quidditch practice and the first match

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a few days after the tryouts james started practice. he didnt care what the weather was like, he didnt care that its 5 am in the morning. he had his heart set on winning the first quidditch match [ gryfffindor vs slytherin]. he had his team practice at least 2 hours a day and on weekends he was a slave driver- he made the team practice for at least 5 hours a day, he had complained to mcgonagall about the slytherins getting permission from professuer slughorn. minnie was furious about it and confronted slughorn about it.

minnie: professuer slughorn, i need to urgently talk to you about something way more pressing than organizing your "slug club photos".

slughorn: what is it professuer?

minnie: i have heard from promising sources that you have been giving explicit permission to the slytherin quidditch team to practise on the pitch while other houses have personally booked the pitch.

slughorn: a-and i-is that wr-rong ?

minnie just looks at slughorn with a glassy stern look in her eyes that slughorn immediately retreats

slughorn: o-o-ok minerva, i will m-make sure th-that i dont do it.

minnie: well thats jolly good then, if you break your word i WILL appeal to dumbledore.

slughorn: MINERVA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

minnie: [ with that same look in her eyes] i hve said everything i wanted to, so if you will excuse me, i'd like to take your leave, horace. 

__________TiMe SkIp________

the griffindor team was shaping pretty well when something drastic happened, one of their best chasers got seriously ill with the yelling of a mandrake, luckily the sound was not enough to kill her, she still was admitted in the hostipal wing. james was in a dilemna what should he do now, just cancel off the match, untill he remembered that even padfoot plays chaser he's just not in the team because he did not wanna play against regulus[ who was a seeker in the slytherin team] but james would have to convince him now. 

prongs takes out the marauders map and finds out that sirius is in the common room  with moony and wormtail. he quickly rushes off to the common and as soon as he reaches

fat lady: password

james: ummmmmmm, fairy lights.

fat lady : ok, come in.

james: [now on the couch with the marauders.hey padfoot, i think you heard about johanson, my chaser.

sirius: yeah, about the mandrake leaf thing, who are you gonna replace her with.

james: well actually i was thinking about ....... you padfoot.


james: i take that as a yes. 

_____________tImE sKiP______________________

lily: so the match is about to begin and 3.....2......1. her it goes....

lily: chaser potter has the quaffle, he passes it to chaser black  who mearly escapes a rough bludger but quickly recovers from the shock and he tries to score and he scores. looks like chaser black is being tailed by the chaser malfoy and lokks like malfoy is about to take a dive, but wait, he turns around aaround and tries to push chaser black aot of the way. seeker black is taking a dive and bell follows, but oh shit it lokks like seeker black was feinting.

hooch: score 70 nil to griffindor, PENALTY

lily: oh wait thats a penalty for griffindor because beater nott uses the beater's bat to impale chaser rivers. ok chaser potter is taking the penalty  and he scores the score is 80 nil to gryffindor and seeker bell dives and catches the snitch. gryfinndor wins the match at an honourable score of 230 nil. 

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