Chapter 1

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We turn up onto the front steps of our new school.
"Emma! get out of my way i cant get my bag!"
"Just one second Lisa!"
"What did you do to Celia!?!" i yelled before opening to horse trailer to get Sugar out.
"She dropped her bag on my foot!" Celia said pointing at Emma, we all started laughing when we saw Emma's face she was totally shocked!
"Hey, my favourite girl," Austin said strolling over to Emma. We had not told her that Austin was coming, it took us ages to convince him to but he finally came! It was all worth it to see Emma's face.
"AUSTIN!!" Emma screamed as she ran over to him to give him a huge kiss.
"Emma do you want to tone it down a notch please?" i said and she just laughed and gave him another short kiss.

"Is everybody okay here?"
"Yes" we all said in unison and giggled
"Okay, I am Samantha and i will be with you wonderful people on this amazing year of school work and barn work." Samantha said in a fancy upper class voice, i hated her already. "Everyone is welcome to do their own thing until dinner time which will be in the main hall at 6 make sure you are there on time." She finished talking and then walked off. Once she was out of hearing distance Austin said
"Well that was very helpful wasn't that?" We all laughed and went to get our animals. Celia goes and gets Tess to show her around and to go and talk to the dog trainer, Emma and Austin walk hand in hand with Twilight and go to the bunny pen, Lisa goes to take Patch to the Cat house and then checks out the school, and i start walking Sugar to the cross ties to give her a brush before i ride her. When i was walking back from the stall to the traitor I heard a cat meow and i ran over to it, Patch was stuck under the saddle so i picked her up after giggling and just got her out as Lisa came rushing in.
"HAVE YOU SEEN PATCH?!?" she screamed,
"Yes i have she is right here" i giggled as i handed her over,
"Thank you so much Emma" she said as she gave me a hug, "remember we have 2 hours before diner time!" she yelled as she walked away, i quickly ran back to Sugar and tacked her up and then lead her out to the arena and started warming her up. After about half a hour i decided to trot her and work on my timing with going up. After a hour of that i decided to cool her down, i must of been concentrating so hard i didn't even notice everybody come to watch me.
"You are doing really well Emma you just have to work on your posture if you straightened up you would almost have it." Celia said,
"Thanks Seals! i will just finish cooling her down before i come, can you guys PLEASE take my suit case to my room, Love you guys" i said with the sweetest smile i could then they all mumbled their agreements. I just finished grooming Sugar and putting her outside in the paddock before 5:55 so i quickly ran to the other side of the school and got there just on 6pm.
"Hello everybody! i am sure you have had a wonderful time getting used to the school today, and you all look very tired so i will give you your timetables now," she started to hand out the timetables and started to explain the rules and weekends. "Okay now for the rules, no boys and girls sleeping in the same room, no sneaking out at night, you have to be up and ready by 6am, and now for the weekend rules, you are not allowed to sleep all day you have to do something constructive, you are allowed to visit family, and you have to be up by 9am on weekends. Thats it now time to get your food and dig in!" everyone got up out of their sets and started to pile their plates with food, i just went and grabbed a glass of water, i wasn't very hungry.
"Emma come with me," Celia said before i even got to sit at the table so i put my glass down and followed her to where all the food is.
"Emma you are going to put food on your plate now! actually i will just put some on and you have to eat it!" she put a reasonable amount of food on my plate and made me eat it when we sat back down. When everyone was finished we all started to walk into our rooms, Celia insisted that i stayed with her this year in her room so i took the top bunk and she took the bottom and just before i went to sleep i sent my mum and brother a goodnight text from my phone and drifted off into a dream less sleep.

Hey guys, sorry for the late as update! i was doing heaps of things so sorry, it wont always be like this i promise
PLEASE comment and vote because if people don't this i wont bother continuing it thanks!
Bye see you guys next update!

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