Chapter 4

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Cade woke up and turned to the other side and saw Amanda wasn't there, but Marlin was.

"Hey little pup." Cade said tiredly and patted Marlin's head. "cute." Ax said from the doorway "shut up what do you want?" Ax looked at Cade confused "dude, i thought Amanda was with you where is she, i'm looking for her." Ax said, Cade hurriedly got up changing into some nice clothes and ran around the apartment to try and find his Amanda.

He ran to her room and she wasn't in bed, he went to the bathroom and she wasn't in there.

"she might be eating at the cafe and didn't want to wake up let's go." Ax said and Cade nodded following him outside the apartment locking the door.

Cade and Ax went to the bottom floor and into the cafeteria, they looked around and saw Amanda with his parents and siblings. "great..." Cade whispered angrily and started walking towards them with Ax.

"Amanda." Cade said and she turned around and smiled "hey sleepyheads, i didn't want to wake you sorry." she said and Cade rolled his eyes sitting next to Amanda and Ax sat next to Cade.

"what do you want to eat?" Cade asked, she shrugged "same as yesterday i guess." Amanda answered, Cade got up to go get her food, and Ax got up to get his food and to get a patty for Marlin.

"how do you like this so far?" Airen asked me, "good, i like it." Amanda answered playing with her fingers "did you choose who your breeding with?" Natasi asked, Amanda smiled and tried to keep from making eye contact.

"you did?! who is it?" Aurra asked, Amanda just kept smiling ear to ear. "Cade." She finally answered after a long silence, Airen and Natasi smiled and clapped, the other siblings clapped as well with big smiles "we can finally repopulate!" Airen yelled and Amanda shook her head laughing.

she thought to herself, if she is only supposed
to breed and that's it, Cade doesn't really love her does he? will he even enjoy impregnating her? Amanda sighed and waited for Cade and Ax to come back, she thanked Cade and began to eat without a word.

this feels like earth when my friends and family left
me Amanda thought as she played with her food "you okay?" Cade asked, Amanda put on a fake smile and nodded. "yeah i'm good, just got deep into thought." Cade nodded and went back to talking to his family in his native tongue.

Amanda couldn't keep her eyes off him, the way his muscles flex, the way he smiled and shows his perfectly white canines. his sharp tongue that i haven't noticed before, his tongue has a point to it. His eye with the scar and the red is so mesmerizing. he's tall and could crush Amanda with his pinky.




Amanda got out of her head by Cade and his parents calling her name. shit that's embarrassing

"sorry, lost in thought." Amanda said softly, Cade nodded saying it's alright and putting a hand on her shoulder.

"i'm not perfect with my english but i'll try my best." Aurra said, Cade's sister, Airen and Natasi's daughter.

"it's okay if you struggle, i can help." Amanda said smiling, Aurra smile and nodded. "Cade is one of our best, he took classes and would practice everyday, he can speak basically every known language!" Natasi said excitedly, Cade rolled his eyes not enjoying the attention, Amanda smiled and clapped playfully pinching Cade on the shoulder "well i didn't know that." she said laughing, Cade crossed his arms glaring daggers at his mom. She laughed and let her son just glare.

Ax, Cade and Amanda went to leave and said their goodbyes to the family and headed for the apartment room. They walk in and Marlin started to bark, Ax gets down and feeds him the patty from lunch. "this patty of healthy for dogs on our planet, let's hope they are for earth dogs." Ax said, Amanda nodded and sat down on the couch.

Cade sat next to Amanda without saying a word, he just played off putting his arm around her making Amanda laugh at his sad attempt to be smooth. Ax sat on the floor and played with Marlin, with one of the dog toys.

does she actually love me? Cade thought as he had his arm around Amanda and she's leaning into his touch. it sure seems like it. Cade went back to happy thought and leaned his head on Amanda's.

Ax stood up and grabbed Marlin putting him in Amanda and Cade's lap. They started to pet Marlin laughing. Cade turned Amanda's face with his two fingers on her chin and turned her face over to his, they stared at each other for a long while, stared into their eyes, lips.

Amanda stands up and clears her throat "i'm going to go take a shower." she said and walked into her room closing the door.

"brother you were so close!!" Ax said throwing his hands in the air. "give it time, i'll do it. just that wasn't the right time." Cade replied petting Marlin. Ax smiled and sat down to pet Marlin and play with him.


Amanda got in the shower and put her head against the wall while the water running down her body, she felt so stupid, she wanted to kiss him but she couldn't.

she feels like a middle schooler that has their first boyfriend.

is he technically a boyfriend? who know, she groaned and made a promise to at some point that night she will kiss him, she hopes, she doesn't have that much of confidence. She remembers when she was in high school and she had a boyfriend, he wouldn't kiss her and want Amanda to make the move, she was too scared to make the move and her boyfriend had broken up with her thinking she doesn't share the same energy with each other.

She realized she's been in the shower for a while now, so she gets her body wash and shampoo and conditioner and cleans herself.

when she's done she gets out and puts on a bra, underwear, her black tank top, and her black shorts. she wrapped the towel around in her hair to dry it and walked back into her room.

"oh Cade hi." Amanda said freezing in the bathroom doorway and sees Cade holding Marlin. "Hey Amanda, i was just dropping Marlin off." He said and puts the dog down. "oh thanks." Amanda mumbled and took her towel out of her hair and let it flow down her back.

Cade stood in the doorway gawking at Amanda, and her perfect hair and body. "like what you see?" Amanda asked in a seductive tone, Cade's eyes widened but didn't respond.

"Come on." Amanda egged on, Cade walked closer to Amanda, she could feel the heat radiating off of Cade, she was nervous, she's never made the first move before.

Amanda thought fuck it and she walks up to Cade wrapping her arms around him and planting her
lips onto Cade's in a bruising yet amazing kiss. Amanda felt sparks as soon as they touched, Cade closed his eyes and melted right into the kiss.

Amanda broke the kiss but kept her arms around him, she had to go on her tip toes to reach him, Cade smiled and kissed her forehead. "you and Marlin should sleep with me tonight." Cade said, Amanda laughed and let's go to grab Marlin "deal."

Amanda put Marlin down inside Cade's room and she sits down on the bed, Cade sits next to her and puts a hand on her thigh, and started to make out with her again, softly, calmly, and slowly, making Amanda want more.

Cade randomly stopped and poked Amanda's nose giving her cheek a kiss, Amanda whined and crossed her arms playfully, Cade laughed and got under the covers signaling Amanda to join.

Once they got comfortable, Marlin walked between them and layed Down making Amanda and Cade
laugh as they pet him.

Cade stared at the ceiling and noticed Amanda snore very softly. Cade smiled and rolled over to put his arm around Amanda and fall asleep

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