CHAPTER II [The Charming Prince]

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Ariadne was taken for counseling to help her with the trauma she got. Since Minos was still a minor, he can't be jailed so he was also taken into custody for the crime he's done and underwent therapies.

A few years passed that they were both apart. Ariadne continued her life, forgetting that horrible night. She graduated and started working at their family's art gallery museum.

"Our art curator has already retired so we are in need of a new one. Can you help me with the interview today? I have an important trip to Europe" her mom asked her in a hurry

"Sure mom, I can handle that. I will just report to you when you get back" Ariadne assured her mom as she leaves for the airport.

That day, Ariadne did not think was the day someone would enchant her.

"I am Theseus. I just graduated. Instead of seeing me as someone who lacks experience, maybe you could see me as a person filled with spirit and passion for arts" he smilingly introduced himself to Ariadne who heard nothing. She was just staring blankly at his face.

She saw the sun leaked into the room and its rays played with the curves of his face. The gentle wind blew and swayed elegantly with his hair. She watched him speak as if he is a beautiful movie unfolding right in front of her. He doesn't have that extraordinary handsome face. But Ariadne saw something in his smile that she was totally allured.

And once again, just like in the past, Ariadne has fallen in love as soon as her eyes laid upon Theseus.

"Why did you choose to be here?" Ariadne asked, still spacing out

"excuse me? Oh, did you mean why would I like to work here? Because this is the most famous art museum and working here would be really great for my name" Theseus honestly answered with arrogance in tone.

Yet still, blinded by love, she wasn't able to see who he really is. Just like who he once was, he is still the same Theseus - driven by whatever he wants, and doesn't really pay attention to what others want. He came to her for the reason of getting fame. For his name.

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