"It feels so good"

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I had fainted many times before, and all of them were the same, but this time I had voices, I could hear both of my companions yelling at me to get up, but my body did not respond, it was like being in quicksand, the least I could do was to move a finger even a little, nothing else.I was afraid, afraid of not waking up again, afraid of not being able to see the people I love the 

most, or the people who were always there in my difficult moments.

I had always been afraid of the dark, I had always dreamed of monsters, and as silly as it sounds, they were not those monsters from children's books or movies like that. They were much worse.In my dreams they always tried to tear my skin off or tear off some limb, to which, I felt the pain and therefore I woke up, but I kept that bitter taste in my mouth, letting me know that 

everything that had happened had been a product of my imagination.

But this time it was different, the voices kept me aware, kept me awake, I was aware that I was literally unconscious, that I could not move, but without being able to do anything.The screams sounded louder and louder, but also faded from time to time when they didn't speak.

I could feel them shaking my small body, and as they ran their hands over my face, this became familiar to me.


"Mom I feel sick..." I walked down the hallway of my house to get outside where my mother was smoking, and I opened the door so she could just look at me and smile.

"You must have caught a cold, it's nothing, if you want you can go to bed now, after all you've already had dinner" My mother looked back to the forest surrounding my house.

Basically my house was in the middle of a forest next to the beach, to get to the beach you had to go down a path in the forest, but this spring the plants had grown so much that they had covered it.

"It's ok... Good night mom" My headache had gotten worse, and I didn't have time to realize that everything had gone black until my mind traveled somewhere else.

I heard screams, there were moments where my back or face was being torn with my fingernails, which obviously left bruises.

It took me a while to wake up, but when I did, my head was spinning, my mother was crying, my father was arguing with my sister about something stupid, I don't quite remember what it was, but I remember laughing.

"Oh my god thank god, are you okay? Are you in pain? How did that happen? Why didn't you tell me your headache was so bad!" my mom was practically hyperventilating but she also had a smile on her face knowing nothing had happened to me.

"So many questions..." At this my mother laughed and hugged me, and then my father gave me a glass of coke, twelve that the caffeine would help me get my head back on straight, and he was right, it worked.

That was the first time I fainted.


After that, fainting became more frequent, it was all about staring at an open wound or blood gushing from it, it disgusted me, but it was also fascinating.

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