CHAPTER I [A beast]

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As the moon reflected its light onto the blade of the knife, Ariadne felt like her legs weren't her own. She couldn't move to run away and save herself from the sure danger.

The blade swings towards her and before she could close her eyes, a beast appeared before her and blood went gushing out.

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Minos, as a single son of a wealthy family, could get everything he wants ever since he was young. Other than because his parents loved him, they also can't tell him no because they feared him. No one could handle his temper and sends every child away from him.

The only person who was able to bear with him is Ariadne. She is a daughter of another wealthy family and as people around her would describe, she is free-spirited. Everyone adored her as if she could cast a spell that no one can resist. And that includes even Minos. She is the only person who can calm him so as a result, his parents had always stuck them together.

Minos and Ariadne practically grew up together. Ariadne turned out to be bright and elegant girl and has always been Minos' only friend while he, pushed people further from him and didn't trust anybody. Instead, he chose to become Ariadne's protector. Minos had treasured her more than his parents or any people around as for him, she is the only one who accepted him despite of his frightening anger management issues.

But then that night came. The night which will place Ariadne in a dark labyrinth she could never imagine. The night when Minos faces his greatest nightmare.

"Yes, mom. I'm almost there" Ariadne spoke to her phone with her worried mom since it's already late and she is still outside. She came from the school library and it was already dark before she noticed.

A block away from their house, a man appeared in front of her. It was a really dark night because the stars were behind the clouds.

"Don't make any noise. Give me your cellphone, wallet and accessories, now!" the man demanded as he pulled something from behind.

As the moon reflected its light onto the blade of the knife, Ariadne felt like her legs weren't her own. She couldn't move to run away and save herself from the sure danger. She was stoned from fear.

"Quick! I said hand them over!!" the man yelled again

As Ariadne slowly lifts her badly shaking hand to give her phone, it rings. That made the man panic. Thinking she was calling someone for help, he tried to swing his knife towards her. But before he could do so, Minos appeared in front of them and with flaming eyes, he broke the man's arm. The man screamed in pain and the knife fell on the ground. Minos picked it up and started stabbing the man over and over again.

**NOTE: The next scene shows brutality and killing**

'You dared try to hurt Ariadne!!' was all in his mind. He was blinded by his overflowing anger and kept on stabbing the man even if he is already lifeless.

He felt as if this scene is something familiar and usual to him. He was caught breathless for a while as he saw a half man and half bull in his head. A beast, savoring human flesh in front of him and mouth dripping in blood. What shaken him more is to see that its face... is his.

Ariadne was there, watching Minos turn into a beast with every blood gushing out with his every stab. She was so scared her legs gave up and fell on the ground. Minos turned to look at her and her pair of scared eyes looking at him is what awoken him from his madness. He threw the knife away and tried to approach Ariadne with his blood-dripping hand.

"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!" Ariadne's scream alarmed the neighborhood and soon after, a police car came.

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