Chaper 6

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Amanda had a bad feeling about the fight, she didn't want Cade to get hurt, but she also didn't want to see the blood bath about to occur.

Melanie and Amanda became good friends and decided to go to the fight together with Ax, she wanted to introduce Melanie to Cade and Ax's family while the two Rooikens are getting ready to fight.

Amanda got changed into something casual and Melanie played with Marlin and Daisy (who is the poodle.) and waited for the okay to leave.

she was definitely not prepared for this event, the roaring Rooikens who are cheering, this feels like an MBA fight that would happen down on Earth, but this time they are looking to absolutely obliterate each other.

Ax walked in looking very nervous, and i don't blame him. "Cade has to leave early to be the first one in the arena, so me you and Melanie will leave shortly." he said, Amanda and Melanie nod and Ax walks out, he doesn't seem himself after the encounter at the Cafe with Zach.

Amanda and Melanie keep Marlin and Daisy in the room and they leave to meet up with Ax at the front door, Ax signals for them to leave and they walk out, Ax isn't his normal fun happy self, and honestly Amanda doesn't blame him, his brother is about to fight another.

they arrive at the arena and Amanda and Melanie are in awe, it was huge, and so many seats for everyone including the female humans.

Amanda and Melanie sit with Airen and Natasi with tiger kids, Ax sits next to Melanie.

(Cade's POV)

i sat in the back doing push-ups or anything just to make me stronger, i have been waiting for this day to kill Zach, he has always gotten on my nerves.

"well well well isn't it the famous Cade." i turn around and see Zach walking up to me thinking he's the shit, thinking hes fucking better than everyone.

"you're going down Zach, i have been waiting for this day forever." I said cracking my knuckles "cracking knuckles doesn't scare me sweetheart." Zach laughed and turned to walk away, my anger just fired up insanely.

i heard Airen, my father, start the announcements out in the arena, i don't want Amanda or any of my family to see this, there's no doubt that i will definitely get hurt, but the one on the floor dead will be Zach.

"now i present to you... CADE!" my father announced, i cracked more of my knuckles and ran out into the arena roaring, everyone cheered stomping their feet and clapping their hands.

i threw my hands in the air "yeah!" i screamed and everyone got quiet when my father put his hand up to silence everyone.

"Next, i present to you... ZACH." My father announced and Zach ran up and only a few several Rooikens cheered and clapped.

"seems you aren't so loved." I whispered to Zach and bumped his shoulder, he growled and his tail shot up, i laughed and turned away.

My father just informed everyone that we would be fighting for Amanda great, put Amanda on the spot. i thought rolling my eyes, if she didn't like to be fought over, why put her on the spot in front of over a thousand Rooikens.

"get ready." My father said, i turned to Zach and put one foot in front of me, and one in the back, my tail shot up and i flashed him my sharp canines and have my hands at my side but ready to scratch and make anyone bleed.

Zach did the same but it didn't threaten me, not one bit.

"be careful." My father whispered to me, it's not like my father to be worried, he normally doesn't show emotion. Now he does...

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