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Uenoyama suddenly held Mafuyu tighter, putting his head in the crook of his neck. "I'm so sorry..." he intertwined their fingers on one hand. "I cant... I cant imagine having to go through that..." It was a shock for him, but it also cleared a lot of things up. "I wont let him lay a hand on you."

Mafuyu simply stared at his boyfriend as he held him. He was jealous of how easily Ritsuka could put things into words, or express feelings. "You'll have to let him." He said, looking as if he was unbothered. But really, he was very bothered; afraid. "I need a reason to throw him back in prison." So he would let himself be tortured, let himself be cut and hit and bruised. It would all pay off, in the end.

They sat in silence for a few long moments, neither of them knowing what to say. Though, it wasn't long before Mafuyu started to relax into the other's hold. He was tired of the tension in the air. He just wanted to be smothered with affection. Kisses, cuddles, bites, anything that might give them both a little comfort. Though, Sato once again had no idea how to verbalize what he wanted, but he hoped body language might convey the message.

And so, he looked his boyfriend in the eyes, slowly inching closer to his face. He was completely silent, pecking his lips and letting the kiss linger.

Uenoyama looked down at him, tucking a strand of orange hair behind the other's ear. When he was kissed, he gave a kiss of his own, hands cupping Mafuyu's cheeks. "Its getting late. Why dont we lay down for a bit, yeah?" He didn't even let go of Sato when he laid down, bringing Mafuyu down with him. He held him close and rubbed his back, tucking his head under his chin.

Mafuyu was happy that his message got a across. So happy, in fact, that he even smiled. "Yeah. Let's just relax for a bit.." he was tightly nestled under the blankets and pressed up against his lover in a ball of warmth, using the other's arm as a pillow. "I love you." He whispered, hearing the same words whispered back to him as he slowly drifted off to sleep.

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