moony is back

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A/N- one of my friends read my plot and the ahead chapters and said that they could be not very accurate to the book, or that they are spoilers, so SPOILER ALERT!!!

[Sirius's P.O.V]

 the first day of Hogwarts is usually all hustle and bustle, but  without moony it really went by dully, he wished moony was here and he was a 150% sure prongs felt the same.

it was the weirdest first day in his whole time at hogwarts. moony was not there to chivvy them into not bunking classes [which they would anyway], and no moony to tease about with his furry little problem or just prank other people, and that kinda marauders stuff. very well, anyways the first lesson was transfiguration, then they had potions, defense against the dark art, and lastly divination. it was honestly a pretty boring day and there was nothing to really say about it except for the one prank they felt the need to do, as an inauguration of the start of their sixth year at hogwarts, this one surprisingly not planned by prongs or padfoot but by wormtail. they decided to take some water[ice cold] and just hover it above divination class, [which they bunked], and then when anyone came outside, after their divination class, they would pour that ice cold water on that particular unfortunate student and the transfigure it to frost and then they would pour another bucket of lukewarm water. so s to prevent hypothermia of course.

James's P.O.V:

the first day at hogwarts was a little different because moony wasn't here, but overall it was a fun day, we even wrote to moony today but for some weird reason, padfoot seemed kinda depressed  , but that was because i put the anti-charm of the cheering charm on him, i bet he feels hella confused. LOL. also that prank about the water we turned to frost went amazing, we somehow even managed to get it on prof. slughorn as well, he was SO CONFUSED. i am beginning to think that the marauders might be the greatest pranksters in the HISTORY OF HOGWARTS and that we ought to be featured  in the book; hogwarts: a history. JK, not beginning to i always thought that. AND NOT MIGHT BE, WE DEFINITELY ARE. LOL. i just hope that moony returns soon enough!!

normal P.O.V:

___________________________________TIME SKIP_________________[2 DAYS LATER]

moony of course does returns and he returns with swagger, and gifts. he gets stuffed animals for each of the marauders, he gets a rat for wormtail, a black dog for padfoot and a deer for prongs.

"yo, the marauders are REUNITED" yells padfoot the moment he enters the great hall during breakfast, he just sits down, gives his childish gifts, peter likes them but James and sirius know that remus means a joke.  and they burs out laughing. well this was called true friendship.....

A/N: sorry for the cheesy ending, also by normal P.O.V i mean like an outsider's point of view. 

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