. He loved Yuki so much... But he was gone now, and all he could do was look up to the stars and wonder if he was watching.

"I see." Akio replied, not sounding nearly as sad as he probably should. "What method?"

This was a subtle way to get back at Mafuyu. A subtle way to put him in pain without laying a finger on him. He was still mad for getting thrown in jail, after all.

"What..?" Mafuyu looked at him, a confused, hurt expression laid across his face. "I'd rather not talk about it..."

Thay answer wasnt enough. Not for Akio. "I dont care." He smiled slightly. It was a twisted, sick smile. "I'm curious, and I'm your elder. That means you do as I say." He knew how insensitive that was, and he was happy about it.

"I didnt see it.." Mafuyu lied, slight fear in his eyes. "His mother didnt tell anyone... So I dont know.." of course, that was very far from the truth. Mafuyu knew exactly what happened. He just didnt want to talk about it.

"Do you expect me to believe that?" His dad asked, chuckling. The noise echoed in Mafuyu's ears, and it struck fear into his entire body. He visibly stiffened, looking down at his lap with small pupils.

"Fine. You dont have to talk. In fact, it'd be best if you didnt." Then, in a brisk motion, Mafuyu suddenly felt a stinging sensation on his face. Which he realized moments later was a slap from his father; right on the mouth. He couldnt raise his arms fast enough, but ended up doing it afterwards reflexively. "Ah-!" He scurried backwards on the couch, almost falling off the edge. His heart rate picked up and his thoughts got clouded; he was panicking.

It seemed his father never changed.

He was the same aggressive man as he always was.


A/N: Hey!! Yes, I know it's been about four months since I updated. I honestly might not update this story often because it tends to make me feel really icky writing things like this. I will still occasionally update, though.

Also, I'm changing my name that I use on here from Sora to Eli just to keep all my socials consistent. I unfortunately cant remember my password so I cant change the username of this account, but if you see Eli instead of Sora, no it's not another writer, its still me :)


Save Me (Mafuyu X Uenoyama) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora