the quidditch tryouts!!

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the marauders were walking down the hallway, to go down to the dungeons for potions class when they saw prof.mcgonagall  coming towards them :mr potter, may i have a word with you." says mcgonagall not in a question but in an order.prongs said "i'll see you in the dungeons" to his gang and walks off to mcgonagalls office.

" mr. potter i have the list for the gryfinndor team quidditch tryouts, it seems as if a lot of people are interested this year.  so, when are you going to hold the tryouts? asks minnie

" professor, i think that saturday evening, at 5:30 pm would be good sice i checked the weather and its supposed to be pleasant." says prongs

" ok thats good, but just curious, how did you find the weather? the encandeti charm?" asks mcgonagall, puzzled.

"yes prof, how else????" says prongs

mcgonagall is bamboozled by this unexpected turn of events


james is on the field when he sees a few people in a bunch of green emerald robes walking down to pitch. he braces himself for an argument when suddenly he sees LILY EVANS. he is so excited that lily decided to come for the tryouts when suddenly he hears a rough voice saying something which was not clear to his ears, but then he is shoved by someone in emerald green robes and he focuses onto them and finds out...

" clear off, i have booked the pitch especially today" says james, annoyed.

"why should we clear off, you clear off, we have our head of house's permission and consent to use the putch today to train our new chaser." says nott.

" your new chaser??" says james distracted 

" yes, me..." says someone with long platinum blonde hair, arrogance and typical pureblood ego.

" who is this, a second year!!!!! you have to be kidding nott" says james, laughing, his messy black hair swaying in the wind.

" oh yeah, we'll see who's lau-" says the same second year blonde. 

" what is the issue!" says lily, suddenly appearing from the stands onto the pitch

"nothing mudblood, you stay out of this" says the same blondie.

lily and james both were furious enough to draw out their wands but neither of their morale would let them curse a second year kid, no matter how they behaved. but lily had some power, so did remus who had just come down to the pitch to watch the trials. lily is furious enough to dock 20 points from slytherin and also give that blonde a detention, for which she had to know the name so she asked and he said. " my name is Lucious Malfoy, mudblood"says the blondie, with arrogance, well arrogance until remus docked a wopping 50 points from slytherin. 

apart from that major hiccup james got a major team which was enthusiaistic, at least from the beginning.

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