CHAPTER VI [The Long Journey]

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Yes, it was the other way around - it's Ariadne who had to kill to save Theseus. But it did not

change the fact that her love for him caused her to do crazy thing and even abandoning everything she had for Theseus, leaving her with nothing.

"I'm really sorry to say this Ms. Ariadne, but your mom had a heart attack after hearing the news of what happened between you and Minos" Theseus told Ariadne as he visited her in prison

"How is my mom now? Is she still at the hospital?" Ariadne worriedly asked

"She... died" Theseus announced which made Ariadne weep

"I should at least come to her funeral, right? That's possible right? My dad would do something for it to happen" she hopefully stated but Theseus sighed

"Your dad... wanted to disown you. I went to talk to him and he told me... you're on your own now" he stated with head bowed down since he can't afford to look at her. He was too ashamed because this is all happening because she saved him.

"dad... knowing him, he probably said 'I don't have a murderer daughter', right?" Ariadne guessed and seeing Theseus surprised reaction just confirmed her guess.

"I'm really sorry Ms. Ariadne. I'll do everything I can to help you" Theseus promised which made Ariadne feel assured.

A month had already passed and Ariadne was still in prison. Theseus visits her almost everyday and that made her feel really excited and she forgets she is actually in jail. She just feels like a suitor would come everyday for her. And because of that, she could still smile brightly even at the situation she is in.

"I brought you some food" Theseus handed her boxes of macaroons, "I remembered they're your favorite, right?"

Ariadne again feel her cheeks burning as she flashed such a warm smile, "eat them with me" she offered and started opening one of the boxes

"No, you can just share them with your friends inside" Theseus declined but Ariadne was too persistent

"Just a box would be more than enough for them inside. Come on, I wanted to eat with you" and Ariadne's face felt on fire upon realizing how cheesy her sentence was

"Okay, I'll just take a bite since I don't really enjoy sweets" Theseus gave in with Ariadne's request as he took a macaroon, "luckily I enjoy eating with you"

Ariadne just can't help but to smile with him as he gave her that smile. The smile that captivated her heart since the first day they met. That refreshing and sincere smile.

Two days after, Ariadne was again visited by her suitor, as the police guards call him since he's always been there.

He handed her photos as soon as she came.

"You mentioned how much you missed the gallery the last time I visited you. So I took pictures of it" Theseus smilingly greeted her

"Also, I wanted you to see if the paintings we hang looked fine. They will be exhibited next week so I wanted you to check them for us", he added

"So me, missing the gallery was just an excuse? You really wanted me to work now, don't you?" Ariadne jokingly teased him that made him chuckle. That sounded music to her ears

"You're still our manager, right? So of course you still have a say to the gallery. And it's not like anyone can just replace you"

Theseus's words never fail to bring smile to Ariadne. Every time he is around, Ariadne feels the jail gets lifted away and she is free once again. To her, Theseus is a breath of fresh air.

Ariadne getting jailed is just like the long journey she had also used to take with Theseus in the past. And the longer their journey takes, the deeper she falls for him. She gets madly, crazily, addicted, fondly, passionately, falls head over hills for Theseus.

A year had passed. Theseus still working hard for retrial and to claim self-defense. But once again, they failed to prove of Ariadne's innocence so she continued to be in jail.

"I'm really sorry I wasn't able to protect the gallery" Theseus, again visiting Ariadne

"That's fine. I know I am mostly the reason why. My crime gave negative impact on the gallery's image" Ariadne admitted the fact

"But still, I should have protected it so you could have something to return to once you get out of here" Theseus, still feeling guilty of what happened

"Just knowing that you work hard so I could get out is more than enough for me" to Ariadne, nothing is more important than the man in front of her.

Two years have passed. These days, Theseus had seldomly visits Ariadne and her waiting for him took longer that it used to.

"It took you a while to visit" Ariadne greeted Theseus, still with her bright smile as if she did not get tired waiting for him

"Have been busy" he answered shortly

"I see. Maybe it's because we do almost nothing here that the time seem to be running in a really slow pace. It must be hectic outside, since there are lots to do, right?" Ariadne simply wanted to side with Theseus and understand why he wasn't able to visit her more often. But to Theseus, that sounded more of being blamed. Since he was the reason Ariadne is jailed in the first place.

"I got a new lawyer who seems to be more competitive than the one you used to have. He will visit you sometime" he announced wanting Ariadne to know he is still trying to help her anyway he can.

Another year passed with Theseus still coming for Ariadne though it has been only three to four times a month.

"I have good news Theseus!" Ariadne excitedly greeted him, "I'll be getting out next week! You'll come to fetch me, right?"

Theseus avoided eye contact and bowed his head instead, "I... I can't. That day I..."

And the words that followed were words Ariadne never thought she would hear coming out from his mouth. Words that shattered her more than the horror she had with Minos. She felt so stupefied.

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