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As soon as the ceremony started, the rain also started pouring outside. Ariadne slowly walked down the aisle with Dionysus waiting in front. She was joyous and brokenhearted at the same time. She was able to suffice her anger towards the man who betrayed her but that same act made her use this man who had no deal with her hatred.

As she reached Dionysus, she started weeping while apologizing to him, "You shouldn't have met me. I shouldn't have brought myself towards you"

Dionysus wiped her tears as he responded, "if I had to confess, I love your feet. Because they walked upon the earth and upon the wind and upon the waters, until they found me". He was just purely overjoyed of the moment.

His sweet words made her smile as they walked towards the altar side by side and took the vow.

As they recite their promise of love to each other, Ariadne could not think of any words rather than "thank you" and "I'm sorry" but Dionysus, once again, made her feel at ease when he spoke his feelings.

"The rain falling reminds me of you," he started as he gazed upon the window revealing the pouring dark clouds, then brought his stares back to the woman in front of her, "because it is falling hard... and I am too. I constantly, consistently, continually love you"

Ariadne swore that was the sweetest words she had ever heard. But still, she can't brush off the voice inside her head saying she doesn't deserve any of this. As she is a woman who hate a man as much as she still loves him. And she knew, she could never give Dionysus the love he is worthy of.

Once again, as he did in the past, Dionysus chose not to run away from his painful fate. The path where he gives everything he have for the woman who had already given her all to another man, including her heart. 

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