CHAPTER VII [Abandonment]

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She was dressed in long pure white gown. Smiling happily as she walks on the aisle, looking at Theseus waiting for her in front of the altar. They both looked glad and contented as if they own the world.

Ariadne was crying. She couldn't help it. Because she wasn't the bride. She wasn't the woman to marry Theseus. She can't bring herself to believe this absurdity so she went here straight as soon as she was released from jail.

After the wedding, Theseus saw Ariadne walking furiously towards them. He immediately pulled her away so she will not be able to approach her wife.

"What is this? How can you do this?" Ariadne bursts crying as soon as Theseus faced her.

"I already told you, right? The last time I went to visit you in prison. I told you about this, so how can you show up here looking like that?" Theseus was worried Ariadne would cause a scene on his wedding.

Surely, he did tell Ariadne about his wedding. That is why he told her he can't pick her up after her release. Still, Ariadne did not want to believe that and came only to prove herself wrong.

"How can you marry her? You love me, don't you??" Ariadne, almost sounded like pleading

"I never loved you" Theseus coldly answered which shocked her

"Liar! Then, why were you visiting me regularly in prison? What reason do you have if it wasn't because you love me?" she asked

"I needed to do that. It was for myself. The guilt was enough to give me nightmares almost every night. I felt so guilty that you were jailed because of me, because you saved me. Every time I felt the guilt eating me, I needed to visit you to somehow make me feel at ease" he clearly explained to her but she still can't believe it.

"Seriously? You did everything for me purely out of guilt??" Ariadne still want to hear him say he loved her

"I'm sorry if I made you confused of my actions and you misunderstood what was between us. I didn't mean to"

"Misunderstanding? You're telling me all these years, I was just misunderstanding?"

"Now that you are freed from prison, I think I can already let go of this guilt. We no longer have reason to meet now" Theseus finished their conversation to return to his bride, his wife.

Ariadne still can't believe she left everything she had for him but he still abandoned her. Now, she really had nothing left. Even Theseus.

Once again, as how it happened in the past, Ariadne was abandoned by Theseus. As the history was just repeating, she still wasn't able to save herself from the pain.

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