finally at hogwarts

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 sirius black was just about to run through the wall to reach platform 9 3/4 when his father fulls back his hand, twists it and whispers menacingly in his ear "create more trouble at hogwarts this year, with those stupid friends of yours and there will be hell to pay " showing sirius his wand threateningly. sirius just nods carelessly and walks into the wall without saying a goodbye to his parents and just beckons regulus and narcissa, narcissa in her 5th  year and regulus in his 4th year, and they board the train together while narcissa and regulus make their way to the slytherin compartment sirius finds his way into "the marauders compartment" which was where he, prongs, moony and wormtail sat every year. except that thsi time moony wasnt there, he was never late and he could not have left hogwarts, right? because he would have told them so if that was the case. 

the rest of the ride was normal and they reached hogwarts on time. the marauders quickly made their way to the great hall so as not to late for the sorting or the feast.  moony was still no where to be seen, they decided to ask minnie about it after the feast. and so they did, right after the feast, instead of going to bed, one of peter stayed back to take the first years to the dormy because that was the prefect's job but remus was the prefect. prongs and padfoot make their way to minnie's office. due to all the students of hogwarts going to bed at the same time, their was some jam, but they reached there in the end.

they knock on the door to recieve a sharp "come in" by minnie. they go in and sit down.

'what is it this time?" asks minnie

"we wanted to ask why remus isnt at hogwarts and that if you know anything about it prof?" said james

"oh it's full moon toni- shit i wasnt supposed to say that!" exlaimed minnie 

"shit huh, oh and by the way we know about remus being a werewolf." says sirius 

"you do???" asks minnie, clearly very confused

"of course we do, who do you think are his best friends" says sirius

"anyway back to the original topic, when is moo- remus coming back then" asks james, cursing himseld under his breath, which minnie notices anyway.

" he will come back after 2-3 days, mr. potter,now mr black and mr potter i would appreciate having my office back to myself. sighs minnie with her glasses askew her sharp nose.

sirius and james just head back to their dormy and tell peter all about it. 

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