Chapter 1

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Amanda sat down on her couch, drinking tea and watching her favorite Movie, Star wars. until she gets a notification on her phone for the recent news, she uploads it and pauses her movie to watch it.

there has been an invasion everyone stay inside! these alien creatures came here to kill us, the same creatures we have been trying to destroy, whatever you do, stay inside!

the news went on about safety, Amanda didn't know what to think, she quickly got up and locked her windows and all her doors, she ran to the basement and sat in the corner and kept checking her phone for updates, she didn't know this would ever happen to her, she is a twenty-three year old girl who lives alone, no husband or boyfriend, and only a dog to keep her company. her parents left to live in Florida  while she lived in Georgia.

all her friends got boyfriends and stopped contacting Amanda, she felt so lonely that she wouldn't even care if she died, she would think no one would miss her.

she made sure her dog was with her in the basement, her basement had no windows but was also very cramped. She held her dog with dear life as she listened to the screams happening just outside her house and around her block, she could hear a blood curling scream that could come from blocks away.

she ran upstairs leaving her dog in the basement and took a peak outside, she saw a large Alien from the looks of it, about 7 feet, with a long tail, with his back towards her, and shooting people, innocent people, but he would occasionally leave out some of the humans, the children and the woman, when the men came around the fell to the ground like fish out of water.

the alien turned around and she quickly closed the curtain and ran downstairs grabbing her dog and holding him, she heard the door to her house bust open and she started shaking, she knew her death was near.

she heard footsteps upstairs, hard strong footsteps, and she could tell this alien was huge just by his footsteps alone.

she heard the basement door open and Amanda started to silently cry. she saw the giant Alien go downstairs and make eye contact with the crying female, he cocked his head to the Side, he comes close to her and she closes her eyes tightly. he says something she doesn't understand, it was in his native tongue.

"i'm not good with my English, don't make this... hard... c-come with me." The alien said, Amanda looks up and he's holding his hand out towards her, she lets her dog go and she stands up "what about Marlin?" she asked looking at her dog. The alien looked down at the tiny Pomeranian "bring him, we can care for him." Amanda carefully picks up her dog and looks at the masked man in front of her, he was huge, buff, he had a long tail that curled at the end, and he had a mask and suit on, she couldn't see his face.

"why are you taking the females and killing the men?" Amanda asked, the alien sighed "the men have been trying to kill our species, we need Females. any other questions?" he said, Amanda shook her head and took his hand, he led her outside the house and a couple blocks onto this big ship, it was beautiful on the inside, everything was shiny white, there was multiple stories in the ship, rooms and seats everywhere. and their species were walking around not paying any attention to the females being boarded, or abducted.

"normally i would say no to the dog, but we have pets on our planets and i know they mean a lot to humans. follow me" the alien said letting go of Amanda's hand, she held her dog tightly and follows this fall alien wherever she was being taken.

"what's your name?" Amanda asked, the alien kept walking and didn't look back when he responded "Airen" he said, she nodded and continued their journey throughout the ship.

"what are you?" she asked again, Airen sighed "Rooikens" Airen replied, Amanda nodded "like the plant?"


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