"That's not right"

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The flow of time was spent looking into the eyes of the person I longed for the most at this moment, I longed for his lips, I longed for his touch, but that's wrong, that's not right.

"Nick get up, you're crushing me!" I watched as Nick's eyes got bigger and his face turned crimson red, the embarrassment.

"S-sorry" With that, Nick got up from on top of me and held out his hand so I could get up off the ground. "I'm really sorry."

"Don't worry, it was nothing" I let out a laugh so he could see that I was okay, but it was more of a nervous laugh, we were so close.... I could hear his heart pounding, and his breathing colliding with my face.

Suddenly we heard a scream coming from upstairs, I almost forgot about the bathroom, surely Clay had to deal with Luka on his own.

"GUYS I GOT IT" We laughed at the new scream coming from upstairs, and then I turned to look at Nick, who was looking at the floor, and his face literally was a tomato, this didn't help, he 

looked so cute....


"Come on Nick, surely Clay needs our help, you know how Luka is" I wish I hadn't done what I did, but my instinct acted for me. I took him by the hand and led him to the bathroom on the second floor, where Clay was probably with Luka, but I realized something, Nick's hand was sweating, and he wasn't hot, I don't know why people sweat their hands, it's probably because of nervousness.

When we entered the bathroom, I instantly let go of Nick's hand and I could see how Clay was holding Luka in his hands and he was slapping in the water to stay out of the water, here came another problem.

Clay was laughing, and it wasn't like the other silly teapot laughs he lets out, this one was adorably cute, I could feel blood running up my cheeks but I quickly slapped one of my cheeks and went to help Clay, he looked like he needed a lot of help, as Luka was trying to slip through his hands and leave again, but that wasn't going to happen again.

"Nick help us!" Clay yelled to Nick who was standing in front of the door covering his face, did something happen to him? But the moment he heard Clay scream, he snapped out of his trance and ran over to us and helped us get Luka up, while I cleaned him with the special shampoo I had for cats.

Did you really think I would clean him with mine? Well no, I tried it once, I remembered that it was the first week he was given to me, and the next day his fur was very dirty, so I decided to buy him a specialized cat shampoo, a good purchase, I must admit.


Clay and Nick were tired, so they both went down to the living room to rest, the good thing is that we finished cleaning Luka, and now he was more than shiny.

Luka didn't like the water, he didn't like the bathroom in particular, he never went into this room ever, because when he did, he knew what was going to happen. But he does like to be cuddled, he likes to be petted, so that's what I was doing, in order to dry him, I took one of the towels from the bathroom that I had saved for when I showered Luka, and I was running it through his 

wet fur, he just purred or snuggled more into me to get more friction from the towel.

Then I put the towel down and started running a comb through his soft fur, but every time I ran it through, his hairs would shoot all over the place again.

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