Chapter 7

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(Narrator POV)

Once in the medical bay, Cade was getting cleaned up and patched for his cuts, and apparently Zach was in the medical room next to him getting patch up.

"luckily no one died." Amanda said and Ax hummed agreeing

"where's Melanie?" Cade asked, Amanda sighed "Tybell wanted her, so she left and i told her to just walk into our quarters and get her dog."

Cade seemed to be okay and it was official, he was blind in one eye, everything was dark in that eye. Amanda said just because Cade was blind in one eye doesn't change how she feels about him.

they left the medical bay and made their way to their quarters, they opened the door and met with Marlin barking and jumping on them, Ax got down and played with Marlin, Amanda helped Cade to his bed and lauded him down covering him on. "it's late, get some sleep." Amanda said pecking his lips and smiled.

Cade nodded and kissed Amanda's hand before she left, she informed him she would be sleeping with him later tonight.

she walked into the kitchen snd looked through the fridge and cabinets for food or drinks.

"hungry?" Ax asked as he stood up walking to the kitchen "yeah." Amanda said, Ax opened the fridge and grab me lettuce and other toppings to make a salad. "i know you like your salads so here." Ac handed Amanda the mix, she thanked him and sat down at the counter with her bowl mixing everything.

"that was an interesting fight, why did Cade lick the blood on him and Zach?" Amanda asked after a few
minutes of silence. "it's a way for Rooikens to threaten the Enemy." Ax asked, Marlin was sleeping on Ax's lap, in a deep sleep and snoring a bit, Ax was petting Marlin as he spoke.

"normally it's rare to do that, unless you are really pissed, Cade is one of our best warriors and has never done that before until today." Ax added, Amanda nodded taking a bite out of her salad. "which is why Zach was so scared, it was a myth since no Rooiken has ever done that." Amanda looked up and put her fork down "what happens if the Enemy doesn't back down after you lick the blood?" Amanda asked.

Ax laughed hysterically "oh honey, you get every single limb ripped from your body, since it's the bloodiest way to die, once Cade licked the blood, It was a sign to Zach to 'back down or you won't have any limbs'" Ax said laughing, Amanda's eyes widened "i'm lucky i didn't see that." she gagged, Ax laughed "it's gruesome"

Amanda finished her salad and washed dour the bowl putting it away. "you can sleep with Marlin tonight, i'm gonna go in Cade's room before he flips out." Amanda said, Ax smiled picking Marlin up "goodnight." he said, "goodnight" Amanda said and walked into the room where Cade is, he was sleeping peacefully, she felt bad for him. he is now blind in one eye, and all because this Zach dude wanted Amanda so badly.

Amanda put her arm around Cade and nuzzled his neck, she soon fell asleep peacefully next to her Alien.


"there is a dog licking my face." Amanda said softly and opens her eyes to see Marlin and Ax in the room, Marlin was licking Amanda's face while Ax was silently laughing, Cade turned around and smiled while he started to pet the dog.

"how did you sleep Cade?" Ax asked sitting on the edge of the bed. "i slept okay, i guess." Cade said and went to rub his face and remembers the big scar across his right eye.

Cade regrets ever threatening Zach like he did with the blood, he doesn't want anyone to be scared of him.

Amanda kissed Cade on the cheek softly. "i'm sorry about your eye, and everything else." Amanda said, Cade smiled and waved it off "don't be sorry." Ax faked gagged and laughed, he turned around "come on let's go, she still hasn't met half the ship yet, she only met our family." Amanda and Cade got up and stream her, they followed Ax to the front door.

"what others?" Amanda asked as they walked down the silent Ship walls. "there's a lot others on this ship, and some are desperate for a female so stay close to Cade. he will scare them off." Ax said and winked at the end. Amanda hummed and nodded, she scooted closer to Cade making him laugh.

they walk into a room, which looks like the entertainment room, there were many whistles, cat calling, and Amanda didn't feel very comfortable there.

"who is that?" One of the Rooikens asked, Cade stood in front of Amanda "she's MY female, her name is Amanda." He said and made everyone go into submission, putting their head and tails down.

"that's what i thought." Cade mumbled and turned to grab Amanda's arm and introduce everyone to her.

"this is Sabe, a really good friend of me and Ax's." Cade said, Sabe was on the shorter side, but nonetheless attractive, he had slick back hair like Ax's, he had yellow eyes, he also rare black markings as well, but he was more grey than anything.

"nice to meet you." Amanda said and held her hand out for Sabe. "a pleasure." Sabe replied, he had a very deep voice, he was also commander for fighting, him and Cade work together and train together.

"this is Savage." Cade then introduced Amanda to a very buff Rooiken, he was big and could crush anything or anyone, he had the deepest voice and was obsessed with shashing things, he was also training as a fighter, the highest ranked Rooikens are Cade and Sabe. Savage was fearless, he wasn't scared of anything.

"nice to meet you." Amanda said, Savage shook her hand nodding not replying.

"this is River." Cade then introduced Amanda to a female Rooiken, she was more of a badass don't mess with me type of girl, she was chewing gum and grinned at Amanda, her hair was jet black, shiny and wavy down to the small of her back, her eyes were deep back, her skin was absolutely flawless. her claws were long and ready to slice anyone, her tail whipped around like a cat.

"nice to uh meet you..." Amanda stuttered "you too kid." River shook Amanda's hand. "believe it or not, she's training to be an elite fighter." Cade said, Amanda nodded "i could see it" River smiled and went back to what she was doing. "I saw the fight yesterday, brave of you to threaten Zach like you did, with the blood." River said fiddling with her nails leaving against the wall. "thanks" Cade said and began to play with Amanda's hair.

"so, you were going to rip every limb off Zachs body if he didn't give in? watch the blood pour, hear his screams. hm?" River asked with a grin and looked over at Cade. "you bet, Amanda is my girl, no one threatens to take her." Cade said, River smiled and patted Amanda on the shoulder "your a good man Cade, remember that!" she yelled as she strutted away.

"i love her." Amanda said in awe. "yeah she's cool." Cade said and grabbed Amanda's hand to go meet the others "Ax has the biggest crush on her, but she won't date him, and i don't know why." Cade said as they walked to the other side of the entertainment room.

"damn, i feel bad for Ax." Amanda said, Cade shrugged.

"this is Malcom." Cade introduced, he was a very tall, he was a bit buff, but not as much as Savage. he has red eyes and smiled at Amanda, it was a sweet smile not a creepy one like Zach's. He had shoulder length hair that was wavy and poofy. his tail was different, his tail had a slit it in, looks like a scar that goes down his tail.

"what happened to your tail?" Amanda asked, Malcom looked at his tail. "ohh that? yeah fighting accident, just like your mate Cade here, with his eye. stuff happens." Malcom said and smiled lovingly and assuringly, it was a gentle sweet smile, not a smile that would want to kill.

"do all Rooikens fight?" Amanda asked looking between the two Rooikens "well, mostly, it's really a choice when you turn 18." Malcom said and got off from leaning on the wall. "no girl fights other than River who is trying to be the first female commander, she's determined." Cade said, Malcom nodded agreeing.

Amanda turned around and saw Ax talking with River. "does Ax fight?" Cade turned to see where she was looking at. "yes."

Amanda realized she was surrounded by a bunch of fighters, and she felt a bit comfortable, but at the same time she didn't.

Rooikens who want her, they have to fight, and she worries for Cade, she doesn't want Cade to get more hurt than he already is.

"it was nice to meet you Malcom." Amanda said and bowed her head respectfully. "oh hun it was nice to meet you too." he said and bowed his head, he turned to Cade. "Commander." he said and bowed, Cade bowed and turned on his heel walking away with Amanda following suit.

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