Chapter 6

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I woke up early in the morning still cuddled next to Chris. I stood up and looked down to him, he has seen the dark side of me and he saw me in my underwear and I love him but I don't think he feels the same way. I grabbed Sugar and walked her to the barn by leading a snack in front of her letting her take little bites ever so often. I brushed her down and cleaned her hoofs then tacked her up and took her for a gallop around the paddock waiting for Chris to wake up so we can practice jumping together. About 10 minutes later he woke up and looked down to see where I was and when he couldn't find me he spun hiss head around franticly.
"Chris I'm over here!" I yelled from the other side of the paddock. I galloped over to him then he helped me untack Sugar and put Dark in the stall. It was finally Saturday.
"Hey, do you want to wake up the guys and I will wake up the girls then we can all go for an overnight stay somewhere?"
"Yeah sure.What will we need?"
"Just tell them to bring togs, clothes, sleeping bags and snacks." I said as ii started running to the girls dorm to get them all up and ready. By 6am we were all ready to go so Chris and I gathered Sugar and Dark to help carry the things while Celia and Seth get their dogs for safety while we are asleep.
"Emma where are we going?" Emma asked while passing up her bag for me to put on my back once I had gotten on Sugar.
"I have no idea. Thats why we are taking the horses so we can take more things and so I can look ahead for places to go. Anyways I have to start now so just follow the path until it stops and I will probably be done looking by then and I can show you guys and gals the way." I said as I galloped off into the forest following the path until it ended and then galloping around randomly until I finally found a little lagoon with a water fall falling into it with a clearing not far from it. I galloped back towards the group and lead them to the place. Once we got there we all sat down and took a nap after the long walk and tying the dogs and horses up. I woke up after every one was already awake. The boys were playing soccer and the girls were all talking. I walked over to the girls
"How come no-one woke me up? and who wants to join me with playing with the boys?" I asked to no-one in particular.
"We didn't wake you up because we didn't want to wake you. and I will play with you." Celia said dusting off her shorts. "Lets go kick some dudes ass!" I just laughed and followed her walking over to the boys before we just joined in and started playing on opposite sides. Emma, Lisa and Samantha all went to go set up the tent.
"hey guys who wants to go jump in the pool!" Lisa yelled as everyone started Stripping off into their togs that they were wearing walking here and jumped in. The rest of the night was filled with laughter and slashing. It was 8pm when we all got out to light the campfire and have some food. We all fell asleep straight after, all except me. I looked up towards the stars next to Sugar and fell asleep after I saw a shooting star. 'I wish I was okay and everyone I loved'. The last thing I remember that night is Sugar putting her head down and nuzzling me before I went into a dead sleep.

Hey guys sorry its a short chapter but I'm running out of ideas. Thanks for reading!

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